A Geek Guy At GeekGirlCon!

Avengers cosplay fans at GeekGirlCon 2012 photo by ComicsBlend.com

GeekGirlCon honored contributions by women to comics, sci-fi, game play, game design, science and tech in Seattle this weekend. This passion filled event was about female creators and fans. Organizers celebrated female geeks by giving them special guests, inspirational and insightful panels and a way to share and express their passion for comics, games and all things geeky.

Continue reading A Geek Guy At GeekGirlCon!

This Geek’s Top Panels for GeekGirlCon in Seattle

  The GEEK will be celebrated and SHE has earned it! GeekGirlCon will honor contributions of women to geek culture. The first event was a sold out smash and organizers have listened to fan input in planning this year’s event in Seattle this weekend.

  Here are there top panels I’m most excited about:

  Moffat’s Women: Companions, Travelers, Gender Roles and TARDISES in Doctor WhoRiver Song, Amy Pond, Donna Noble, Rose Tyler and Martha Jones (my personal favorite) are the women who make Doctor Who’s journeys so compelling. This panel discusses the female characters Executive Producer Steven Moffat created, both now and under Russell T. Davies. The panelist will take on: transgender issues implied by a Time Lord’s regenerative ability, the representation of LGBT characters (omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness!) and lifestyles and The Doctor’s Wife (aka the TARDIS.)

Batgirl #12 courtesy DC Comics

 Gail Simone and the Batgirl of San Diego: Batgirls, One Year Later –Gail Simone blazed a trail with dynamic writing and powerful characters in Birds of Prey and Secret Six plus she wrote Deadpool and The Simpsons. Last year Simone took Barbara Gordon out of her wheelchair and put her back on the streets of Gotham City in a reboot of Batgirl. At least year’s SDCC Simone donned a cape and cowl while asking pointed questions about the lack of female representation in comics. Gail Simone and “The Batgirl of San Diego” discuss the state of comics today and the future. Spotlight on Gail Simone is on Sunday in a discussion of her career, her views on social issues and women in comics.

  Jane Espenson and Husbands—A Comedy for the Marriage Equality Age Espenson has written for Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica and Warehouse 13. Husbands is her web show in the tradition of classic comedies. Producers and cast will discuss making the show and its future.

From Jedi Princess to Sith Witch: An Exploration of Female Characters in Star Wars – From Leia to Padme and all the witches, bounty hunters, smugglers and women who light up both sides of The Force in the sci-fi universe.

There are two days packed with more panels about gaming, blogging and more. Here’s my preview of GeekGirlCon 2012.

 GeekGirlCon 2012 is THIS WEEKEND at the Conference Center in Seattle. Click here to buy passes.

By Editor

GeekGirlCon Celebrates Women of Geek Culture

  The GEEK will be celebrated and SHE has earned it! GeekGirlCon will recognize the contributions of women to geek culture. What would our culture be without Wonder Woman, Lt. Uhura or Batgirl? But what about the women behind the scenes creating the comics, books, movies, television and games? What about the women at the comic book shops and behind the consoles?

  The first celebration of female geek in Seattle was a smash. The women behind GeekGirlCon are dreaming bigger with this year’s event. I asked Susie Rantz about what’s new for their second con.

 “We sold out so quickly last year, so we moved into a bigger space that will allow more people can take part in the fun. The reaction to the convention last year was fantastic. People not only had a great time and got to meet their favorite writers and actors, but they made connections that bettered them as people. Companies and websites even launched as a result of GeekGirlCon. 

  “We want this year’s convention to build from those successes. For the second year, we have expanded our gaming and exhibitor hall. We now have a whole floor for tabletop and console gaming, as well as some really fun workshops. We also heard from convention-goers last year that they wanted more opportunities to network and connect with one another, so we added GeekGirlConnections, a room where people can plan their careers, network with women who work in their desired career fields, and learn about job opportunities that exist.

 Finally, one of the things I find most exciting about GeekGirlCon is the fact that our convention truly reflects what our fans want. In the spring, we put out the call for panel submissions. Virtually every panel being offered at GeekGirlCon ’12 is a result of the amazing ideas submitted by fans — ideas like talking about how we discuss disabilities in pop culture and comics. That means every year, our convention could focus on different topics and fandoms.”

 Whether on our second or 20th convention, we will remain true to our mission of supporting and celebrating women who love science, comics, technology, video games, and any other geeky topic.”  

