Iron Man’s Star Trek Fantasies In Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy #1 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 courtesy Marvel

Tony Stark is the Marvel’s biggest cinema superstar. Robert Downey Jr will play Stark again in Iron Man 3 this May. Guardians of the Galaxy hits the big screen in 2014. When Guardians of the Galaxy #1 blasts into comic book shops the alien warriors will be joined by the Armored Avenger.

Is there a little marketing involved? Maybe. If any writer can make it work it’s Brian Michael Bendis. The fan favorite writer recruited Wolverine, Spider-Man and Luke Cage for his Avengers. Bendis tells why Stark is a perfect addition to this team.

“It’s more about that he’s a futurist, and he’s Continue reading Iron Man’s Star Trek Fantasies In Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel Wants YOU for Guardians of the Galaxy!


Guardians of the Galaxy #2 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #2 courtesy Marvel

Brian Michael Bendis. Steve McNiven. Iron Man.

3 superstar reason why you likely can’t refuse taking off with a brand new Guardians of the Galaxy series launching this week.

In last month’s prelude we learned the tragic past of Peter Quill. Bendis revealed on  how these sci-fi themed heroes will connect to teams on planet earth and the connection to the 2014 movie.

“This will be the most surprising chapter of Marvel NOW! This is a brand new #1 that starts these characters off in a place for new readers but doesn’t rob them of what made them great in the first place. It’s also a great place for you to hop on and see why we’re excited for these characters to be in a movie and why it’s as good a franchise as Marvel has.”

“This ties into a lot of things already happening in the Marvel Universe. The things that have happened on Earth in the past few events have had a butterfly effect Continue reading Marvel Wants YOU for Guardians of the Galaxy!

Guardians of the Galaxy Are Cosmic Avengers


Guardians of the Galaxy #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel aims for the stars with Guardians of the Galaxy. Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven launch a brand new Guardians of the Galaxy series this week.

Star-Lord, Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Drax, Gamora will be joined Iron Man. Bendis tells he’s been digging into the book’s history as he makes the team accesible to old and new audiences.

“We were talking about the characters, what they want and their reliability. I dug up some of their origin stories, particularly Peter Quill’s origin story, which as I tweeted recently I had come across, and decided that it was, for my money, as good as Superman or Spider-man’s origin—it was just no one knew it! It was literally a two-page story in MARVEL PREMIERE about 34 years ago, and I just really really liked it. As the movie was getting closer, and more drafts were coming in, they called me and said “Listen, you were so excited during the Guardians movie calls, we need to get this book back in the public eye. We really want to make it more a part of the Marvel Universe.”

In The Avengers movie Earth now has its Mightiest Heroes but became a target Continue reading Guardians of the Galaxy Are Cosmic Avengers

AVENGERS Worlds Collide!

New Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel
New Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel

This is a huge week for fans of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes by Jonathan Hickman. Avengers is his big team book starring your favorites and exiting new additions to the roster like Shang-Chi, Cannonball, Sunspot plus brand new versions of Captain Universe, Smasher and Hyperion. The action of the new series started on Mars with the introduction of three new aliens who wanted to transform Earth – even if it killed everyone already living on it – and now the threat comes from a different universe – a New Universe!?!

You don’t need to know about Nightmask, Starbrand and Marvel’s short-lived line of comics from back in the day. Just know that Hickman has unleashed some thrilling Continue reading AVENGERS Worlds Collide!

AVENGERS Meet Earth’s Most Dangerous Hero

Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel

Jonathan Hickman just created the most dangerous hero in the Marvel Universe in this week’s Avengers #7.

More dangerous than Hulk. More than Thor. More than The Sentry.

Hickman is transforming what would call a failed experiment from the 1980’s and turning into a fascinating, thrilling storyline for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes that will shake the foundation of Universe 616.

You don’t need to know your comic book history to enjoy the current storyline but if do remember the New Universe then it adds layers of intrigue and awe to see what Hickman if crafting.

Universes are dying. Tony Stark with the ominous Continue reading AVENGERS Meet Earth’s Most Dangerous Hero

IRON MAN On Trial In Space

Iron Man #7 courtesy Marvel
Iron Man #7 courtesy Marvel

Tony Stark faces the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 this May but right now in the comic books the Armored Avenger is deep trouble in deep space.

Godkiller continues this week in Iron Man #7! Tony Stark invented a weapon to contain the Phoenix Force in Avengers vs. X-Men. We know how that turned out! Will Tony pay the ultimate price for this cosmic crime? Kieron Gillen’s new arc introduces a new alien race that are related to the Shi’ar. While the Shi’ar Empire wanted to wipe out the threat of the Phoenix the Shi’ard worshiped it.


Iron Man #7 courtesy Marvel
Iron Man #7 courtesy Marvel

Marvel shared an ominous preview of next month’s Iron Man #7 by Kieron Gillen and Greg Land. Tony is accused of killing the Shi’ard’s God and only an alien machine could save him.

Continue reading IRON MAN On Trial In Space

Before He Was A Guardian of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 courtesy Marvel

Boy falls from stars.

Meets girl.

Boy goes back to stars.

Girl has their kid.

Cue evil aliens.

Peter Quill is a hero Marvel hopes you will learn to love as much as Tony Stark or Steve Rogers. In this week’s Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven introduce us the young man who will become Star-Lord in a prelude story I loved.

Guardians of the Galaxy and Star-Lord are old concepts that have been reworked with some degrees of success over the years. Bendis and McNiven inject the Star-Lord mythos with excitement, fresh energy and feeling. This is not a Star-Lord story. This is the story of Continue reading Before He Was A Guardian of the Galaxy