Skyfall Bond Girl’s New Role

Berenice Marlohe courtesy MI6.COM

  New James Bond girl Berenice Marlohe has a new role associated with the famous super spy. The French actress is now an OMEGA brand ambassador and helped celebrated the opening of the new boutique in Venice. Daniel Craig’s 007 wears OMEGA in the films and his first film Casino Royale reached a big finish in Venice.

 Skyfall will be Marlohe’s first English language film and she tells describes her role as the enigmatic Severine.

 “For me,” she says, “enigmatic is very important because I wanted to create a character who couldn’t be stereotyped. It should not be obvious immediately what kind of person she is.” She adds, “Daniel Craig has added something special with James Bond – he’s both tough and vulnerable and it’s not always clear what he’s thinking. I want to do the same thing with Séverine – she’s not just on the screen to be saved by Bond.”

 For more of her interview here’s the link.

  By Editor

Happy Birthday Ian Fleming & Bond Girls in Cannes



  On this day in 1908 James Bond creator Ian Fleming was born in London.

  Skyfall Bond girl Berenice Marlohe was joined by Carole Bouquet (For Your Eyes Only) and Martine Beswick (From Russia, With Love and Thunderball) appeared at the Cannes Film Festival to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the James Bond film series. Bouquet played Melina Havelock on For Your Eyes Only opposite Roger Moore. She still looks stunning. This photo and red carpet footage of Marlohe and Beswick is courtesy

  I’m still not sure if Severine (Marlohe’s character) is a heroine, villainess of perhaps a bad girl that goes good after sleeping with James Bond (Daniel Craig.) 

  Doesn’t it seem like the Cannes Film Festival would be an exciting location for a James Bond story? I recommend Never Dream of Dying by Raymond Benson setting in Cannes and Corsica. It was final part of The Union Trilogy. Bond’s fling with a scandalous actress leads him to her producer husband, an ally in a terrorist attack by the Union. 

By Editor

The First SKYFALL Trailer


  The first trailer for the new James Bond film is online! Daniel Craig returns as 007 in Skyfall this November.

  We see Bond being interrogated while M (Judi Dench) and Ralph Fiennes watch. It reminded me of the test for replicants in Blade Runner. When the word “Skyfall” is given Bond says “done” and leaves.

The trailer builds with a slow burn revealing more hints of the story. We see shots of the Shanghai skyline, the London underground and what I think is Scotland. As for characters you can see a silhouette of the mystery woman Severine played by Berenice Marlohe, a quick shot of Naomie Harris as Eve giving Craig a shave. There is one shot of a man walking away from a burning building at night. I assume that is Javier Bardem as the villain.

  One haunting image is several coffins covered by the British flag and the shot pans out to show M. Perhaps this is a key moment in story. Producers have said 007’s mission in this film is related to a mistake in M’s past coming back to haunt her.

After a final burst of action the trailer with James Bond announcing: “Some men are coming to kill us. We’re gonna kill them first.”

Thanks to You can see the trailer on the big screen in front of Men in Black III this weekend. By Editor
What do you think?

James Bond Skyfall Poster Revealed


Bond…James Bond. revealed the poster for the next James Bond adventure Skyfall. The first trailer is coming May 21st! This is Daniel Craig’s third time as 007.

By Editor

Skyfall: Daniel Craig as Bond in Istanbul

Daniel Craig in Istanbul courtesy

  New photos of Daniel Craig in Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar filming Skyfall on The new James Bond adventure brings Craig as 007 and Naomie Harris as MI6 agent Eve to the iconic location for a scene involving actor Ola Rapace as a villian.

Daniel Craig in Istanbul courtesy

  For more photos here’s the link. Bond visited Turkey in Pierce Brosnan’s The World Is Not Enough. One of my favorite sequences in From Russia, With Love was underneath Istanbul. Sean Connery and Kerim Bey (the M of Turkey you might say) travel on an underground canal to a spy hole that lets them get a peek inside the Russian embassy – before an army of rats are unleashed.

By Editor


New “Skyfall” Production Video Shows Bond, M and Fiennes

Daniel Craig in Skyfall courtesy MI6-HQ.COM

  Daniel Craig’s new James Bond mission is embroiled in a secret from M’s past. In a new videoblog released on we see a brief first video of who I think is Ralph Fiennes with Daniel Craig and Judi Dench in M’s office. Fiennes is playing an MI6 agent. It’s been rumored Fiennes’ character will take over as the new M in this film.

  Oscar-winning production design Dennis Gassner is the real star of this latest videoblog showing off the sets he’s created for Skyfall. There’s an elaborate underground station that’s a MI6 headquarters and a scene set in a Shanghai high-tech office you may recognize from the first offical photo.

By Editor

James Bond Compared to Doctor Who


Daniel Craig in Skyfall courtesy MI6-HQ.COM

  James Bond. Doctor Who. Two of Britain’s incredible contributions to my geeky life. While the two characters will never meet on-screen Skyfall director Sam Mendes compares the secret agent to the Time Lord. The Director was part of a recent press conference in Turkey and told Collider.

  “That’s why I mentioned the word in the press conference, “regeneration” rather than “evolving,” because I feel it is like, you know, we have Doctor Who…there’s a geek answer…we have Doctor Who and I was brought up on the idea of Doctor Who, who at the end of his final episode, he dissolves and a new actor pops up and he regenerates and it’s a whole other character: sometimes it’s an old man, sometimes it’s a young man, but he just changes.  I’ve always loved that idea.”

  Mendes goes on to discuss Daniel Craig’s performance as 007 and compares other action film franchises.

  “I think that what’s interesting is you have an actor who is capable of playing the consequences of his actions as well as fulfilling those actions with great elan and cool and that is always more interesting. That’s not to say that what I’m looking at or what I want to look at is a kind of navel-gazing depressive [laughs] because that’s not what Bond will ever be.  He’s a doer, not a thinker.  And I think you have to understand that. I also think he doesn’t walk amongst us.  He’s not Bourne , he doesn’t walk the streets. He’s a lone wolf. You have to keep him separate for most of the movie.  It’s a very particular area he has to exist in.

  But, there’s a reason why the most interesting, to my mind, franchises now are The Dark Knight and Bourne because there are characters at the center who are, to some degree, in conflict about what they do and are pushed right to the edge. That is one of the wonderful things about what’s happened to these movies recently is that audiences have embraced movies that go darker and more personal.  Having said that, they all have the thrills and spills you expect, as well.  It’s about a balance.

 For more of the interview here’s the link.

Iron Man Can Be Like James Bond?

Iron Man from

  Robert Downey Jr is suiting up for Iron Man 3 and I’m sure he’d be back for an Avengers 2 but how many times would the star play Tony Stark. What would Marvel do if Downey quits.

 According to Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige compares Iron Man to 007 – you can recast.

 “I think Bond is a good example. Let’s put it this way: I hope Downey makes a lot of movies for us as Stark. If and when he doesn’t, and I’m still here making these movies, we don’t take him to Afghanistan and have him wounded again. I think we James Bond it.” 

For more of Devin’s interview with Feige here’s the link to – I love this site name-

Downey Jr responded to MTV News about the potential of being recast and the co-stars lining up for Iron Man 3. Here’s Downey in his own words.




  This Geek’s Opinion: I love James Bond. I love Iron Man. I freaking love Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark – it was perfect casting and I can’t imagine another actor in the role just like Jackman owns Wolverine. I would hope there are enough Marvel characters to develop and give Iron Man a break. But you have to have a little faith in Feige, he’s got a track record that’s hard to argue with.

By Editor

Thanks to Dark Horizons.