Batgirl #4 courtesy DC Comics

  Returning guest Gail Simone blazed the trail with her runs on Birds of Prey, Secret Six and now Batgirl at DC Comics. 2012 has seen a number of comic book success stories championed by women. Ms. Marvel just got promoted to Captain Marvel with Kelly Sue DeConnick writing and the first issue sold out! Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men is a critical and commercial success and gained mainstream headlines for the gay wedding of Northstar. Womanthology demonstrated the true meaning of geek girl power. With these recent successes I asked this Susie is she felt this is a “breakthrough year” for women in comics?

Captain Marvel #1 courtesy Marvel.com

 “It certain feels like women are making some significant breakthroughs in the comic book industry. Gail Simone is a fantastic leader in this field. Not only is she a great writer, but she stands up for and handles herself with so much grace. I think women are seeing what she’s been able to accomplish and realizing they can make that same future for themselves.

  The success of Womanthology certainly shouldn’t go unnoticed, either. For those who don’t know a lot of about the project, Womanthology is a 350-page comic anthology created entirely by women, with all proceeds going to charity. The project was originally posted on Kickstarter, where the creators raised $109,000, making Womanthology the most successful comics project and 25th most successful Kickstarter of all time,” she continues.

  Special Guest Renae De Liz is behind woman behind Womanthology. De Liz will be at the Seattle con to share how she did it on her own terms. I asked Rantz if the special guests and programming could inspire the next geek girl success story?

Womanthology courtesy IDW Publishing

  “I sure hope so. We are not simply dedicated to celebrating geeky women and girls — but that is certainly one important piece of this convention. Of course, we want people to have fun! However, we also know there are a lot of people out there looking for ways to further dive into what they love and apply it to their careers, or simply explore hobbies in new ways.

 The great podcast website Geekquality actually formed as a result of our convention last year. This year, instead of simply coming as attendees, they are presenting during a panel (“Geekquality Presents: Navigating Geekdom as an Outsider,” Saturday from 3:30 – 4:20 p.m.). This is just one example of the fire we hope to ignite among attendees. For others, it might be as simply as taking a class on programming, or volunteering as a mentor at your child’s school.

  As I mentioned above, we did hear from a lot of attendees last year that they wanted more ways to learn how to break into various businesses or succeed in their desired career fields. And that is why we are so excited to have panels featuring women from EA and PopCap and BioWare, or others that talk about how to land technology jobs, like “Tech Jobs You Never Knew You Wanted” and A Career as a Lady Coder II: Getting the Job.” That’s also why we added the GeekGirlConnections room, which will be filled with people from NASA, SEOMoz, Dark Horse Comics, and other great companies.”

Power Girl before The New 52 makeover courtesy DC Comics

  There have been costume changes to female comic book characters that still make them sexy but not blatant cheesecake. Ms. Marvel is now Captain Marvel and wears a flight suit instead of a one piece bathing suite, Power Girl’s hole in her chest is covered, Psylocke is no longer wearing a thong and heels. What do girl geeks think of these changes? Does how a heroine look matter?

 “That’s funny you bring up Power Girl, as someone I follow on Twitter recently shared the cover of DC Comics’ Ame-Comi Power Girl book, where the hole returned! But I do think there are enough people speaking up for a more realistic version of “sexy” when it comes to female comic book characters. These voices have really made a dent and have forced the comic book industry make some corrections.

  In fact, Kelly Thompson, a comic book fan and journalist, wrote a great article titled, “She Has No Head! – No, It’s Not Equal.” The article demonstrated how women were put in untenable poses and clothes. The article certainly could have made people defensive, but it was presented with clear examples — and the comments from all genders were positive.

 You hear over and over from comic book publishers that they are marketing to men and boys because that is who buys their products. Yet, I read an article that quoted the owners of comic book store Comicopia, who said around “thirty-five to forty percent” of their customers were female. That is probably a shocking stat to a lot of people, because most assumed the figure might be more like 5 percent. I think women and girls are sometimes afraid to speak up and say, “We like these things too.” But they are finding their voices now, and are seeing there actually IS a community behind them, supporting them.”

  Along with Gail Simone and Renae De Liz, a powerhouse group of writers, artists and entrepreneurs will meet that community:

  Writer/producer Jane Espenson (Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Warehouse 13, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once Upon a Time.)

