Hank Pym in ANT-MAN Movie?

Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

Founding Avenger and Ultron creator will not appear in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Director Joss Whedon will develop a new origin for the evil artificial intelligence but Hank Pym will get his big screen moment.


io9 reports that director Edgar Wright will include Hank Pym in his Ant-Man film. Hank Pym, Scott Lang and Eric O’Grady have all worn the tiny helmet in the comic books.


After events of the Age of Ultron comic book series Hank Pym is leading a new team of cyborgs and robots in Avengers A.I. by Sam Humphries. Scott Lang is currently wearing the Ant-Man gear in FF (the replacement Fantastic Four) by Matt Fraction. O’Grady has been a member of the Secret Avengers and Thunderbolts. Continue reading Hank Pym in ANT-MAN Movie?


Infinity: The Hunt #1 courtesy Marvel
Infinity: The Hunt #1 courtesy Marvel

INFINITY arrives in August with the Avengers in space facing the threat from The Builders and Thanos launching a sneak attack on Earth. New heroes will rise to protect the planet. Matt Kindt revealed the call to arms in his tie-in series: Infinity: The Hunt with artist Steven Sanders on Marvel.com.


Hank Pym, She-Hulk and Wolverine are the leads in a “contest of champions” style call for up and coming heroes.


“Well, the contest isn’t going to get to take place. It gets pre-empted by Thanos; so in true villain form he ruins everything, including my new contest of champions! But it happens in such a way that we’ll get introduced to a few brand new schools that are teaching “weirdly talented” students,” said Kindt. Continue reading INFINITY: THE HUNT Preview

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for July 3, 2013

Avengers AI #1 courtesy Marvel
Avengers AI #1 courtesy Marvel

Avengers AI #1 Hank Pym prevented the Age of Ultron but did he unleash a whole new set of horrors! The founding Avenger assembles a new team of heroes including Vision, Victor Mancha from Runaways and new mystery characters on his road to redemption.


Batman Incorporated #12 Will Bruce get his revenge? Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham are sure to deliver another bloody, brutal chapter in the final war between Batman and Talia!


Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1 The finale of Cullen Bunn’s Deadpool Killogy! Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for July 3, 2013

AGE OF ULTRON – Hank Pym Aftermath

Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

One of Marvel’s most classic heroes stars in Age of Ultron #10AI by Mark Waid this week.


The Marvel Universe is recovering from the final battle with Ultron and is not prepared for what’s been unleashed across the multiverse but a founding Avenger has a new purpose.


The Age of Ultron began way back when Hank Pym invented the artificial intelligence. The redemption of Hank Pym begins.


“The aftermath focuses heavily on Hank Pym,” said Brevoort at C2E2 earlier this year, “He goes through a fairly transformative experience… given that he’s dead. Age of Ultron #10 AI is a deep dive into Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON – Hank Pym Aftermath


Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

One of the great elements of Age of Ultron is the focus on Hank Pym. In a world of super soldiers and Gods it’s easy to think of Pym as a minor character. Brian Michael Bendis has reminded us of the Pym’s genius and importance in Marvel history and now Marvel’s immediate future. I wanted to share part of this Bendis interview about the themes of the event.

“One of the themes of the piece is that everybody’s important. Hank Pym would be perceived by some — not all — to be a minor cog in the Marvel Universe. But then you see, if you pull out that minor cog, the whole thing unravels,” Bendis tells Comics Newsarama, “Now he didn’t get to see it, but he certainly gets to feel, “I have an importance here that maybe I’ve been neglecting, and maybe Continue reading AGE OF HANK PYM!

AGE OF ULTRON Finale & Beyond

Age of Ultron #10 arrives this week! Brian Michael Bendis will be joined by an all-star team of artists (Bryan Hitch, Butch Guice, Carlos Pacheco, Alex Maleev, Brandon Peterson, David Marquez and Joe Quesada.)


Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

“Everybody in the book is drawing sequences that are tailored for them.” said Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort earlier this year.

The finale marks the return of Neil Gaiman to Marvel and introduction Angela (from the Image book Spawn)  to the Marvel Universe in Age of Ultron #10. Angela’s Marvel story will continue into Guardians of the Galaxy #5, co-written by Bendis and Gaiman.

The Age of Ultron really began Hank Pym creating the artificial intelligence and the founding Avenger will be central to the immediate future of the Marvel Universe.

“The aftermath focuses heavily on Hank Pym,” said Brevoort, “He goes through a fairly transformative experience… given that he’s dead. Age of Ultron #10 AI is a deep dive into the history of Hank Pym.”

Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

As a founding Avenger Pym has had a major influence on the Marvel Universe and generations of fans and writers.

“I had a full run of Tales To Astonish. Pym was my guy,” said Rick Remender, “At the retreats, there’s no shortage of Pym ideas. There’s a lot of love for the guy.”

Hank will headline  Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON Finale & Beyond

AGE OF ULTRON Finale Preview!

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

It’s the final countdown to Age of Ultron #10! Wolverine made a brutal call to prevent the world from Ultron’s ultimate victory but it created in a horrific new reality.


In one week an all-star creative team will unveil the grand finale! We know the events of this issue will introduce Angela to the Marvel Universe and lead to a new destiny for founding Avenger, Hank Pym, but who will survive?


Marvel shared this teaser and cover by Alex Maleev:


“To save the Marvel Universe, Earth’s Mightiest made the most controversial decision of their lives resulting in a disaster unlike any they’ve seen before. But with one final shot Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON Finale Preview!