Geoff Johns Green Lantern Era Ending


Green Lantern #20 courtesy DC Comics
Green Lantern #20 courtesy DC Comics

The Emerald twilight is coming! Geoff Johns and Doug Manke will conclude what should rightfully be hailed as the modern Green Lantern Saga with a huge 64-page Green Lantern #20 this May. It all began with Green Lantern: Rebirth #1.

When you think of iconic creator/character marriages that made comic book history you must include Geoff Johns and Green Lantern!

Here’s what Johns said about the conclusion on The Source:

As every storyline is coming to a head, it feels like the right time. The book is still doing great. The characters are as vibrant as ever. Let’s go out how we started – on a high note.

Counting up between the GREEN LANTERN monthly series, REBIRTH, BLACKEST NIGHT and the various one-shots and specials…that makes over 100 issues of GREEN LANTERN I’ve had the absolute privilege, pleasure and fortune to write.

I’m obviously ending my run with a little sadness because Continue reading Geoff Johns Green Lantern Era Ending

Black History Month Favorite Comic Heroes

As we celebrate Black History Month in North America and the United Kingdom I was inspired to think about my favorite African-American superheroes. While these fictional characters are not as important as civil rights leaders, boundary breaking athletes and artists or scientists who made a powerful contributions to our world I think seeing diversity in comic books makes an impact…on everyone.

Before I reveal my top 10 I want to say this was tough and I know some of you have your favorites like Steel aka John Henry Irons, Batwing, Shadowhawk, Spawn, Photon, Static and not to mention non-superhero characters like Michonne and Tyreese of The Walking Dead, but these are the ten characters (+ one because I just couldn’t leave her off!) that I’ve loved and stayed with me.

11  Vixen  Mari Jiwe McCabe grew up in remote village in the fictional African country of Zambesi. Mari’s family were holders of a mystical totem but he uncle killed her parents and stolen the totem. Mari moved to America, became an international supermodel, built a fortune and traveled to her homeland to take back her family’s totem and became known as Vixen. With the totem Mari can mimic the abilities of any animal on Earth. Mari a member of the Justice League. In the DC Comics New 52 relaunch Vixen was injured but recently seen as one of the possible new recruits Cyborg will call on to join the new Justice League.

Vixen: Return of the Lion #3 courtesy DC Comics
Vixen: Return of the Lion #3 courtesy DC Comics

10  Spider-Man Miles Morales became a media sensation when Marvel revealed the new Ultimate Spider-Man was of African-American and Latino descent. Like Peter Parker, Miles is a science nerd bitten by a radioactive spider but his powers are slightly different. Miles recently met the Peter Parker of “our” Marvel Universe in the crossover smash, Spider-Men.

Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel
Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel

9.  Patriot  Elijah Bradley is the grandson of Isiah Bradley, the first Captain America. (Isiah was among the black men who served as test subjects before the Super Soldier Serum was given to Steve Rogers. This story was told in the series Truth: Red, White & Black.) Eli became a founding member of the Young Avengers. These teen heroes wanted to fight crime and carry on the legacy of the Avengers who had disbanded at the time. I don’t want to give away the secet of Eli’s powers (told in the Young Avengers series) but his is a great story of young man trying to do right and honor his past. Eli is a great leader and strategist in the tradition of Captain America. A brand new Young Avengers series just relaunched but Eli is not on the team. I’m hoping Patriot will soon be appearing in the Marvel Now, maybe even joining the main Avengers?

Young Avengers Presents: Patriot #1 courtesy Marvel
Young Avengers Presents: Patriot #1 courtesy Marvel

8.  Falcon  Sam Wilson was the first mainsteam African-American superhero and the first Continue reading Black History Month Favorite Comic Heroes

GLAAD Media Award Nominees for Outstanding Comic Book

Astonishing X-Men #51 variant courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #51 variant courtesy Marvel

2012 was a big year for GLBT comic book characters. X-Man Northstar got married. New Mutant Karma became the star of a major storyline. The Buffyverse welcomed Billy the Vampire Slayer. Batwoman kept kicking butt and teamed up with Wonder Woman. Green Lantern Alan Scott is gay on a reborn Earth 2. Archie Comics star Kevin Keller met George Takei.

