Uncanny X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

Remember these names:

Tempus, Triage, Hijack, Benjamin Deeds and Goldballs…yes Goldballs.

The newest mutants of the X-verse starred in Uncanny X-Men #35 this week. It was an emotional and powerful story of fame, youth and finding your role in a world that loves you…until they fear and hate you. Brian Michael Bendis and artist Valerio Schiti delivered an unexpected tale featuring the rookies that perfectly captures the core of what being an X-Man is.

It may be one of the final times we see them in action.

The new students created by Bendis are not listed in the All-New, All-Different Marvel X-books. Will these kids vanish into the back burner or the void of forgotten mutants? Continue reading ONCE and FUTURE X-MEN