Four Characters for MARVEL’S AGENT CARTER Season Two

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Fans are breathing a sigh of relief after the finale of Marvel’s Agent Carter.

Hayley Atwell reprised her role as Peggy Carter in an action-packed adventure filled with Marvel Easter Eggs. Peggy and Edwin Jarvis (James D’Arcy) teamed up for a covert mission to clear Howard Stark’s good name and recover his inventions from Leviathan.

During Peggy’s adventure she reunited with the Howling Commandos, explored the Black Widow program and went up against villains who would become part of Iron Man’s future rogues gallery.

When not if Peggy returns for a second season here are four characters from the early days of Marvel Comics history that would be perfect for a second season and thrilling adventure for Peggy Carter: Continue reading Four Characters for MARVEL’S AGENT CARTER Season Two


All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel

Writer James Robinson takes Marvel’s oldest superhero team (at least chronologically) and make them exciting, fresh and fun in All-New Invaders #1.


Captain America, Bucky, Namor the Sub-Mariner and the original Human Torch fought Nazis and Hitler’s super soldiers in World War II. The heroes have dramatically changed except for Steve Rogers. The enemy is more powerful than the Third Reich but like Hitler – the Kree are looking for lost mythological treasures on Earth. Continue reading ALL-NEW INVADERS #1 Review

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for January 22, 2014

All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel

All-New Invaders #1 The classic World War II team reunites against a new enemy. Captain America, Winter Soldier, Namor the Sub-Mariner and the original Human Torch vs. the Kree Empire in a race to keep the aliens who unleashing a super weapon. James Robinson and Steve Pugh are the creative team but check out this “Then & Now” variant by John Cassaday.


Batman #27 Zero Year Batman and Jim Gordon race to save Gotham City from darkness and the Riddler’s scheme. This critical chapter in Bruce’s first year as the Dark Knight sets up the final arc of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s epic. Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for January 22, 2014


All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel

World War Two legends The Invaders are back as part of Marvel’s All-New Marvel Now recharge.


Writer James Robinson and artist Steve Pugh unite the allies against enemies from space. Marvel’s first super team fought the Nazis in World War Two.


Now Captain America, Namor the Sub-Mariner, the original Human Torch and Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) won’t be taking on the Third Reich and Hydra this time. Continue reading ALL-NEW INVADERS Begins

Most Anticipated Marvel Comics 2014

All-New Marvel Now Point One: Avengers World courtesy Marvel
All-New Marvel Now Point One: Avengers World courtesy Marvel

The All-New Marvel Now will unleash a wave of brand new number one issues, new creative teams, brand new heroes and returning fan favorites.


With so many books – I decided to focus on the brand new number ones of all-new series only.


Here are my top five most anticipated new Marvel comics coming in 2014. Continue reading Most Anticipated Marvel Comics 2014

James Robinson on the Fall of the FANTASTIC FOUR

Fantastic Four art by Leonard Kirk courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four art by Leonard Kirk courtesy Marvel

Writer James Robinson and artist Leonard Kirk are the new creative team on Marvel’s First Family. An all-new Fantastic Four #1 arrives in February, 2014. The acclaimed writer tells he’s orchestrating the Fall of the Fantastic Four:


“I think it was Grant Morrison that said a gentleman writer comes on a book, duly messes everything up for the characters, but then puts it back together again at the end the way he left it. So absolutely I intend to put the team through hell Continue reading James Robinson on the Fall of the FANTASTIC FOUR

All-New INVADERS James Robinson Preview

All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New Invaders #1 courtesy Marvel

The Invaders are back as part of Marvel’s All-New Marvel Now recharge. James Robinson and Steve Pugh will put a modern day spin on Marvel’s super-group that once fought the Nazis. Captain America, Namor, the original Human Torch and Bucky Barnes won’t be taking on the Third Reich and Hydra this time. As Robinson tells the new Invaders will tackle the Kree.


“I wanted a book that put the team very much in the present and in the heart of the Marvel Universe. The Kree fascinate me. They’re everywhere, wrapped up in everything to do with the Marvel Universe, so having that being the first threat where ultimately the team has to invade the Kree homeworld, felt like something fresh that I hadn’t seen before.” Continue reading All-New INVADERS James Robinson Preview