Updated: John Carter Cast Set for Sequels

Poster for Disney's John Carter

(Update: Following up on the post below)

  Taylor Kitsch told /Film he won’t do John Carter 2 unless Director Andrew Stanton is involved. He told them what he would look forward to if a sequel happened:

 “It’s such an origin story for JC, this one, and you’re always trying to ground yourself, in the first weeks of any film, of the tone, the character, of all that stuff. But now we have it. This sequel, we’re landing and we’re going full tilt. So that’s what I’m excited to do. You guys will know where John is so there’s no explaining the back story anymore. And I know where Stanton’s going with it and it’s pretty great.”


Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins in Disney's John Carter

(Previous Post)

I’m eagerly awaiting Disney’s John Carter next month. Willem Dafoe plays the Martian warrior Tars Tarkas and tells The Playlist he and other actors are signed on for sequels.

 “If it succeeds, there are potentially two or three of them and I know Andrew’s signed on, Taylor [Kitsch]’s signed on, Lynn [Collins’] signed on. So if it happens, I know it’s the same people and there’s only the hope that we can go deeper.”

  For those new to the story Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan) created a fantastic series of books featuring an Earth man transported to Mars. No little green men here. The various warrior tribes of the red planet call it Barsoom. Tars Tarkas a leader of the Tharks, big green warrior men.

  Disney’s John Carter marks a union of two Marvel movie universes. Taylor Kitsch was Gambit and Lynn Collins was Silverfox in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Dafoe was Norman Osborn/Green Goblin in Spider Man. Thanks for Comic Book Resources.


Taylor Kitsch as Daredevil?

Taylor Kitsch as John Carter photo by Frank Connor courtesy Disney Enterprises

  Will Taylor Kitsch trade in his John Carter loincloth for red leather and horns? Kitsch is reportedly being considered for Director David Slade’s reboot of Daredevil according to Movie Hole. The story is part of their hilarious feature on actors who nearly won super hero roles.

 Kitsch said he would like to play X-Man Gambit again but said it’s unlikely that would happen. The story says Xavier Samuel is under consideration too. Slade directed Samuel as the vampire Riley in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

Thanks to Comic Book Resources.

  When I think of David Slade’s film (Hard Candy, 30 Days of Night) I envision a dark and gritty Daredevil movie based on Frank Miller’s Born Again.


Daredevil #10.1 courtesy Marvel.com

  If this report is true the studio seems to be going for a young Matt Murdock reboot like Sony did with Amazing Spider-Man. The tone may be different too. Mark Waid’s new take on Daredevil has been a critical and fan hit. I really love the artwork on the new title – especially this cover.

  Marvel and Chris Evans (Fantastic Four’s Johnny Storm, Captain America)proved you have movie magic twice with the same actor.

While this Daredevil story is just speculation – what do you think of the idea of Taylor Kitsch as Daredevil?

Gage’s X-Men Legacy and Rogue’s Future


X-Men Legacy #262 courtesy Marvel

  As a huge fan of Mike Carey’s X-Men Legacy run, Christos Gage had big shoes to fill, especially when it comes to writing Rogue. I’m thrilled to say that I’m really enjoying his initial issues. I wanted to share some highlights of Gage’s interview with Comic Book Resources.

  I really like his take on why choosing between Cyclops and Wolverine (after Schism) was difficult for Rogue and why she’s so comfortable with new role at the Jean Grey School.

  “I think Rogue’s struggle with the Schism wasn’t so much over what side to choose but rather the fact that it was happening at all. It hurt her to see two men she liked and respected so much in Cyclops and Wolverine disagreeing so strongly, and to see the X-Men divided. It was especially tough on her to leave Magneto in the early stages of their burgeoning yet largely undefined relationship, before she’d had a chance to sort out her feelings about him.


X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  That said, I think she was always going to go to the Grey School. She had been working with the X-Men’s younger kids for a long time, and I think it gave her a feeling of doing something positive while at the same time giving kids in situations similar to hers when she was young — often confused and scared by their powers — opportunities she never had. It’s good for her and it’s good for the kids. I think she feels better about her role in the world — what she’s doing with her life — than maybe she ever has.”

  X-Men Legacy #262 arrives February 22nd with a stunning Mark Brooks cover.


AVX Vs. #2 Slugfest

Vs. #2 courtesy Marvel

  Salvador Larroca is one of my favorite creators. The Spanish artist’s style has evolved over several X-Men titles, Invincible Iron Man and does any recall the short lived but beautiful New Universal?

 Marvel gave Comic Book Resources several AVX preview covers. This is one of my favorites. Spidey faced a Cyttorak powered foe before in the classic Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut. Looks like Peter Parker will have to fight Colossal Juggernaut now that the X-Man can summon the power of the Cyttorak.