The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their portrayal of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

Here are the GLAAD Media Award Nominees for Outstanding Comic Book:

Astonishing X-Men by Marjorie Liu (Marvel)

Batwoman by W. Haden Blackman and J.H. Williams III (DC)

Kevin Keller by Dan Parent (Archie)

Earth 2 by James Robinson (DC)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Andrew Chambliss, Jane Espensen, Drew Z. Greenberg and Scott Allie (Dark Horse)

Congratulations to all the nominees!

By Editor


DC Comics Goes Back to Zero


Green Lantern #0 courtesy DC Comics

DC Comics marks the one year anniversary of launching The New 52 by going back to zero. This September all the DC titles will #0 and be stand-alone stories.

“Some issues will tell the origins of a character or a team, or in some case where an origin has already been told, they will fill in the blanks in terms of questions readers may have about the New 52 DC Universe,” said Bob Harras, DC Entertainment Editor-in-Chief. “Each of these issues promises to reveal something surprising.”

The first week kicks off with zero issues for Action Comics. In The Boy Who Steals Superman’s Cape Grant Morrison reveals the early days of Superboy in Metropolis.

Tony Daniel draws his final Batman story (for now) in Detective Comics #0 showing how Bruce Wayne became a martial arts master and the introduction of a major villain.

Scott Snyder explores the past of Alec Holland and Anton Arcane in Swamp Thing #0.

  Green Lantern #0 introduces a brand new member of the corps. The first Arab American Lantern will become a member of the Justice League of America in 2013.

By Editor

Alan Scott Becomes Green Lantern, Earth 2’s Villains Revealed

Earth 2 #3 courtesy DC Comics

  It feels appropriate that Earth 2 #3 comes out the same week Anderson Cooper officially came out. Alan Scott is gay. Let’s move on. The creative moves on in a big way with this third chapter.

  James Robinson picks up right after last issue’s cliffhanger with Alan Scott becoming the Green Lantern and learning that an evil greater that Darkseid is coming. This Green Lantern is Earth’s champion but not in a cosmic way like Hal Jordan. Alan’s mission is directed from the planet itself.

 Gay and organic? This hero would be perfect for my progressive and earth conscious home of Seattle.

  Jay Garrick is still not called the Flash yet. Garrick is confronted and tested by Hawkgirl who says fate led her to him. The two soon witness how the planet is under attack.











  Earth is under attack from The Grey of Swamp Thing.  Alan Scott is Nature’s champion. The Grey unleashes it’s champion in the final pages.

  I’m still not sure how I feel about the death of Sam. We just met him last issue so how could a reader get that invested? I felt Alan didn’t grieve enough for the loss of the man he just proposed to but was that to prove why he was chosen as champion? Sam will always be part of the story as the engagement ring becomes the symbol of Alan’s power.

  I loved Nicola Scott’s art. I was surprised that Alan Scott’s costume didn’t play at least little homage to his Silver Age counterpart. I still really love Jay Garrick’s uniform and she draws him using his power. There are two scenes of death of rebirth. Early in the book Scott becomes an Emerald Warrior among the ashes of the disaster. In the final pages the Grey’s champion claws out of the ground. Scott captures both brilliantly.

By Editor  


Top 5 Comic Picks for 7/4/12

Avengers vs. X-Men #7 courtesy Marvel

Avengers Vs. X-Men #7 Cyclops declares “No More Avengers!” What does this mean for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? If the Phoenix Five can destroy and remake entire planets how can Captain America and his allies hope to escape?

