The Old Gambit You Love In a New Series

Gambit #1 courtesy Marvel

  Supportive and sensitive ex-boyfriend. Teacher. Gambit?

  James Asmus shows us that the Cajun mutant hasn’t been fully domesticated yet in a brand new series out this week. Remy LeBeau ditches the purple tights for a walk on the wrong side of the law in Gambit #1. It’s good to welcome the scoundrel back to his thieving ways.

  Remy decides he needs a detour from life at the Jean Grey School and finds a way to steal from the rich and infamous. Our anti-hero suits up (like he’s styled by GQ) for a charity event and shows he still knows how to work a room and case a joint no matter how big and swanky it is. Gambit is the wolf in sheep’s clothing and Sitch is an arms dealer posing as a benevolent socialite. It’s great fun to see Remy charm and scheme his way into Sitch’s secret stash but the prize comes back to bite him…literally.

  Writer James Asmus and artist Clay Mann takes us on thrilling ride. The story is cinematic with scenes worthy of a James Bond or Mission Impossible movie. Asmus gives us the old Gambit we’ve been missing and captures the spirit without overdoing the Cajun sayings. Remy may be from New Orleans but he’s a world-class thief and it’s a joy to see him back doing what he does best.

   I kept thinking of how Remy looks like a buffer, built Matt Smith (the current Doctor Who.) I enjoyed Clay Mann’s art on X-Men Legacy and he’s evolved to more of a painted style. I like what Mann, (Seth) Mann and (Rachelle)Rosenberg are attempting to create in Gambit’s world away from the X-Men.

   A new villain with nasty connections to the entire Marvel underworld, a mystery woman with tattoos (she reminds of girl who used to work at my local comic book shop) and Remy left in a painful cliffhanger make me want to come back for more. This first issue’s heist story may be familiar but it’s a great way to reintroduce the charming thief we love and hopefully thrust him into dangerous new territory and stories.

By Editor


James Bond Skyfall Trailer


  James Bond is dead….long live James Bond. Daniel Craig returns as 007 in Skyfall. The trailer for the new 007 film is live. Bond is assassinated by one of his own under orders from M but as Ian Fleming wrote “you only live twice.”

  Here’s what we know: M (Dame Judi Dench) loses a drive containing covert agents in terrorist organizations. Eve (Naomie Harris) is ordered to “take the shot” killing Bond. Ralph Fiennes is a government agent cleaning up the mess made by M. Javier Bardem plays the villain Silva who says “mommy was very bad.” Both men appear to want to make M pay for her sins. 

 Berenice Marlohe’s Severine works for Silva. And we met Q (Ben Wishaw) and he’s just a kid but what a cool delivery, “less of a random killing machine…more of a personal statement.”

  Director Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig have said Skyfall echoes the Sean Connery 1960’s Bond films. I definitely get a From Russia, With Love vibe but with a modern, faster pace from this trailer. Silva reminds me of a Red Grant (Robert Shaw) but much more powerful and crazier with a touch of Hannibal Lecter. Bardem kills it and steals the show!

What was your favorite moment?

Thanks to By Editor

James Bond In Skyfall Teaser Trailer!



  It may be a teaser for a trailer and wow does it deliver! In the Skyfall teaser we learn about M’s past coming back to haunt her. Mallory (Ralph Fiennes) in a cool tone confronts M (Dame Judi Dench) over losing a disc with the “identity of every covert agent embedded in terrorist organization across the globe.”

  During that dialogue you see 007 (Daniel Craig) is the agent who lost it and then he’s on top of a train. M orders “take the bloody shot” and as assasin shoots James Bond on a moving train and he falls.


 …And I freaked out! The trailer arrives tomorrow. Skyfall opens this November.

Thanks Deadline.
By Editor

James Bond Skyfall Olympics Spot


Daniel Craig in Skyfall courtesy MI6-HQ.COM

  Double duty for 007 during the Opening Ceremonies of the London Olympics! James Bond escorted the Queen to the event in a film by director Danny Boyle then starred in a new spot for Skyfall – take a look!

Thanks to Skyfall opens November 9, 2012 in the U.S. By Editor

James Bond’s Royal Mission at the London Olympics


  The top-secret shoot revealed and a highlight for 007 fans! James Bond (Daniel Craig) escorts Her Royal Highness to the London Olympics Opening Ceremony! The film was directed by Danny Boyle. Here it is again courtesy

This is also the 50th Anniversary of the James Bond film series. James Bond returns in Skyfall this November.

By Editor

James Bond’s Classic Car in New “Skyfall” Videoblog



  Bond girls comes and go but the Aston Martin always comes back. The classic car born in Goldfinger is back in Skyfall. Director Sam Mendes and Producer Michael G. Wilson reflect on the Aston Martin of past and future in a new videoblog from

 Mendes says the car is a “thematic” choice and “there’s something about the later part of the movie which is deliberately…very consciously…could have taken place in 1962.”

  James Bond and the Aston Martin DB5 return in Skyfall this November!

By Editor

Dressing James Bond in Skyfall



  James Bond is more than an action hero. 007 is a style icon. The costume designer for Skyfall reveals how she worked with Daniel Craig and fashion designer Tom Ford to give Bond a modern edge in this new videoblog. This latest video from reveals Craig on location of the Shanghai set sets and in action in the streets of London.

Alas, I could never look that flattering in that cool suite with all the designers in the world.
By Editor

Christopher Nolan On Directing James Bond

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster from Courtesy: Warner Brothers Entertainment

  What will The Dark Knight Rises director Christopher Nolan pick for his next project after the Batman finale? Nolan has expressed interest in directing a James Bond film. The director has said the big action sequence at the snowbound fortress in Inception was inspired by On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

  In a new interview Empire Online with The Playlist Nolan says he’s serious but cautious about a potential 007 film.

  “It would have to be the right situation and the right time in their cycle of things.”

  I have to agree with the editors that say Nolan’s comment suggest he would only like to take on the job if he got to make a fresh start, including casting a new Bond. Craig is lined up for more films so a potential Nolan helmed 007 movie may be more than a decade away.


   Daniel Craig recruited Oscar winner Sam Mendes to direct the upcoming Bond film Skyfall so it’s not a stretch to see an acclaimed filmmaker work on 007. And never underestimate producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson shaking things up. The change from Pierce Brosnan to Daniel Craig was a shock and look how it’s working. After the Daniel Craig era closes an innovative director like Nolan might be just what the franchise needs.

By Editor