Marvel NOW! Thor/Uncanny Avengers Crossover?

Thor: God of Thunder #1 courtesy Marvel

  Jason Aaron is taking over Asgard with Thor: God of Thunder #1 this November as part of the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Rick Remender kicks off the relaunch this October with Uncanny Avengers #1. Thor is a member. Aaron and Remender’s friendship and creative rapport could lead to a possible crossover Aaron tells

  “Yeah, Rick’s probably one of the other writers I talk to the most. He and I have enjoyed sharing ideas over in the X-Men corner of the Marvel U. And I would expect that to continue now. Actually just today we were talking about some THOR: GOD OF THUNDER/UNCANNY AVENGERS business that should pay off way down the road. So yeah, Rick’s all right. For a dude who doesn’t like football.”

  Matt Fraction on The Mighty Thor and Kieron Gillen on Journey Into Mystery are wrapping their epic runs on those series with the Everything Burns crossover kicking off this week.

By Editor

Jason Aaron on THOR: God of Thunder

Thor: God of Thunder #1 courtesy Marvel

  Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic have been deemed worthy to wield the power of THOR! Last week’s teaser sparked speculation. The new creative team is revealing their vision (and the cover to issue #1) for Thor: God of Thunder first to Comics Newsarama.

  Aaron is describing his story as a simultaneous “Year One,” present-day adventure and Dark Knight Returns-esque tale — re-teaming with his Dark Reign: The List — Wolverine collaborator Ribic and his love for Mangog. Aaron created a new villain ominously called the God Butcher.

  Aaron is taking over after Matt Fraction’s long run on The Mighty Thor and cites a Fraction story as part of his inspiration.

  “I remember when [Matt] Fraction did his first Thor stories a few years back in the Ages of Thunder standalones. I remember reading those and thinking for the first time as a writer, “Oh, Thor’s really cool. I could see me writing Thor.” But I never really thought much more about it, other than enjoying the book as it was coming out. But suddenly, once Thor was on the table, that’s the one I instantly gravitated towards. Before I even had a story, I just kind of made my play and tried to plant my flag. “Stay away! I want Thor!”

  Aaron’s story will be set in 3 eras similar to Ages of Thunder.

  “In part. I do flash back and show a young Thor in action, but he’s actually just one of three Thors that I want to focus on. This first story is an epic tale that plays out over the course of thousands of years. So we spend time with young Thor in the Viking age — the young, hotheaded god of the Vikings, who loves to come down to Midgard and get into trouble.

  In the present, we see Thor the Avenger on a journey that takes him to the far corners of space, interacting with all sorts of new space gods and wondrous new locations.

  And then we also see old King Thor, who’s the last king of Asgard, thousands of years in the future, where something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.

  Linking all these eras and Thors together is one villain, an all-new character, who is basically, at least initially, a serial killer of gods. He’s a guy with a serious axe to grind against all immortal beings in the cosmos, and he’s going around doing his best to kill them all off, one at a time, as brutally as possible. That villain’s story unfolds over the course of all these different eras. He starts as a serial killer of gods, but by the end, he has become something even more frightening.”

 Aaron calls Gorr, the God Butcher a “serial killer” of Immortals but he has a classic villain on the horizon.

  “This first villain is all-new, but man, I can’t wait to do a Mangog story. I’ve had a Mangog statue sitting on my desk for months now, and he begs me every day to write him in somewhere. Soon, Mangog, soon.”

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

 Thor: God of Thunder arrives this November as part of the Marvel NOW! relaunch.

By Editor

New THOR Creative Team? Who’s WORTHY?



  The Marvel NOW! tease machine is in full blast. This image featuring WORTHY. Aaron. Ribic. Nov ’12 appeared on Jason Aaron & Esad Ribic on a relaunched Thor book? Marvel NOW! relaunches the Marvel universe with 20 new titles from October 2012 to February 2013. 

  “Whoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall have the power of…THOR!” is inscribed on the mystical hammer. A wild card could be another character becoming the new Thunder God but it’s unlikely. The Worthy were non-Asgardians chosen to wield mystical hammers by the Serpent in Matt Fraction’s Fear Itself. I would love to see Valkyrie in her own series after her starring role in Fear Itself: The Fearless.

  Matt Fraction is wrapping up his Mighty Thor run and Kieron Gillen is wrapping Journey Into Mystery with the Everything Burns crossover. Gillen and Greg Land were featured in the Invincible teaser which have fans assuming the duo will be the Iron Man creative team. Fraction and Salvador Larroca are leaving after an epic run. Jason Aaron has written Ghost Rider, Wolverine and is currently writing Wolverine and the X-Men.

If this is the new Thor team – do you deem them Worthy?

By Editor

Romancing Kitty Pryde

Wolverine and the X-Men #14 courtesy Marvel

  Fans of Kitty Pryde and Colossus are teased again in this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #14. This AvX tie-is a slice of life with humor, drama and hope at the Jean Grey School in a world where the Phoenix Five rule and Avengers are hunted.

  Kitty and Peter split after the events of Fear Itself and Schism. This issue sees a Phoenix fueled Colossus trying to woo his way back into Kitty’s heart. The man who could have everything just wants the love of his life back. Fans like me just want our favorite mutant couple back together but Jason Aaron is making a convincing argument for Kitty and Bobby.

  Kitty’s date with Colossus gets hot but not in the way you hope. By the end I’m excited to see Kitty grow as co-headmaster of the school and develop a romance with Iceman. Bobby comes to a grim realization after an encounter with the Phoenix powered Cyclops.