Earth 2 #3 DC Comics reintroduced Silver Age favorite Alan Scott as an openly gay man. This issue shows us how he becomes the Green Lantern. Plus, the Flash hunted by Hawkgirl?

Knights of the Living Dead Volume 1 Full disclosure – I’m picking this just on the title alone. I  have not read a single issue but come on – a mashup of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and zombies!

Peanuts Volume 1 Snoopy, Charlie Brown and whole gang are back in brand new stories and classic Sunday strips from Charles M. Schulz. This volume collects the first four issues of the series.

Wolverine #310 courtesy

Wolverine #310 No head, no problem. Logan decapitated his archenemy. How is Sabretooth back? The creative dream team of Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi return with sequel of one of Wolverine’s most epic stories.

Arabic Green Lantern?


Green Lantern #0 courtesy DC Comics

  A new Green Lantern from the Middle East? DC Comics revealed the cover to Green Lantern #0 by Geoff Johns and Doug Manke scheduled for September. After seeing the writing on the hero’s arm on the cover I did some searching and I think this Comic Book Resources post does a good job wrapping up the potential for this character.

  What does this mean for Hal Jordan and Sinestro? For the one year anniversary of The New 52 DC is numbering all titles zero and will be stand-alone stories.

 This moves follows the reintroduction of Alan Scott as a gay man and Green Lantern of Earth 2 and continues DC’s commitment to add more diversity. Given this is a stand-alone story it may be a test to see if this character could receive his own title or be part of the Green Lantern Corps.

 I think this may be the first time a Muslim character has been introduced since Dust in Grant Morrison’s New X-Men era.

By Editor


Alan Scott Is Gay, A Flash Is Born On Earth 2

Earth 2 #1 courtesy DC Comics

   Warning – you may not want to read this poist if you haven’t read Earth 2 #1 and #2. You may consider some of my points spoilers.

  James Robinson and Nicola Scott destroy and give birth to a new world of heroes in Earth 2. This is part of DC Comics The New 52 Second Wave. I admit – I bought #2 because of the reintroduction of a gay Alan Scott/Green Lantern got my curiosity and now I’m hooked on the future of this parallel world.

  The debut issue immediately dropped us on an Earth under siege. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman valiantly struggle against overwhelming odds from Apokolips. These battle scenes are a perfect example of why I believe Warner Brothers should make an epic film about DC’s Holy Trinity against Darkseid instead of full on Justice League movie.

 Back to Earth 2 – A world without heroes is rebuilding. Alan Scott is a successful jet setting CEO and Jay Garrick is young guy who just got dumped by his girlfriend reevaluating his life when fate crashes into his pity party.

Earth 2 art courtesy DC Comics

The mainstream media is talking about the introduction of an openly gay Alan Scott in issue 2 this week. Robinson and Scott show us Alan and his boyfriend and their glamorous life but next issue promises to be where the relationship takes back burner and the action kicks in. Is Scott already the Green Lantern or has this happened yet?

  You might be buying issue 2 for the curiosity about Scott but I really enjoyed seeing how Jay Garrick becomes this world’s Flash, test runs his new power to save lives, learns a threat scarier than Darkseid is heading for this world and becomes the prey for a character I’m really excited to see – Hawkgirl!

  Mister Terrific blasts from his cancelled solo series into Earth 2 this issue and immediately encounters an enemy who is out to cancel Michael forever.

  I’m really impressed with Nicola Scott’s art – especially the war ravaged Trinity and world against a legion of parademons in issue one. The revamped world and new soon to be heroes are clean and crisp and I particularly loved how Scott portrays Jay’s Flash effect and the new costume!

Earth 2 #2 courtesy DC Comics

  This is a new origin for what I think will be this world’s Justice Society. I praise Robinson and DC Comics for including Alan Scott and the upcoming debut of another GLBT character. Come for the curiosity factor but you’ll stay for the great art and storytelling.

By Editor