Scarlet Speedsters meet and blasts from the past return in the DC Rebirth.
Watch for the return of a Batman Beyond, Deadman, Hawkman and Adam Strange in four new number ones issues, four new miniseries and big new arcs are coming from DC Comics this October.
Damian Wayne recruits his own Teen Titans, Kid Flash meets Kid Flash and DC’s Young Animal imprint launches two new takes on classics. Here are big highlights from DC books arriving in October:
New Number Ones from the DC Young Animal imprint lead by Gerard Way:
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #1 written by Way and Jon Rivera with art by Michael Avon Oeming.
Shade, The Changing Girl #1 by Cecil Castellucci and Marley Zarcone with a new twist on the Vertigo comics icon.
More New Number Ones: Continue reading KID FLASHES Meet & More From DC October