courtesy Sony Pictures
courtesy Sony Pictures

A new international trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 from Sony features the Rise of Electro but foreshadows tragedy for Peter Parker.


The latest trailer reveals the hatred and jealousy Max Dillon (Jamie Foxx) has for a Spider-Man that’s being celebrated by New York City as a great hero.


Those emotions explode when an electric powered Dillon unleashes his anger and fury on the Spidey and the city.  Take a look: Continue reading THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 RISE OF ELECTRO Trailer

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Super Bowl Trailer

courtesy Sony Pictures
courtesy Sony Pictures

Sony unveiled the new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Andrew Garfield returns as Peter Parker. While Spidey’s popularity grows in New York so do his list of enemies.


The packed game day trailer includes:

The origin of Electro (Jamie Foxx) and his obsession with Spidey.

An armored up Rhino on the attack.

The ultra creepy Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan.)

And maybe most heart-racing of all…a scene with Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) that could mirror one of the most shocking moments in comics history.


Watch part one and two again: Continue reading AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Super Bowl Trailer

Amazing Spider-Man’s 50th

Amazing Spider-Man #692 courtesy Marvel

  Today the 50th Anniversary issue of Amazing Spider-Man arrives in comic book stores. Marvel celebrates issue #692 with an overstuffed issue by fan favorite Spidey writer Dan Slott and artist Humberto Ramos. Slott spins a new story with a new twist on Uncle Ben’s “with great power comes great responsibility” motto.

  Spider-Man is getting a sidekick. This Anniversary issue’s introduction of Andy McGuire/Alpha moves Peter Parker forward into all new story possibilities.

Amazing Spider-Man #692 70’s Variant courtesy Marvel

  Daredevil artist Marcos Martin created variant covers celebrating Spidey’s past through the decades. I have to say this 70’s variant is my favorite because it’s one of Peter Parker’s most emotional and vulnerable moments with his (and our) beloved Gwen Stacy.

Amazing Spider-Man #692 80’s variant courtesy Marvel

  The 80’s variant is basic black and white just like the costume that defined that era. Each decade has a color theme. Happy Anniversary Spidey! Thank you Stan Lee and Steve Ditko! Thanks to Dan Slott for continuing the legacy!

By Editor

Emma Stone Stalked By The Lizard in “Amazing Spider-Man”

Spider-Man courtesy

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy is stalked by Dr. Curt Connors as the Lizard in this new preview clip of Amazing Spider-Man courtesy Love MJ but I’m glad director Marc Webb decided to go with Peter Parker’s first love, Gwen.

  Spidey swings into theaters and in IMAX July 3rd.

By Editor

Emma Stone On Her Gwen Stacy in Amazing Spider-Man

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy courtesy

  Mary Jane may be Spidey’s main movie squeeze in the Sam Raimi films but true believers know Gwen Stacy is Peter Parker’s first true love from the comics. Emma Stone talked with The Hollywood Reporter about preparing to play Gwen.

  “There was a fair amount of research for me to do because I didn’t read the comic books growing up, so of course I had a lot to brush up on. But for the most part, the definitive part of Gwen Stacy, more than anything, more than the different incarnations of her personality – because she was a hippie, she had twins with Norman Osborne, there were a lot of things we didn’t really touch on quite as much, and there were some updates to Gwen as well, because it’s present day – I think that Gwen’s underlying factor remains incredibly sad, until what happens, which is incredibly tragic. Her father faces death every single day, her boyfriend faces death every single day, so she is constantly surrounded by an undercurrent of mortality. So she is in control and she is valedictorian and she is confident and smart because she has to be; she’s constantly in the face of something, so that’s why her end is so much more tragic.”

  For the entire interview here’s THR link. Peter fell for MJ but Gwen fell for Peter Parker.

  Do you think this movie Gwen Stacy will share the same fate as her comic book counterpart?

Spider-Man’s Amazing Girlfriend and The Dark Turned On

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy and Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man courtesy Sony

  Spidey fans know Mary Jane is the love of his life but you never forget your first love. Gwen Stacy is Peter Parker’s haunting lost love. She’s the one that got away.       Director Marc Webb is talking about why he went with Gwen over MJ and much darker tone for Amazing Spider-Man.

  “There’s this trickster quality we were very keen on exploring, with that humor and that fun and that wisecracking stuff,” Webb told Comic-Con Magazine. “We wanted to keep that alive, but we wanted it to be realistic. We wanted that humor to come from a real place. My aim was to create a world where you could feel all those emotions. There are certainly darker, more intense feelings in this movie. There is betrayal, there is tragedy, but there’s also humor and romance. So it’s a very complex bouquet of emotions, but what you have to tread on is what feels authentic and what feels real, and you have to earn those different emotions. There are moments of furiousness and gravity, absolutely. But are there moments of humor and levity and whimsy? Absolutely. Andrew was really great. He used this term to describe Peter Parker in Spider-Man and Spider-Man in particular: he’s a trickster. He was like “How would Spider-Man web this guy? He’d give him a wedgy or he’d dos some awful graffiti.” There’s a punk rock quality to Peter Parker that’s really irreverent and fun and that’s something that Andrew embodies in a way that we haven’t seen before. Certainly the materials that have come out have a darker sentiment or there’s a darker projection, but we’re very keen on staying loyal to the humor of Spider-Man.”

Thanks to Comic Book Resources and Latino Review for posting the interview. The film’s official site posted new photos of Gwen and Peter.

I’m excited for Gwen and hope we meet Felicia Hardy in a possible sequel.