  It’s amazing how many characters Jason Aaron juggles while giving them all moments that carry the stories forward. From a lovesick Toad’s “date” with Husk to Doop’s defense of the school there are surprising moments of that make you laugh and connect with the odd cast.

  Marvel NOW! is coming. Brian Michael Bendis is taking over the X-Men franchise with All-New X-Men but this issue shows why Jason Aaron should keep crafting this title that delivers heart, humor and thrills. The staff and students of the Jean Grey School deserve to stay. If the editors do cancel it the Bullpen deserves a Bamf infestation!

 By Editor



  Sometimes I feel like Avengers vs. X-Men should be title Operation Hate the X-Men.

Gladiator’s Cosmic Throwdown with the X-Men Updated!


Wolverine and the X-Men #13 courtesy

  An outer space army has come to earth to kill X-Men! Gladiator is here to snuff out the Phoenix Force and rescue his son. Wait until he finds out what Wolverine did to Kid Gladiator? Nick Bradshaw is bringing the cosmic conflict to life in Wolverine and the X-Men #13. revealed some of Bradshaw’s kinetic and color packed pages.

  Remember the first time you saw Gladiator and the Shi’ar Imperial Guard? I was a very young geek. Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin had already blown my mind with what would become the Dark Phoenix Saga. As I opened Uncanny X-Men #137 to see my favorite heroes on an alien spacecraft surrounded by Empress Lilandra and her Imperial Guard. This elite squadron of the most powerful alien warriors dedicated was led by a muscle-bound alien with mohawk. Gladiator (real name Kallark) was created by Claremont and Dave Cockrum. He had an array of powers like Superman and carried a noble air. Gladiator remains one of the coolest creations I ever saw in a comic book.

Wolverine and the X-Men #13 courtesy

   Gladiator has fought with and against the X-Men to protect the universe from the Phoenix. Emperor Kallark now leads the Shi’ar Empire and his son is at Wolverine’s school – protected by Warbird. The Phoenix is back on Earth. Gladiator and his alien army have come to save his son and take on the Phoenix Five.


Wolverine and the X-Men #13 courtesy

  The tease for this issue also promises to reveal more about Warbird’s past. This is my favorite X-book. Jason Aaron has been knocking my out with each issue. Nick Bradshaw’s art has an Art Adams vibe.

  This Avengers vs X-Men tie-in chapter comes out in July. Gladiator beat down Colossus in the Dark Phoenix Saga but a Phoenix powered Colossus may be the warrior’s biggest challenge. Here’s hoping Kallark survives!

Wolverine and the X-Men #13 courtesy

  A post-thought: given the cosmic direction Marvel movies are going maybe we’ll see the Shi’ar Empire in an Avengers sequel or if a Guardians of the Galaxy movie happens?

By Editor

Avengers Vs. X-Men: Phoenix Hunt

Wolverine and the X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  X-Man versus X-Man, Wolverine versus one of his own students and a God slammed by a mutant one-two punch. Wolverine and the X-Men #12 gives us a powerhouse and emotionally powerful showdown in a nasty corner of this new world ruled by the Phoenix Five. Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo deliver yet another issue packed with action, humor and the unexpected.

  The heart of this issue is Rachel Summers. You don’t have the know Rachel’s tragic future history chronicled in the Chris Claremont/John Romita Jr era but knowing it makes this issue more impactful. Scott and Jean’s daughter from the future escaped her future life where he was a hound. In the Phoenix’s new world order Rachel is tasked with hunting again. Once Rachel tracks her “prey” the result is shocking and hints of what’s to come in future chapters of AvX. Jason Aaron’s portrayal of Rachel’s inner struggle is a standout of this issue.

This issue was so powerful it felt like it could have been a major chapter of the main mega series. This is definitely a tie-in issue you should not miss. Gladiator and a Shiar strike force were already on their way to kill the Phoenix. I can only imagine his wrath when he learns what’s happened to his son after Kid Gladiator took on one too many Avengers!

By Editor

Jason Aaron on Avengers vs X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #3 courtesy

  Jason Aaron is one of the minds behind Avengers vs X-Men epic and I love his Wolverine and the X-Men ongoing. I always wondered what it’s like to be comic book writer. I wanted to share this episode of MTV Geek’s Avengers vs X-Men War Journal. Aaron reveals is first comic book, how he got his big break, and the creative process behind AvX.

  I look forward to the episode with Ed Brubaker. At Emerald City Comicon, Matt Fraction jokingly warned Brubaker about the MTV Geek crew coming over to film at his home here in Seattle.

By Editor

Avengers vs X-Men Round 2

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 courtesy

  Avengers vs X-Men #2 kept the action going and starting shredding friendships. Cyclops took the first shot and in round 2 fired his second attack via a new spin on the fastball special! Captain America unleashes his army of Avengers (including Wolverine) to take Utopia.

  The issue is action packed with lots of fights and I want to see more. At first the idea of AvX Vs (the book of all fighting) seemed like marketing but now I can’t wait. I see how it makes story sense. The fights erupt but the main story must move forward so if you want to see more of the battles (Namor, Thing, Luke Cage is one I particular can’t wait to see) you can cheer on your favorite in Vs.

  While it’s amazing to see these clashes it’s hard to watch because of the friendships and relationships being battered – that’s a compliment to the writers and particular Jason Aaron, scripter of round 2. Cyclops and Captain America’s verbal exchange as they pound each other is perfect as they try to convince the other to stand down. 

  A surprise player enters the battleground while one key character’s simple drawing is an omen of the destruction and despair ahead. Wolverine is a man torn between friends and once again forced to do what no other hero can but with a potentially frightening outcome Logan didn’t expect.

  AVX is living up to the hype.