Love and Death in Batman Incorporated #2

Batman Incorporated #2 courtesy DC Comics

  July 20th we’ll know if Talia Al Ghul is appearing in Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film. Fans have speculated that Marion Cotillard will be revealed as the daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul in The Dark Knight Rises.

  Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham create a dark love letter to Batman’s deadly dearest in Batman Incorporated #2. The duo share Talia’s harsh life growing up as the daughter and pawn of the criminal mastermind. The story takes us inside the minds of Batman’s most complicated enemies and sets the stage for what will be one hell of a payoff.

  We relive some of the most powerful moments of Talia’s life and deadly love affair with Bruce. Morrison builds the issue to the present as Talia confronts her father and forwards her plot to punish Batman. We’ll see how her betrayal is tied to the shocking assassination of Robin in the premiere issue.

  Chris Burnham was born to make Grant Morrison’s script come alive. From harrowing fights to Talia’s revealing closeups Burnham’s distinctive style is perfect for this twisted tale of love, revenge and death.

By Editor

Batman Incorporated #2 Variant Reveals Talia Al Ghul

Batman Incorporated #2 courtesy DC Comics

  I’m still reeling from Batman Incorporated #1 by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham. The New 52 Second Wave relaunch stars Bruce and Damian Wayne and the global franchising of Batman. This series a family dynamic from hell. Leviathan is a sinister cabal ready to strike at the New Bat World Order. And the head of the evil organization is Damian’s murderous mama, Talia Al Ghul.

DC Comics revealed this stunning variant for #2 by Cameron Stewart featuring the daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul.

  Fans have speculated Marion Cotillard will be revealed as Talia in The Dark Knight Rises. If so, it’s the best kept secret so far. We know Liam Neeson is reprising his role as Ra’s Al Ghul – at least in flashback – in Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film.

 But Talia is definitely back in this comic book!

  By Editor

Batman Incorporated – Back in Business and Business is Awesome

Batman Incorporated #1 by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

  Batman Incorporated #1 Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham’s imagination scares the hell out of me. I think this issue could make me become a vegetarian. I had to get that out of my system first.

  Bruce Wayne is under arrest at a funeral. Then we go back one month on a twisted bloody journey to see how Bruce got to this point. Along the way we meet Goatboy, Bat Cow, Mutants and horrific agents of Leviathan.

Morrison makes this issue move fast, feel packed with story, punch with wit and shocking moments. Burnham’s art is dynamic and innovative feeling. What Burnham delivers in facial expressions from Damian’s frustration to an amateur killer’s fear makes you feel, laugh and fear for them.

This is a MUST read. I may have to go to Morrisoncon just to bow to Morrison and Burnham for creating this book. Although I don’t think I could eat steak or burgers at all during that weekend. I’m afraid it would be Bat Cow.

By Editor 




Burnham on Batman Inc

Batman Incorporated #1 courtesy DC Comics

  I had the opportunity to meet Chris Burnham recently at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle – and I got a Batgirl head shot sketch! Burnham is joining Grant Morrison on a new Batman Incorporated. The new title is part of DC Comics New 52: The Second Wave. DC revealed preview art and a new quote from the artist.

Batman Incorporated #1 courtesy DC Comics

  “Oh, man, I am so excited for this book to come out! Grant and I have put our all into making this the best reading experience possible. We’re trying to do away with the widescreen movie-wannabe comics of the last ten or fifteen years and make the comicbookiest comics we’re capable of. Breaking borders, impossible perspectives, intricate panel interplay, sound effects, speed lines, splash pages, and some stuff that I’m not quite sure how to put into words. Words are Grant’s department, anyway!

We’re throwing everything we can think of at the wall and I’m pretty sure most of it’s sticking. It’s exciting, dramatic, funny, violent, deadly serious, utterly ridiculous, and, hopefully, moving. We’re doing our darnedest to dress the entirety of human experience up in tights for 20 pages a month and punch it right in the teeth.”

By Editor

Action Comics Preview

Action Comics #11 courtesy DC Comics

  Grant Morrison continues to excite the Superman mythos with Action Comics. DC Comics revealed the cover to issue #11 by Rags Morales that reflects the solicitation for the story:

  “Superman’s new secret identity revealed! Lois Lane continues her investigation into the mystery of Earth’s first Superman! Plus, in the backup story: We know where Superman got his armor costume, but where did he get all those “S” T-shirts?”

  This months is the start the Batman family crossover Night of the Owls. I hope DC may be plotting a crossover with the Superman family of books – maybe a way to introduce some Kryptonian foes into the New 52?

New Grant Morrison Project at Image


Happy teaser art courtesy Image Comics

  The Image Expo kicked off with a huge announcement. Grant Morrison (Action Comics, Batman Incorporated) is bringing a new project called Happy! to Image Comics this year. Publisher Eric Stephenson made the announcement in his keynote address. Darick Robertson will illustrate the series.

  IFanboy has the exclusive story, teaser image and an extended interview with Morrison.

 Morrison did tell IFanboy the series is “in a genre he’s never really tackled before…but with a bizarre twist, of course.” 

  Let the speculation begin!

  Morrison did say he will continue writing Superman and Batman titles and Seaguy for Vertigo.

Black Superman Debuts in Action Comics


Action Comics #9 courtesy The Source

  A black Superman from an alternate reality will battle a new villain called Superdoom. Grant Morrison tells three tales in Action Comics #9 setting up the new multiverse of DC Comics The New 52. The Source revealed the cover and Gene Ha interior preview art.

  The solicitation stated one of the stories starred President Superman. The art sure looks like this hero operates out of the White House. It’s not confirmed if this is the black President of the United States featured in Morrison’s Final Crisis.

Action Comics #7 courtesy DC Comics