courtesy @bad_robot via Twitter
courtesy @bad_robot via Twitter

Now it’s really feeling like the Force is with us! This is sure to excite Star Wars fans.


J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot production company’s Twitter shared this photo with a greeting “Hi from the workshop.”


The director and his team are joined by R2-D2. Is this a hint that the famous droid will be part of Star War VII?


Shooting is scheduled to begin next Spring. No official casting yet.


Star Wars was my first film to see on the big spring as a little kid and I actually had a droid factory play set but none could be the dependable R2.


By Editor

J.J. Abrams To Direct Next STAR WARS?

Will J.J. Abrams transfer from Starfleet Command to Head of the Jedi Council? According to The Wrap and Deadline the director of Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, Mission Impossible III and Super 8 will direct the next Star Wars film for Disney. Ben Affleck (Argo, The Town) was in contention according the story.

By Editor

If this is true – what do you think? Is The FORCE strong with this choice?

Star Trek Set Photo – Update

  My geek heart soared at warp speed to the Delta Quadrant and back when I saw this photo! Filming on the Star Trek sequel is underway.The first set photo of the cast and crew on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise by Robert Orci. Thanks to Comic Book Movie and they’re sharp-eyed team for spotting it on Twitter. Now just please give us a hint on the villain!!! Klingons please.

 Now excitment is fizzling – some friends tell me this is actually a photo from 2009 before the first film – I’ll check more. Sigh – I still hold my plea for Klingons in ST2!

J.J. Abrams on Star Trek 2- 3D and Casting


Star Trek #4 cover courtesy IDW

  J.J. Abrams talks Star Trek 2. The four-month shoot starts this Thursday. It will be shot and converted to 3D Abrams tells Collider.

  “We’re shooting on film, and the reason for that is I wanted to shoot with anamorphic, and you can’t shoot 3D in anamorphic.”

  When asked about why Abrams cast Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain, the director replied “who says he’s our villain?”

  “He’s a genius. Honestly, he’s just an incredible actor. If you’ve seen his work in Sherlock, he’s just got incredible skills. He’s an amazing stage actor. He did amazing work (on stage) in Frankenstein. He’s brilliant. You try to cast people who are great. We got lucky.” Abrams added.

  Still no word on the villain or plot but in an earlier post I shared how the current comic book series may reveal plot points for the movie sequel.