Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox

  Famke Janssen will reprise her role as Jean Grey in The Wolverine. The actress has filmed her cameo role according to We’ve Got This Covered. Hugh Jackman returns as the fan favorite X-Man in this new solo film based on Logan’s adventures in Japan where he will fall in love with the Lady Mariko – daughter  of a crime lord.

  Jean Grey was his teammate and great unrequited love of his life in the X-Men movies. Wolverine was forced to kill her to stop the wrath of Dark Phoenix. No word on how Janssen’s cameo will play in the film.

  The X-Men: First Class sequel will be Days of Future Past based on the classic story – Days of Future Past and The Wolverine are by Chris Claremont. In that story Rachel Summers (daughter of Scott and Jean) sends Kitty Pryde back in time to prevent an assassination and the dark future in which mutants are killed or imprisoned.

  Could The Wolverine and Days of Future Past be setting the stage for a reunion or reboot of the X-Men (modern day) film franchise?

By Editor

The Return of Jean Grey by Bendis

All New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Will a blast from the past rekindle Xavier’s dream in the Marvel Now? The five original X-Men will be brought into the here and now in All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen. The original teens arrive to see their mentor killed by Cyclops. Their future is a nightmare. Imagine how the young Jean Grey will react when she learns the truth of how her life turned out?

The return of Jean has been teased for years but the idea of the original pre-Phoenix Jean was a surprise. Bendis talked with about how he sees this Jean Grey of the past.

  “I think she’s the quintessential X-Man. I think that’s why everyone gravitates to her so much. Her powers are unique; her powers are something she has to work on, something she has to control. Every time her powers build, it sets a new set of problems for her, and at the same time, a new set of goals and challenges that make her a better hero, And we know, as fans, that she has met with tragedy a couple of times, because of the rocky road of the mutants and the X-Men. In this story that I’m telling, we’re going to meet a Jean that is fully aware of everything that has happened to her, more than any of the other X-Men, and now we get to see how that information will inform her choices as a human, and as a mutant, and as a person, and as a girl going forward.

  It’s a very interesting challenge as a writer. I literally cannot stop writing her. It is absolutely fascinating. We know that Jean is a sweetheart, and we also know that Jean has an incredible edge to her. How will that edge manifest itself, knowing everything that she knows about the destiny of her life?”

All-New X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

This is perhaps the biggest reveal – this Jean is not just pre-Phoenix but this is Jean before her mutant power manifested.

  “I don’t want to spoil too much, but when we meet Jean in this story, she is specifically brought here when she’s not telepathic, so it would make it more palpable for her to understand what’s happening. But the event of bringing her here unlocks her telepathy earlier than it had prior. She gets a shock to the system discovering that Scott Summers killed Professor Charles Xavier, and that she had died. She is witness to everything at once, so it’s not just elements of her life that is shocking her, it’s the accumulation of all of it.

  It’s literally like reading a Wikipedia page as fast as you can. It’s not just the facts of her life, but it is experiencing all of the emotions at once. Love from someone like Wolverine that she cannot reciprocate, to discover the rise and fall and rise and fall of Scott Summers, all of this happens to her in a flash. That I think is going to be the most shocking thing. It’s literally just her seeing Scott Summers standing next to Magneto. Remember, when they were 16, Magneto was Hitler. That’s what we’re gunning for.”

I loved this next question and response because I remember the relationship between Jean and Ororo during the Chris Claremont era. How will young Jean react to the modern-day X-women like Storm who was adult Jean’s closest friend.

  “And that’s not a best friendship that teenage Jean can reciprocate right now. But what you do get is her gravitating very strongly to Kitty Pryde because they are very much of the same cloth. And that’s what I’m saying: Jean Grey is now Jewish because I’m writing her [Laughs]. No, I’m joking. But it’s not just the other females. It’s a smorgasbord of species and mutations. Remember the original five X-Men, they’re all still pretty human looking, but walk into the Wolverine and the X-Men book, and half those kids are alien looking, if not full on alien. So it certainly is an eye opener.”

X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Bendis talks about how knowing Jean’s future history is part of the challenge of writing this young Jean in the Marvel Now.

  “She is the one that everyone wants back the most, and what’s great about this situation. She is the most interesting of the group. They’re all interesting, but because she will have the knowledge. Even if she tells them, “here’s what happens to us,” they’re not going to feel it like she feels it. She is just so interesting to write, Most of us that have read a Jean Grey story know that her dark side is a real thing, and seeing her pushed to limits like this will be interesting for people to see. Will she hold it together? Does she want to hold it together?”

