Doomsday from John Byrne!

courtesy IDW Publishing
courtesy IDW Publishing

Legendary creator John Byrne (X-Men, Fantastic Four, She-Hulk, Next Men) goes apocalyptic in a brand new series from IDW Publishing this May. What if you could watch the world burn but were helpless to stop it? Astronauts watch as the Earth is torched by solar flares in Doomsday.1.

“I’ve been thinking for some time that I would like to revisit a post-apocalypse kind of scenario, such as was seen in my very first ‘dramatic’ work in comics, but this time without the more obvious fantasy elements of that original series (mermaids, alien robots, frozen mammoths, etc.),” said Byrne. “When bits and pieces of this new series first started to percolate around in my head, I knew almost at once the shape that ‘revisit’ would take; something in the ‘All-New, All-Different’ vein. And the first time I doodled some images of my ‘crew,’ I knew I was there!”

Continue reading Doomsday from John Byrne!

Next Men Aftermath Preview – A Geek’s Delight

Next Men Aftermath courtesy IDW from Comic Book Resources

  I squealed on the inside with geek glee when I saw this preview on Comic Book Resources! I love John Byrne’s Next Men. The original Dark Horse series was groundbreaking, compelling and redefined the science fiction super hero concept for me. The sex, violence, humor and unpredictable storytelling were like nothing I had experienced before. The survivors and villains of Project Next Men were caught up in such a time twisting, reality warping world yet John Byrne made them so human and real.

  John Byrne picked up with Danny, Jasmine, Nathan, Bethany and Jack’s story in last year’s mini-series published by IDW. There was bigger role for government agent Tony Murcheson. The first series took the kids across America. The new series took them across time leading up to a shocking mission into the past that would rewrite the entire Next Men universe. Next month Aftermath begins with two Next Men in the past and Jasmine on the run from stalkers from various eras. 

Next Men Aftermath courtesy IDW from Comic Book Resources

  Get thee to a comic book store and pick up the collected editions including 2112 the graphic novel that started it all. The first series is so visual – I always saw Angela Bassett as Agent Tony Murcheson and Tommy Lee Jones as Senator Aldus Hilltop before he became…well that would spoil it.

  I wanted to share these preview images. Here’s the Comic Book Resources link with more exclusive pages.