 Ashley Eckstein, voice of Ahsoka Tano on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and owner of fangirl gear site Her Universe.

  Comic book writer Jen Van Meter (Hopeless Savages, Black Lightning: Year One, Black Cat.

 Comic book writer and novelist Greg Rucka (Gotham Central, Wonder Woman, Queen & Country, Whiteout, Stumptown, Elektra) is acclaimed for his portrayal of female heroes and will be featured in the panel Why Men Write Women Poorly and How to Get a Clue.

  Geek culture is not just about iconic female characters. Celebrate the women who create and love it. Guys are welcome. I wouldn’t miss it. GeekGirlCon 2012 August 11 and 12 at the Conference Center in Seattle. Click here to buy passes.

By Editor

Emerald City Comicon: This Geek’s Odyssey Day One


The Lines Room outside the massive line room at ECCC - ComicsBlend.com

  Emerald City Comicon is here! Stars, swag and geek dreams come true all on display for eager fans. The Washington State Convention Center became geek ground zero. At we waited for the 2pm opening the Skybridge was stuffed with fans then there were seven lines of eager geeks packed in a giant panel room with another huge line out beyond the entry way.


Matt Fraction at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

Today’s agenda was autographs! Matt Fraction was my first – he recognized me from the previous two years – sigh! I had him sign Fear Itself #1 Casanova: Avarita #1 and #2, The Mighty Thor #1 and The Defenders #1. Matt draws clever word balloons on the covers too for that unique touch. Matt’s wife is Kelly Sue DeConnick. I was thrilled to talk about her upcoming new book starring Ms. Marvel now as the new Captain Marvel (she gave out some cool Captain Marvel promo buttons!) and scoop on her next Castle graphic novel.

Ed Brubaker at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  Seattle’s very own Ed Brubaker always has a huge line of fans and the celebrity status is well deserved. While he autographed Captain America #1, The Winter Soldier #1 and Fatale #1 we discussed the sell-out success of Fatale, his creator owned horror mystery and Bucky Barnes back as the Winter Soldier.


Gail Simone at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  Gail Simone is a fan favorite for her Birds of Prey, Secret Six and Wonder Woman runs and for being a trailblazing female writer. I had Simone autograph her recent Batgirl #1, and Wonder Woman #600. I also had her sign my copy of The Power Within, an anti-gay bullying comic published by Seattle’s own Northwest Press. She was a contributor. Simone and her outstanding career is celebrated in a Saturday panel.

With Gail Simone at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  Rick Remender had a breakout year in 2011. I had Remender sign several of his Uncanny X-Force issues and his first Secret Avengers issue. Remender talks about his Fear Agent series and popular take on Marvel’s undercover teams in a Saturday spotlight panel.


Monsters & Dames Charity Book courtesy Emerald City Comicon

Adi Granov is a conceptual designer on the Iron Man and upcoming Avengers films. He created the cover for this year’s Monsters and Dames charity book. I had Granov sign several X-Men cover issues and scored his illustration book packed with covers and concept sketches! Art lovers buy this limited edition book and then hunt for the artists at the con who contributed.

With "Batman" artist Greg Capullo at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  The biggest surprise was Greg Capullo. The man is built and looks tough. This guy should be in superhero movies. He’s been working for decades to become an overnight sensation. Capullo was known for his work on X-Force, Spawn and Angela and  now he’s winning raves for his Batman. Capullo even had sketches of Scarecrow with the ECCC logo to sign and give away to every fan who came to his table.


Chris Burnham, artist on Batman Inc at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  DC Comics was very giving all day with free issues, posters and more cool swag at their booth. I happen to walk by at the right time. Chris Burnham, the artist on the upcoming Batman Inc, was making fan dreams come true with free sketches of their favorite DC icons. I asked for Batgirl. He was great to ask “which one, which era?” Chris created a New 52 Barbara Gordon Batgirl head shot that I’m having framed!

  The big get for ECCC and for any lucky fan: Marc Silvestri. I had been following Marc’s work since his Uncanny X-Men (I got the famous Wolverine crucified on a X cross issue signed) and Wolverine runs in the late 80’s and 90’s. Silvestri became a founding member of Image Comics and head of Top Cow Productions where he created hits like Witchblade and The Darkness. I snapped up The Art of Marc Silvestri retrospective book collecting his years of work. I was just above the cutoff line so I made it into the last bunch of fans to get this awesome opportunity for his autographs and one on one moment with a legendary creator.


