Black Widow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel
Black Widow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel

Robert Downey Jr. gives his Stark seal of approval for a Black Widow solo movie. The actor was asked about a standalone film for his Avengers co-star at the Toronto Film Festival.

“Doesn’t Scarlett deserve a break?” he told USA Today about the now pregnant co-star, “I think that the interesting thing particularly after Guardians with Zoe (Saldana), (or) even from the first Iron Man where Pepper was kind of this really – to me the Iron Man franchise would never have taken off without (Gwyneth) Paltrow. There’s something about her that grounded the story. She’s not your typical lady in a superhero movie, and then by Iron Man 3 she’s swallowing serums and putting on suits and kicking (butt) and all that stuff.” Continue reading ROBERT DOWNEY JR. On BLACK WIDOW Solo Movie


Black Widow #10 courtesy Marvel
Black Widow #10 courtesy Marvel

Black Widow vs. Hawkeye!

The long relationship between the two Avengers take a dramatic turn in Black Widow #10 this week.

When they first met Clint Barton was a criminal and Natasha Romanoff was a KGB assassin.

They fell in love. He turned his life around and became a popular Avenger.

In her new series Black Widow goes on secret solo missions to atone for her past with assistance from her attorney Isaiah. Continue reading BLACK WIDOW VS. HAWKEYE


AXIS #5 courtesy Marvel
AXIS #5 courtesy Marvel

Marvel will turn its heroes and villains upside down in AXIS. Avengers and X-Men will unite against the threat of the Red Skull. In a preview for Act Two: Inversion, classic villains fight for redemption and some heroes appear to have gone to the dark side.


Characters playing the role of hero, villain and every shade in between make for compelling stories that make us cheer, swoon and declare, “Nooooooo!”


Inspired by Rick Remender’s “recalibration of the moral compass” of our favorite icons in the upcoming event here are mighty Marvel heroes who went from villain to hero.


Let’s start with the Avengers: Continue reading VILLAINS Turned AVENGERS


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Two more pieces of the Ultron vs. Avengers battle revealed. Fans at San Diego Comic Con keep getting first looks at character posters for Avengers: Age of Ultron.


Today is a triple shot (of sorts) as we see Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) in battle against the army of Ultrons. The only Avenger left is Hulk who we caught a glimpse of in the Black Widow poster.


In the Quicksilver concept art you can see what might be the Vision flying above the war zone. Paul Bettany (voice of Jarvis in Iron Man) will portray the android. The look of the Vision is a concept to watch especially after yesterday’s announcement that the Vision will return and be redesigned for Avengers: Rage of Ultron graphic novel coming next year before the movie. Continue reading QUICKSILVER, HAWKEYE, VISION In AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Posters