  All-New X-Men arrives November 7th. For more of his interview here’s the link.

By Editor

All Hail Famke Janssen: Bond Girl, X-Woman


Famke Janssen as Jean Grey/Phoenix in X-Men: The Last Stand courtesy 20th Century Fox

  Famke Janssen holds a very special place in the heart of this devoted geek. The beautiful Dutch born actress beautifully played two roles in two genres that are very important to me. I’m thrilled to see her back on the big screen in Taken 2 out this week.

  In Pierce Brosnan’s first 007 film Goldeneye,  Janssen played my all time favorite James Bond villainess. Xenia Onnatop was a Russian femme fatale who could slink across a casino in an evening gown, pilot a military helicopter, get turned on while she’s killing and strangle a man with her thighs. Pure evil.

  Janssen brought Jean Grey to life in X-Men, X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand. She was perfect as the good girl attracted to the bad boy and always holding her power and passion in check – until the final film.

  Janssen reprises her role as Liam Neeson’s ex-wife in Taken 2 but will we see her as Jean Grey in a future X-Men role? Janssen talked about her directorial debut Bringing Up Bobby with MTV News and was asked about returning to the X-Men movies.

  “One never knows,” she said coyly. “Jean Grey, the Phoenix … she finds a way to reincarnate herself constantly, so one never knows.”

  “I have no idea,” she said. “Stay tuned.”

  In the comic books – the original pre-Phoenix Jean Grey is returning to the Marvel Now in All-New X-Men.

  The X-Men: First Class sequel is based in part on Days of Future Past. Patrick Stewart has hinted he may appear in that film. If the film follows the comic story Hugh Jackman could appear as a Wolverine of the future. I’d love to see Janssen and James Marsden return to erase the events of The Last Stand and restart the franchise. If all this talk is making you nostalgic let’s take a look at Famke as Dr. Jean Grey in the trailer for the first X-Men movie.

For giving us Jean and Xenia I will always love and welcome Famke Janssen on the big screen!

By Editor

AvX is Operation Hate Cyclops! Updated

Avengers vs X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

Spoiler Warning:

This Op/Ed followup should not be read unless you’ve read Avengers vs. X-Men #12.

   Avengers vs. X-Men could be retitled Operation: Hate Cyclops. When AvX was first announced I was on fully on board with Cyclops and the mutants. I posted “Cyke Is Right!” on my blog and all over rallying my fellow X-Men fans. X-Men were my first comic book and I’ve always identified with them. Captain America and the Avengers were yanking away the one Hope the mutants had to save their species.

The architects of AvX turned the greatest hero and leader in comic books into an arrogant, power mad egomaniac. The Marvel masterminds even did the unthinkable – turn me against Scott! I’ve actually rooting for the Avengers. Cyke was right. Now I’m not so sure.

AvX is a dark and critical chapter in Scott’s life. The man Professor Xavier chose to lead the mutants has never had it easy. He’s been put in incredible scenarios against impossible odds and faced tragedy after tragedy. His fellow mutants have constantly been under attack and he’s been forced to make tough calls without a single Avenger coming to his aid. That’s what I love about him.

Scott Summers must always been in control. Holding back his optic blasts is a symbol of the life Scott has been forced to lead. Professor Xavier made him team leader. Cyke pushed himself to be a better leader while the other X-Men got to laugh and escape from training at Harry’s Hideaway. Scott is always living in the Danger Room.

Scott has lost Jean, Madelyne, Nathan. Cyke has held firm despite insults from Wolverine and wavering support from longtime friends. He’s a better X-Man than any mutant…including Logan.

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy

In AvX #11 the Phoenix possessed Cyclops and Emma Frost turn on each other because there can be only one. AvX appears to be the end of a powerhouse Marvel romance. Grant Morrison slowly separated Scott and Jean and paired Cyke with the reformed Emma Frost during his New X-Men run. Joss Whedon united Scott and Emma as the mutant power couple in his Astonishing X-Men epic. As much as I love Jean, Emma is the one true woman for Scott.