  Captain America and Gambit are clashing on the cover too. It’s tough to root for one over the other: the boy scout against the bad boy. Gambit’s luck may have run out on this fight.

 AVX: VS. #2 is by Kieron Gillen with art by Larroca and Steve McNiven.

X-Men Legacy #261 Exodus From the Jean Grey School?


X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  X-Men Legacy #261 isn’t just in fine hands but phenomenal hands. Christos Gage took over last month after Mike Carey long run.  His second issue is filled with drama, humor and action. A love triangle is building into a quadrangle. An old enemy arrives.

  I’ve never been a fan of the villain Exodus. He’s a pink skinned, immortal mutant who can do anything but I think it’s very clever how Gage uses him here. Exodus wants to reunite the X-Men. Through the conflict the X-Men show why Schism happened and why they made the right choice to follow Logan.

X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  Gage has picked up the baton from Carey when it comes to portraying Rogue as the confident teacher/leader she’s become. From her girl talk with Rachel about long distance relationships to tapping into powers for a takedown of Exodus, this is the decisive, exciting Rogue I’ve come to love.

  I really love David Baldeon’s art. His work is energetic and expessive. The fight scenes are dynamic and a great fit with Nick Bradshaw’s work on Wolverine and the X-Men. I’m reminded of Gary Frank and Dale Keown’s work on The Incredible Hulk.  


I’m definitely excited to see where this new team take Rogue, Gambit, Frenzy and company. The Exodus plot is not over and looks like this team is heading back to Utopia.

Marvel’s Headmaster: Avengers Academy and X-Men Legacy Writer


X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  School’s in session for Christos Gage. He’s not just a popular writer he’s kind of like the Secretary of Education for Marvel’s next generation. The writer behind Avengers Academy and now X-Men: Legacy talked about the difference between attending the Academy and Wolverine’s Jean Grey School.

  “Being an Avenger is a choice, being an X-Man is almost part and parcel of being a mutant,” says Gage.

  “That wasn’t always the case, but now that there are so few mutants left, that’s how it is. So for the X-Men, it’s more about ‘This is the hand we’ve been dealt—what’s the best way to approach life?’ [where] with the Avengers it’s much more the traditional super hero philosophy of ‘Let’s use our talents to serve mankind.’ Not that the X-Men don’t care about that, but it’s just one part of a whole. 

  “Being an Avenger is a part-time thing, and when you’re not doing that, you’re being a billionaire industrialist or whatever. Being an X-Man is a full-time job.”

X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  While Gage will focus on the staff (Rogue, Gambit, Frenzy) of the Jean Grey School, we’ve already seen intense interaction with the students. I really loved Rogue’s lesson that helped Rockslide reach a new level of his mutant power. I’m thrilled to see Gage using the Guthries (Cannonball and Husk) in the book too.

 For his complete Marvel interview click here.

  X-Men: Legacy #261 arrives in stores this week.

AVX: Spider-Woman Blasts Gambit, Angel and Devil

  AVX Round One continues with more Marvel teaser images!

Spider-Woman Versus Gambit? I really like this matchup because the powers are similar and both heroes have swayed down the dark path so they could both fight dirty if necessary. Humberto Ramos created this showdown of venom blast and kinetic cards.

  Daredevil and Archangel by Salvador Larroca is a wild card simply because of Warren Worthington’s recent transformation in Uncanny X-Force: The Dark Angel Saga. Murdock could take Angel but a clash with Archangel – not so sure Matt could survive.

X-Men Legacy Changes

X-Men Legacy #260.1 cover by Mark Brooks courtesy Marvel.com

  X-Men Legacy #260.1 arrived this week with a new creative team and direction for Rogue, Gambit and Frenzy as they joined the Jean Grey School. This is the first issue since Mike Carey left the book after 5 and a half years of excellence.

  I’m excited to see where I think new writer Christos Gage will take us. Rogue has evolved into a confident mentor of young mutants and she quickly makes one junior X-Man reach a new level of power and potential during a football game.

  There’s a new threat to rebuilt school from an ancient enemy that’s right out of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer’s Sunnydale. I actually forgot that the Xavier estate has some nightmarish neighbors down below. Gage writes a dynamic fight with the invaders that shows off Rogue’s mastery of her power and the potential in the new kids.

  What’s really exciting is the slow burn then passionate ignition of a new love triangle among these X-Men and the return of Exodus. Given the villain’s history with the reforming Frenzy that should create a different kind of spark.

  I absolutely loved David Baldeon’s art which reminded me of Gary Frank on The Incredible Hulk. The first issue is a winner and I’m excited to see how the legacy evolves.