Batgirl: Gotham’s Most Wanted!

Batgirl #20 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #20 courtesy DC Comics

Batgirl is now one of Gotham City’s Most Wanted after last issue’s showdown with her insane brother. Barbara Gordon is most wanted by a deadly new admirer too!

After surviving the Joker’s wedding plans in Death of the Family and her brother’s bizarre family plot this other caped crusader will fight a twisted new enemy in Batgirl #20 this week.

At Emerald City Comicon Gail Simone revealed she’s created a New 52 version of the classic Batman villain, The Ventriloquist, to unleash on Batgirl. DC shared this creepy vision of the rogue that will terrify, torment and test Barbara Gordon Continue reading Batgirl: Gotham’s Most Wanted!


The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics
The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

Are you ready to join The Movement? DC Comics shared a first look inside the first issue of this brand new series by Gail Simone (Batgirl, Secret Six) and Freddie Williams II (Captain Atom, Green Arrow.)

The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics
The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

“Set in Coral City, The Movement centers around a group of young people with extraordinary abilities, who take matters of justice into their own hands after the corrupt local police department is exposed. But how will the rest of the world react to these teens? And with so much power at their disposal, can they really be trusted to work towards a greater good?”

The Movement #1 arrives this week! Scroll down for more preview art! Continue reading Inside THE MOVEMENT!

Sharing Secrets in Batgirl! A Comic Book First!

Batgirl #19 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #19 courtesy DC Comics

Barbara Gordon and Alysia Yeoh are roommates with some serious issues. Babs is a costumed crimefighter. Yeoh made a big confession in this week’s Batgirl #19 that breaks new ground in mainstream comic books!

Before I continue let me give you a…








Continue reading Sharing Secrets in Batgirl! A Comic Book First!


The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics
The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

Gail Simone (Batgirl) and Freddie Williams III want you to join The Movement! DC Comics shared a first look at art from next month’s new politically charged comic book.

The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics
The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

Simone teased the roster of the book including a new character she introduced in The New 52 Batgirl run.

“It’s mostly new characters, but a couple might have subtle ties to the DCU at large,” Simone told Comic Book Resources. “I am absolutely in love with the core cast, I think they’re fresh and thrilling and unlike the characters in any other comic. That said, sharp-eyed readers have already spotted two familiar characters; Katharsis, the brutal avenger from the popular Knightfall arc in BATGIRL, and Tremor, a wonderful badass character who appeared in the pre-[New] 52 SECRET SIX. It’s a cast of favorites for me; I haven’t had this much fun with a cast since the Secret Six!”

The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics
The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

The Movement begins May 1. The Green Team is DC’s other politically-themed book coming soon.

By Editor

Batgirl’s Deadly New Admirer!

Batgirl #21 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #21 courtesy DC Comics

Barbara Gordon had a deadly new admirer! After surviving the Joker’s wedding plans in Death of the Family the other caped crusader is fighting a twisted new enemy! At Emerald City Comicon Gail Simone revealed she’s created a New 52 version of the Batman villain, Ventriloquist, to unleash on Batgirl! DC shared a creepy vision of the rogue that will terrify, torment and test Barbara Gordon Continue reading Batgirl’s Deadly New Admirer!

ECCC: The New 52

Pandora revealed courtesy DC Comics The Source

DC Comics brought an all-star team of creators to the DC Comics The New 52 Panel at Emerald City Comicon 2013 in Seattle. The panel kicked off with the announcement of Trinity of Sin: Pandora by Ray Fawkes. The mystery woman has been circling since the New 52 rebirth.

Pandora has “unjustly shouldered the blame for every bad thing that has happened in the universe,” and “she’s going to kill and kill and kill,” said Fawkes.

Here are more quick hits from the news packed panel:

Batgirl: Gail Simone will introduce a new twist on a classic Batman enemy  Continue reading ECCC: The New 52

DC Comics Gets Political!


courtesy DC Comics
courtesy DC Comics

Comic books have often reflected social issues of the time. Class struggle was a key element in The Dark Knight Rises. The Occupy Wall Street movement is the inspiration for two all-new comic books. Each book will tackle a side of the movement. DC Comics announced the two brand new series via Huffington Post.

Gail Simone (Batgirl, Birds of Prey) and Freddie Williams III (Batwoman) are the creative team on The Movement.

THE MOVEMENT is an idea I’ve had for some time,” Simone told The Huffington Post. “It’s a book about power — who owns it, who uses it, who suffers from its abuse. As we increasingly move to an age where information is currency, you get these situations where a single viral video Continue reading DC Comics Gets Political!