The Phoenix Force is now divided between Scott and Emma. Scott has been transformed into arrogant cosmic level zealot. The God-like power of the Phoenix Force has twisted Scott’s intense dedication to save his race. Emma’s behavior is now dangerously similar to the Dark Phoenix. The reformed White Queen has always kept her ruthless streak and it’s been necessary and easy for her to slip back into the role of a villain (Dark Reign & Dark X-Men Saga) to use it for the sake of saving the mutants.

I kept hoping Scott and Emma’s extreme and ruthless behavior was a result of having slivers of The Void (The Sentry’s evil alter ego) in their minds. It was these two mutants who sacrificed to trap the Void when the Avengers couldn’t stop him. I wanted some excuse so it would be easy to redeem Scott and Emma for their actions. Alas, I can blame the Phoenix Force but isn’t the entity just feeding off and empowering the emotions and motivations existing in my favorite Marvel power couple?

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

Cyclops betrayed Emma and stole her Phoenix Power, killed Professor X, became Dark Phoenix and began burning the earth. In this week’s final chapter Hope and Scarlet Witch (with an assist from Jean Grey?) forced the Phoenix out of Scott. The leader of the X-Men now sits in prison as the most hated man in the Marvel Universe. Cyclops is taking all the blame even though he was right about Hope, The Phoenix and how to save the mutant race.

Every hero falls. Every fan loves redemption. I hope Scott and Emma survive AvX to rise to greatness again in the Marvel NOW.

By Editor

Avengers Vs. X-Men The End Teaser (Dark Phoenix Returns?)

courtesy Marvel

  I admit I exclaimed “OH —-!” when I saw this teaser image for Avengers vs. X-Men #12 from Marvel. It’s a haunting blast from the past as what appears to be Jean Grey as Dark Phoenix strikes a pose amid cosmic flames with the ominous title “The End.” 

If you’re old school like me you can’t help but picture Jean Grey pleading with Scott to kill her on the moon before the Dark Phoenix takes over again in the classic conclusion to The Dark Phoenix Saga by Chris Claremont and John Byrne.

  But I’m feeling hope too. Not that Hope. I think of Grant Morrison and Marc Silvestri’s Here Comes Tomorrow modern masterpiece when Jean set Cyclops on the right path to prevent a nightmare future and she went to off to a higher plane. Is Jean back to make things right?

  AvX has been so much more than team vs. team. Heroes on both sides have been in conflict over which side to choose. While I love the action and fights I’ve really been engrossed with the inner conflicts.

  Is this a resurrected Jean Grey or Hope as the Dark Phoenix? How does the final chapter of AvX lead to the original X-Men being brought into the present day?

Avengers vs X-Men #12 by Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert arrives in October

By Editor

First Look Inside All-New X-Men #1

  Brian Michael Bendis is bringing the first five X-Men into the Marvel NOW. The original mutant teenage dream arrive in our present and to them – it’s a nightmare.


All-New X-Men #1 interior art courtesy

  Stuart Immonen is the artist bringing past and present together. Today revealed the first interior art from All-New X-Men #1. The original Scott, Jean, Bobby, Hank and Warren arrive at the Jean Grey School and see the present day Hank aka the Beast.

All-New X-Men #1 interior art courtesy

 Can you imagine the look Immonen will create on Scott and Jean’s faces when they see the memorial statue of Jean on the school grounds?

By Editor

More of All-New X-Men Revealed

All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  Brian Michael Bendis is taking on the Children of the Atom in a brand new All-New X-Men this November. The original teenage dream (Scott, Jean, Bobby, pre-metal wing Warren and pre-furry Hank) blast from the past into the present day.

  MTV Geek has this exclusive look at the cover of All-New X-Men #2 featuring present fan favorite mutants Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and Lockhead, furry Beast and Bobby – now at his full Omega level potential. It’s assumed that the girl with the short red hair is Rachel Summers, daughter of Scott and Jean from an alternate future. Art by Stuart Immonen.

Jason Aaron confirmed Wolverine and the X-Men will continue with Kitty in both series. I hope Brian Wood will continue his X-Men book because he really knows how to write Storm.

By Editor

All-New X-Men Cover Revealed

All New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

  The original students of Professor X arrive in the Marvel NOW! this November. Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen will take over the Children of the Atom in a brand new book that finds the original five X-Men in their future…and they don’t like it. Comics Newsarama has the first look at the cover to All-New X-Men #1.

 No word yet on which modern-day mutants will be in the book but this cover sure looks like a wraparound that might reveal the other players as the Bendis X-Men era begins.

By Editor