Top 5 Picks 1/25/12


Secret Avengers #21.1 courtesy

Secret Avengers #21.1

It’s no superhero vacation! Captain America and Hawkeye aren’t checking out the Red Light Nation for the golf or beaches. The two Avengers invade the nation run by criminals for criminals. Expect new writer Rick Remender to turn up the action and violence as the covert team faces a new Masters of Evil.

I, Vampire #5

Gotham City has bats, cats, owls and now vamps! The Queen of Blood brings the vampire war to Bruce Wayne’s hometown. Before hero Andrew Bennett can take on the Queen he must first face the Batman!

X-Men Legacy #261

Rogue, Gambit and Frenzy just want to make a fresh start teaching at the new mutant school but an old X-Men villain wants to give them a lesson in revenge. And for the first time since Schism – members of Cyclops’ and Wolverine’s rival X-Men teams meet with chaotic results.


Catwoman Volume 1 courtesy DC Comics

Catwoman Volume #1

If the idea of Anne Hathaway as the feline femme fatale in The Dark Knight Rises is catnip to you check out this collection. It’s like Catwoman’s Greatest cuts – including the Selena’s Big Score one-shot, an infamous appearance in Detective Comics, and Catwoman #1-9. This volume features the work of Darwyn Cooke and Seattle’s own Ed Brubaker. A must for Selena fans!




Nancy in Hell on Earth #1

When I saw the title I knew I had to recommend this book! Nancy and Lucifer escape from Hell with a horde of demons in pursuit. Good thing Nancy wields a chainsaw! Nancy sounds like a hot female version of Ash from Evil Dead – sound tempting!

AVX Cyclops Hawkeye

AVX image courtesy

  Marvel triggered a fan frenzy this week with teaser images to promote Avengers Versus X-Men.

  This final image pits X-Men Extinction Team Leader Cyclops against Hawkeye, soon be leader of the Secret Avengers, by Esad Ribic.

  This is a matchup I’d really like to see because both men are hardened leaders who think strategically but I give the edge to Cyclops on this possible fight.

New Captain America and Hawkeye Series

  Marvel revealed a new Captain America and Hawkeye series (it will take over the current Captain America and Bucky in April.) in today’s Next Big Thing press event featuring writer Cullen Bunn.

Captain America and Hawkeye #629 courtesy

“The simple way to describe the first arc is that Captain America and Hawkeye go out and fight a bunch of dinosaurs. That’s how I pitched it.”

“Cap and Hawkeye have gone through so much together, but they have a very different approach to how they do things. I wanted to explore that relationship and how they see each other.”

“I’ve always connected with Hawkeye. He’s got that Robin Hood thing going on. For some reason archer characters are always interesting. He’s a rogue, he’s got a big personality, he’s a smart ass–all those things help him along. He’s a ‘regular guy’ but he’s also the greatest archer in the world. In the face of overwhelming odds, he never backs down, and I think people can relate to that. He’s as close to an everyman as you can get in a world where people can knock down buildings with a punch.”

Secret Avengers #22 cover Gabriel Hardman courtesy

  “In many ways Clint really admires Cap and they’re best of friends, but they get under each others’ skins like nobody else. I love my brothers, I’d do anything for them, but they drive me nuts sometimes. I channeled a lot of that into this book.”

 Bunn will be joined by Alessandro Vitti for the 4 issue arc.

“When you look at Alessandro Vitti’s style, it’s very distinct, and I like that. The first pages he turned is for this was a big action scene, and there’s something about they way he conveyed it in a fluid nature, really made it flow and come alive, that blew me away.”

“Captain America touches on all different corners of the Marvel Universe, so there are limitless possibilities for this book.” Bunn said of the title’s constant star. 

  Captain America & Hawkeye will run for a four-issue arc, then the title will change again. This series will be a Captain America team-up title featuring other characters.

  “Iron Man will follow Hawkeye and the Black Widow arc has been approved, but there are a number of other characters I’ve mapped out, and a lot are ones he has not interacted with in a major way. But there will also be characters who have history with Cap. And there will be new characters introduced who will have an impact not only on the arc they appear in, but on Captain America moving forward.”  Cullen Bunn

I recommend you checking out The Fearless written by Bunn along with Matt Fraction and Christopher Yost. Who do you want Cullen Bunn to pair Cap with after the Hawkeye, Iron Man and Black Widow arcs?

Secret Avengers New Creative Team

Secret Avengers #23 courtesy

  Rick Remender had an incredible 2011 with Uncanny X-Force. 2012 sees the writer take on another of Marvel’s covert teams: The Secret Avengers. In today’s Marvel presser Remender and artist Gabriel Hardman revealed their plans for the team.