Inside the Hall waiting for the mighty Marc Silvestri at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  All that (plus seeing crazy costumed fans and meeting my friends in Garrison Titan – the Star Wars fans who raise money for charity) in just 6 hours. Saturday is a full day with more autograph seeking, photo taking, hunting for rare comics and enjoying wonderful geek moments.

  Watch for a new post with the gallery of costumed fans!

GLAAD Outstanding Comic Book Nominees


Life With Archie #16 courtesy Archie Comics

 GLAAD, The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, reveals the nominees for Outstanding Comic Book for 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards:

Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, by Allan Heinberg (Marvel)
Batwoman, by J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman (DC Comics)
Secret Six, by Gail Simone (DC Comics)
Veronica Presents: Kevin Keller, by Dan Parent (Archie Comics)
X-Factor, by Peter David (Marvel Comics)

  All of these nominated books feature a gay or lesbian lead character or a gay character in the ensemble.

X-Factor's Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy Marvel.com

  X-Factor won last year. Rictor and Shatterstar are boyfriends and co-workers at X-Factor Investigations. Rictor is a Mexican mutant who lost his powers but recently was repowered in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. Shatterstar is a mutant warrior from another dimension – and wants an open relationship. Rictor wants them to stay monogamous.


Batwoman #1 from DC Comics

  Batwoman is Kate Kane, lipstick lesbian socialite of Gotham City and caped crusader by night. The fan favorite crime fighter is the star of her own DC Comics New 52 series.

  Kevin Keller is the front-runner. Archie Comics showcased an openly gay character in an all-ages book. Kevin is serving openly in the military with an African-American boyfriend. The partners were featured on gay wedding ceremony cover. Archie Comics didn’t just publish the story but gave Kevin’s story a big marketing push and it made huge mainstream headlines.

   Thanks to Comics Alliance for the story.

  For my pick to win and possible nominees for 2012 scroll down or click here for part two.

Batgirl – 11 for 2011

Batgirl #4 courtesy DC Comics

  Batgirl is one of my favorite titles of 2011 and one of my favorite relaunches in DC’s New 52. In this new reality Barbara Gordon survived the Joker’s ambush and recovered to once again wear the cape and cowl to face a psychotic new villain.

  Batgirl’s cat and mouse game with the Mirror made her relive the Joker nightmare, confronting her past and evolving as a hero.

  Gail Simone’s first arc was a thrill ride and empowering survival story. Artist Adrian Syaf’s Batgirl is sexy and dangerous. From brutal fights with the Mirror to a clash reunion with Nightwing to bonding with her roommate the arc was filled with thrills and heart.  This is the beginning of a great new Batgirl era.

Batgirl’s Ghost of Christmas

Batgirl #4 courtesy DC Comics

  Batgirl #4 is set on Christmas Eve as Barbara is haunted by the most horrific night of her life. Batgirl’s war with Mirror leads her to relive the nightmare that left her paralyzed. This made Batgirl confront her past and evolve as a character. Barbara uses the Mirror’s tactics to force him to face his own tragic past.


Gail Simone has created a thrilling cat and mouse story that also serves as an empowering survival story. Adrian Syaf’s art make Batgirl dangerous and sexy with heart and strength. Fight scenes are kinetic. Barbara’s scenes with her roommate around the Christmas tree are heartwarming and relatable. I hope critics who were against Barbara getting out of the wheelchair will read this. This is the beginning of a great new era for Batgirl.  Barbara receives a holiday miracle in the final panel that should lead to new mysteries for Batgirl.


By Editor


Batgirl Confronts The Killing Joke


Batgirl #7 cover preview courtesy DC Comics

Batman: The Killing Joke is one of the greatest Joker stories ever. Barbara Gordon’s life was shattered by the Clown Prince of Crime in Alan Moore’s landmark storyline.

  Shot in the spine and paralyzed, Batgirl reinvented herself as Oracle and founded the Birds of Prey. In the DC New 52 reinvention, Barbara Gordon was not paralyzed by the Joker’s ambush and continues her career as Batgirl.

  DC says fans will see a new side of that infamous encounter as Barbara faces her demons according to today’s preview for Batgirl #7in March 2012. Batgirl’s confronts the events of that fateful attack by the Joker and a new villain, Grotesque.

  Gail Simone has delivered a thrilling return for fans of Barbara and this will be one of my ‘must read’ books.