Here’s Why GeekGirlCon

GeekGirlCon 2013 photo by ComicsBlend
GeekGirlCon 2013 photo by ComicsBlend

Why GeekGirlCon you may ask?


Not only is it an incredible gathering for all lovers of comics, gaming, sci-fi and cosplay but you will learn and be inspired it.


Today it really hit home why we need this open, inclusive environment for geeks of all types, genders, backgrounds. Continue reading Here’s Why GeekGirlCon

Blast Into the Past With DIVAS, DAMES & DAREDEVILS

DIVAS DAMES & DAREDEVILS CoverAfter your enjoy this week’s brand new comics I encourage you to enjoy a blast into the past with a brand new collection that celebrates rarely seen tales of super women.


Divas, Dames and Daredevils: Lost Heroines of Golden Age Comics is packed with high adventure with hard boiled detectives, tough reporters, daring pilots, masked vigilantes and powerhouse champions with extraordinary abilities. Today fans celebrate when a female superhero headlines her own comic book series. This collection takes you back to an era when women ruled the anthology comics.


This is the second book from Mike Madrid. The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy and the History of Comic Book Heroines) celebrated the women we love and how they influenced and were influenced by society. Now Madrid shines the spotlight on forgotten heroines who kicked butt as cops, journalists, spies and goddesses devoting a chapter to the different types of heroines followed by a classic tale not seen in decades. Continue reading Blast Into the Past With DIVAS, DAMES & DAREDEVILS


Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel
Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel

Carol Danvers is a fan-favorite Avenger and in 2014 she’s going higher! At New York Comic Con Marvel revealed an All-New Captain Marvel #1 by current writer Kelly Sue DeConnick and artist David Lopez.


“We’re taking her cosmic,” announced DeConnick at the panel, “We are taking her into space in a Flash Gordon / Buck Rogers, my way or the highway kind of way.”


When DeConnick launched a new solo series she focused on Carol’s experience as a pilot and that will continue to be an inspiration to writing the Avenger. Continue reading CAPTAIN MARVEL Goes Cosmic


Captain Marvel #15 courtesy Marvel
Captain Marvel #15 courtesy Marvel

Just 1 week until GeekGirlCon 2013 in Seattle. The convention is dedicated to celebrating and honoring the legacy of women in all aspects of geek culture, including science and technology; comics, the arts, and literature; and game play and game design.


Denise Crosby (Lt. Tasha Yar on Star Trek: The Next Generation) and writer Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Avengers Assemble)  and professional cosplayer Chaka Cumberbatch are first time special celebrity guests. Continue reading Get to GEEKGIRLCON


DIVAS DAMES & DAREDEVILS CoverIn an age when fans take to social media to save comic books starring female heroes it’s amazing to think back to a time when strong women packed the pages of comics.


Divas, Dames and Daredevils: Lost Heroines of Golden Age Comics takes you back to an age of extraordinary women fighting evil as reporters, fighter pilots, detectives, masked vigilantes and super-powered goddesses.


Mike Madrid (The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy and the History of Comic Book Heroines) devotes a chapter to the different styles of female heroes that populated comics anthologies of the 1940’s. You may know Wonder Woman or Sheena, Queen of the Jungle but Madrid introduces you to other fantastic women of the era. Continue reading DIVA, DAMES & DAREDEVILS Preview

Kelly Sue DeConnick at GeekGirlCon 2013

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy
Captain Marvel #1 courtesy

Comic book writer Kelly Sue DeConnick will appear at GeekGirlCon 2013. The event celebrates the contributions of women to geek culture in comics, science, gaming, film and more.

DeConnick has been in the industry for the last decade, writing comics and adapting manga into English including the scripts for Kare First Love, Black Cat, Sexy Voice and Robo and Blue Spring.

DeConnick’s best-known mainstream comics work is with Marvel Comics. Ms. Marvel became Captain Marvel with DeConnick at the helm of the new series that debuted last year with Carol Danvers in a new costume and role.

DeConnick became the first female writer on an Avengers title: Continue reading Kelly Sue DeConnick at GeekGirlCon 2013

Gail Simone After Batgirl Commentary


“Batgirl of San Diego” & Gail Simone at GeekGirlCon 2012, photo by ComicsBlend

I’m surprised and sad that Gail Simone is off Batgirl. I picked up the book because I love Simone’s writing and I will always love Barbara Gordon. I stayed because it was thrilling and equally moving.

The New 52 Barbara wasn’t just a hero because she wore a cape and mask. Barbara was a survivor.

During her Batgirl run Simone created strong rogues for Barbara. These new villains were dark reflections of DC’s iconic heroes. Bruce Wayne could have turned into Knightfall. These rogues were like Barbara but she took a different path and fought to overcome the trauma instead of being identified with it.

I was honored to listen to Gail Simone at this year’s GeekGirlCon in Seattle where she thanked and empowered her fans. Simone is a source of creativity and inspiration – and she’s a riot on Twitter!

I would love to see Gail snapped up by a rival (or even better) get her own creator owned series at Image. If Gail writes it – I will try it!

By Editor

Geek Girl Con Back in 2013

  Make a date with Geek Girl Con! The Seattle Celebration of the Female Geek has set the date of October 19 and 20 of 2013 for next year’s big event at the Conference Center in Seattle.

 I had a blast this year! This Celebration of the Female Geek welcomes all to join the party! The event recognizes the contributions of women in all aspects of geek culture with amazing guests and insightful and fun panels. Here’s my review of this year’s event.

By Editor