All-New X-Factor #5 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #5 courtesy Marvel

The action, intrigue and humor keep rolling in Peter David’s All-New X-Factor #5 this week. The latest chapter of the corporate team of mutant heroes is a delight for fans of the original New Mutants era as three classic characters are woven into David’s exciting fresh take on X-Factor.


As you can see by the cover Warlock is back. If there’s Warlock then the Magus and Doug Ramsey can’t be far behind. Continue reading NEW MUTANTS Join ALL-NEW X-FACTOR

Which Mutants Could Be In X-MEN APOCALYPSE

Age of Apocalypse #13 courtesy Marvel
Age of Apocalypse #13 courtesy Marvel

X-Men: Days of Future Past in just a few months away but director Bryan Singer is already thinking of which mutants would be in the sequel, X-Men: Apocalypse.


“I’m considering a Gambit and potentially a young Nightcrawler for Apocalypse,” he said. “[I was] going to have Nightcrawler appear [in Days of Future Past] and even wrote a scene, but I felt that we were forcing too many mutants known history,” Singer told Cine Premiere. Continue reading Which Mutants Could Be In X-MEN APOCALYPSE


All-New X-Factor #4 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #4 courtesy Marvel

A bitter reunion between X-Men allies leads to an awesome battle, ironic twist and a new level of mysteries in All-New X-Factor #4 this week.


Here’s what you need to know:

Serval Industries bought the X-Factor brand name from Jamie Madrox. The CEO recruited Polaris, Quicksilver and Gambit to the company’s official super hero team to just help people.

They may go on a few corporate errands, too.

The search for cyber thieves from Serval leads back to Remy’s Thieves Guild but an even bigger “family” reunion. Continue reading ALL-NEW X-FACTOR #4 Review


X-Men: Origins: Gambit courtesy Marvel
X-Men: Origins: Gambit courtesy Marvel

Is luck changing for fans of the charming X-Man Remy LeBeau?


Could there be a Gambit solo movie on the horizon?


Channing Tatum (Magic Mike, White House Down) is a fan. Here’s what the star said last year according to Empire.


“I would like to play Gambit. Gambit’s my favorite. I’m from New Orleans, around that area. My dad’s from New Orleans, and I like to do a Cajun accent. I could do it for real.” Continue reading X-MEN Producer on CHANNING TATUM as GAMBIT


All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David is back in business and business is oh so good in All-New X-Factor #1.
From government squad to detective agency and now corporate sponsored super heroes – David evolves X-Factor again.


Serval Industries is a leader in internet and weapons technology has bought the “X-Factor” brand name and “just wants to help people.”

You  must cautious and suspicious when Continue reading ALL-NEW X-FACTOR #1 Review


X-Factor #2 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #2 courtesy Marvel

X-Factor is not just a superhero team…it’s a brand name.


This week an All-New X-Factor #1 hits comic book shops.


Peter David gives the mutant team concept a new twist: Serval Industries buys the “X-Factor” name and launches their own superhero group. Continue reading New ALL-NEW X-FACTOR Preview

All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David and X-Factor are back in business…literally!


All-New X-Factor #1 by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico is out this week.


From being the government’s mutant liaison team to a mutant detective agency – Peter David has evolved the X-Factor title over more than a decade of writing. Now David will evolve the book again with a brand new number one. Continue reading All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again

All-New X-FACTOR Announced

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

A new beginning for Peter David and X-Factor revealed at New York Comic Con.


David hinted issue 260 of the new ended X-Factor held clues to his new project.


Then came the “Corporate” teaser.


Now we know there will be an All-New X-Factor by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico in 2014. Continue reading All-New X-FACTOR Announced