Star Trek: Into Darkness courtesy Paramount Pictures
Star Trek: Into Darkness courtesy Paramount Pictures

The Star Trek: Into Darkness Super Bowl trailer fueled the fire over the Khan rumors! The action packed spot featured an interrogation between John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch) to Captain Kirk (Chris Pine)

“I’m better.”

“At what?”


This exchange certainly sounds like Kirk debating with an arrogant, genetically enhanced villain with a “superior intellect.”

Paramount will screen the sequel on IMAX screens two days early according The Hollywood Reporter. Fans can boldly see Star Trek Into Darkness on select IMAX screens starting May 15th.

By Editor

STAR TREK Sequel Preview With THE HOBBIT

Star Trek #4 cover courtesy IDW

United geeks rejoice! What’s better than a big screen version of The Hobbit by Peter Jackson on IMAX? How about an extended preview of the new Star Trek sequel before?

9 minutes of Star Trek: Into Darkness will screen in front of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey on 500 IMAX screens starting December 14th according to Dark Horizons.

IDW will be publishing a comic book prequel to the movie sequel to feed your Trek need until the film arrives.

By Editor

Batman Dedication for The Dark Knight Rises


courtesy KOMONEWS.COM photo by Jill Russell

  This is Dark Knight Dedication! Rufus Schell and Marcus Baker arrived at 8:30am for what’s become their Bat-tradition only to find two other fans ahead as they wait for the midnight show of The Dark Knight Rises at the Boeing IMAX Theater at Pacific Science Center in Seattle.

  “I’ve done this for four years running now,” Marcus Baker tells Jill Russell of KOMONEWS.COM.

  The Bremerton resident and his friend took their seats on a bench in front of the theater at 8 a.m. and haven’t moved since. Only two people managed to beat the pair to the front of the line. They got there at 6:30 a.m.

“We came for the seats,” Schell said. “I love the feeling of opening weekend when everyone’s together in the theater.”

“The crowds are electric. It’s so much fun,” Baker added.

 “This movie is our generation’s Star Wars. It’s encapsulated everyone,” Schell said in his Bat-swag. He belief is so strong that he wrote his final English paper on the merits that Batman is the best story ever told. He proudly admits he received an ‘A’ on the paper.

 This is the final film by Christopher Nolan but these fans are ready for more.

“If Nolan says he wants to make a movie again, I’d say ‘here’s my money,’” says Baker.

 It’s hard to believe but the final Batman film by Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale here. The legend ends.

You can buy advance tickets and collector gift cards for The Dark Knight Rises via Fandango links on the site. Choose from Batman, Catwoman or Bane! Just look on the sidebar.

Hope you enjoy and feel share your thoughts on the film.

By Editor

Where No James Bond Movie Has Gone Before!

Daniel Craig in Skyfall courtesy MI6-HQ.COM

  007 is going BIG! Skyfall will be the first James Bond film screened in IMAX format. IMAX, EON Productions, MGM Studios and Sony Pictures announced the new Bond film will be show in IMAX theaters.

Thanks to Dark Horizons. See you at the Pacific Science Center IMAX in Seattle this November!