Final Top 5 Comic Book Picks of 2013

Savage Wolverine #13 courtesy Marvel
Savage Wolverine #13 courtesy Marvel

Here we are at the end of 2013! It’s been an amazing year of superhero movies, fan favorite writers and artists at the top of their game on the books with love and introducing new titles in various genres. Thanks for coming to check out the news and views here on Comics Blend and here is the final top 5 picks of the year (that may not be available until 2014 but you get the idea.) Continue reading Final Top 5 Comic Book Picks of 2013

Chris Pratt on Becoming Star-Lord in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

Guardians of the Galaxy #1 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 courtesy Marvel

Chris Pratt plays Star-Lord in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy but you might think he’s a mutant with his ability to gain and lose weight for roles. The Parks and Recreation star plays a supporting role to Vince Vaughn in Delivery Man but next year he’s the leading man for the “Avengers in space” epic.


Pratt tells Huffington Post he felt he was right for Peter Quill, the human pilot who becomes leader of a squad of alien heroes.


“For me it felt like a perfect fit right off the bat. I felt like at my very first audition that I nailed it, but, I was afraid that I wasn’t physically right for it because I was still pretty big from this movie. And so I just thought, Continue reading Chris Pratt on Becoming Star-Lord in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

THOR: THE DARK WORLD Explaining the Teaser

Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel
Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel

Hard comic book fans know a classic cosmic bad guy when they see one but some viewers of THOR: THE DARK WORLD may be saying, “Who is that?” just like when Thanos revealed his menacing grin the post-credit Avengers teaser.


In the first post-credit teaser after the Thunder God’s second adventure, Marvel treated us to…


Before I continue let me give a SPOILER ALERT! Continue reading THOR: THE DARK WORLD Explaining the Teaser

The Trial of Jean Grey Unites X-MEN & Guardians of the Galaxy

All-New X-Men #22 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #22 courtesy Marvel

The All-New X-Men get all-new costumes, the universe discovers the former host of the Phoenix is alive and the mutants clash with the outer space Avengers! The secret of Marvel’s Trial and Judgment teasers stand revealed.


Battle of the Atom and Infinity are still raging across the Marvel Universe but we learned new details about the upcoming crossover between the original five X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy at New York Comic Con.


Brian Michael Bendis reveals The Trial of Jean Grey Continue reading The Trial of Jean Grey Unites X-MEN & Guardians of the Galaxy

IRON MAN Secrets In Space

Iron Man #16 courtesy Marvel
Iron Man #16 courtesy Marvel

Kieron Gillen is exposing more secrets of The Secret Origin of Tony Stark in Iron Man #16 but what secret is Tony hiding from the Guardians of the Galaxy?


After two arcs of adventures in space Gillen is bringing Iron Man back home. After exploring The Secret Origin of Tony Stark Gillen teases what’s next with


“#16 and #17, this is what Tony brings back from space. Tony has changed and stuff has changed on Earth. That’s what is really interesting to me. It’s the classic journey. You send someone away and they learn and bring stuff back. There’s sort of an odyssey vibe in it, where he discovers some things about himself. Of course, time continues back on Earth and in the Marvel Universe, Continue reading IRON MAN Secrets In Space