The All-New Marvel Now is on the way. World War II heroes The Invaderswill reunite against a modern-day enemy in a new series by James Robinson and Steve Pugh. Inhuman by Matt Fraction and Joe Maduriera will star classic and new Inhumans in a world vastly changed after a major event involving the Kree-created race. All-New Avengers #24.NOW by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic starts a new arc, Rogue Planet, in the wake of Infinity.
Who’s next? Which characters and concepts should get a chance to shine in the All-New Marvel Now? Black Widow and Silver Surfer have been named as possible heroes getting a new series in the upcoming recharge.
Happy One Year Anniversary to Northstar and Kyle Jinadu! It was one year ago the X-Man married Kyle Jinadu in Astonishing X-Men #51. The marriage was heavily promoted, protested and celebrated. Openly gay X-Man Northstar married Kyle Jinadu with the X-Men and Alpha Flight watching in New York’s Central Park. The big event inspired some gay X-men fans to tie the knot…in a comic book store on the day of the wedding issue’s arrival! The wedding of Jean-Paul and Kyle was huge for mainsteam comics but continued the tradition of diversity in the X-Men history.
Jean-Paul and Kyle are still together, still trying to cope with the pressures and dangers of being a super couple targeted by villains. Northstar’s wedding was a major milestone in comic books. Back in the 1980’s John Byrne (Jean-Paul’s creator along with the rest of the Canadian supergroup Alpha Flight) wasn’t allowed Continue reading X-Men Gay Wedding Anniversary
Marvel told fans to “save the date” for a wedding in Astonishing X-Men #51 this June. Fans speculated that Marvel’s first openly gay hero Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier) would marry his boyfriend Kyle. Today it’s official – the ladies of ABC’s The View made the announcement. Astonishing X-Men #50 by Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins is out this week – in which Jean-Paul proposes to Kyle Jinadu.
Jean-Paul is a native of Quebec and introduced in the 1980’s in Alpha Flight. Creator John Byrne said he always planned to have Northstar come out but Marvel’s editorial policy at the time wouldn’t allow it. Northstar came out in Alpha Flight by Scott Lobdell in 1992. Professor X recruited Northstar to be an X-Man and teach at the school. After joining, quitting (he was killed by a brainwashed Wolverine but resurrected) the X-Men and rejoining Alpha Flight Northstar started his own sports events company. He fell in love with his company manager, Kyle.
After Alpha Flight disbanded Northstar accepted Wolverine’s offer to be part of the Jean Grey School for mutants. Jean-Paul and Kyle will live in New York City and Northstar would commute (he’s a super speedster) to the school update.
I’m a big fan of Northstar’s twin sister Jeanne-Marie (Aurora.) Hope she’s able to come to the ceremony. Here’s a previous post with background on the GLBT mutants. We’ve come a long way in this country. I never knew when I wrote this post asking for Marvel to bring Northstar back into the X-Men family back in November of 2011 that I would be posting about his upcoming nuptials.