  Secret Avengers 21.1 (with artist Patrick Zircher) will introduce the new Masters of Evil who have set up their own sovereign nation. This issue will be bringing new team leader Hawkeye into the book.

  “In Clint’s eyes, he’s the direct approach kind of guy, he doesn’t like spy work, but cap thinks this fits his skill set. An archer or a sniper needs to be covert and deadly. Cap’s only concern is Clint’s temper, so the Point One issue is a test, ” Remember says of Clint Barton.

Secret Avengers #22 interior preview art by Gabriel Hardman courtesy

  “The first big story is based around a guy named father, who readers of Uncanny X-Force will be familiar with. He had a hand in creating a race of descendants from all the robots in the Marvel Universe who live in the core of the Earth. The threat is actually much bigger, and we’ll reveal it as we go. It’s something I’ve been working on for some time.” Remender said of the growing mech threat.

  “Adaptoids are like Sentinels for Avengers. They have a deep hatred for the Avengers. They view them as the bad guys. They protect humanity at the expense of other species like mutants or these guys” Remender added about the frequent Avenger foes.

   Arthur Adams will provide covers. Gabriel Hardman will handle variant covers and interior art. With such a diverse team (Hawkeye, Valkyrie, Venom, Black Widow, Human Torch, Beast, Captain Britain) who is the big challenge?


Secret Avengers #22 interior art courtesy

  “It’s fun drawing this characters I’ve never worked with. I need to find individual personalities for these guys. Beast is probably the biggest challenge because the way he is visually interpreted varies a lot and I needed to nail down my way to draw him. I basically draw him as Lemmy from Motorhead, so hopefully that will work,” Hardman said. 

Secret Avengers #22 cover Gabriel Hardman courtesy

  “I haven’t gotten to draw Venom in action yet, but I love that costume and am excited to do it. I like the more down to earth, gritty look for Hawkeye. It’s more practical…though the fan in me would have had a lot of fun drawing the goofy purple costume,” Hardman continued.

  Secret Avengers 21.1 on sale January 25th. Secret Avengers 22 on sale February 8.



No Mission Impossible Takeover?

Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner on sete in The Avengers courtesy

  I loved Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. I was on the fence about seeing it until The Dark Knight Rises prologue was attached to the beginning of the IMAX version.

  I’m thrilled to say I’m glad I accepted the mission. The latest IMF adventure was the best in the series in part because the great chemistry of a dynamic team: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton and Simon Pegg.

  Renner is dismissing rumors that he is taking over the franchise as the lead character. The star told Reuters that he heard the rumors and “there’s no taking over,” according to MSN Movies.

  Renner will play Hawkeye in The Avengers and take over the lead in the Jason Bourne series. Renner will not be playing the same character Matt Damon portrayed in the first three films. The Bourne Legacy is a continuation of the series starring Renner.

  One more thing about Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. It will so cool seeing Josh Holloway again. Holloway owns the screen in his brief appearance as an IMF agent.

 Hollywood, please get this great, charismatic actor from Lost in new movies or a series again pronto!

Jeremy Renner on The Avengers

Hawkeye concept art courtesy

The Avengers, Jason Bourne, Mission Impossible – Jeremy Renner is racking up the action roles!

  Renner is talking about the challenges of playing Hawkeye in a huge movie like The Avengers.

  “It’s huge. Look how many characters are in that thing,” Renner tells Collider and adds that “It was the ultimate challenge for Joss Whedon, who knows that universe so well.”

  Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America all had solo movies before the Avengers. Hawkeye was briefly seen in Thor. SHIELD agent Coulson called him by his real name, Clint Barton. If The Avengers is a hit could this lead to a Hawkeye solo movie?

  Renner told Collider, “I certainly like the character. But, I don’t know what the future holds.”

  I certainly have my fanboy ideas – let’s hope Joss scripts hot chemistry and a love scene between Hawkeye and Black Widow. In the comics – Hawkeye and the Widow have a romance during a caper involving technology stolen from Tony Stark.

Hawkeye and Mockingbird #1 cover courtesy

  I’m hoping for a solo movie because that could mean a big screen version of a character I love: Mockingbird. Clint falls for SHIELD agent Bobbi Morse who goes by the code name: Mockingbird. Maybe Joss has a Bobbi cameo in The Avengers?

  Who should play Mockingbird? (Blake Lively, Jennifer Morrison, Michelle Williams)

  Casting courtesy of my friend and associate: Rich Roberge!