Savage Wolverine by Frank Cho

Savage Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

  X-Man. Avenger. Headmaster. If you think Wolverine has been domesticated by his role as teacher think again. Frank Cho will let Logan unleash his savage side in a brand new Marvel Now series premiering this January. 

  Cho will write and draw Savage Wolverine. Logan will team up with Shanna the She-Devil for an adventure in The Savage Land. Cho told how he took over Wolverine’s solo title.

 “Axel Alonso called me up after AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #0 was launched, and asked me if I wanted to work on Wolverine, which is a no-brainer since Wolverine is one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe. I asked who the writer was, and Axel replied, “You are.” I was speechless. Axel reminded me that he originally hired me as a writer-artist and [was] very excited [for] what I would come with. So I told him I’ll get back to him in couple weeks and see if I had a “Wolverine story” in me, one that I would like to tell. 

  I pondered and went through my story files to see if any of my story ideas would fit the Wolverine character. I’m a chronic scribbler and I’ve been scribbling story ideas for years. At that point, I was talking with my X-Men editor, Nick Lowe, about writing and drawing an Emma Frost, Black Cat and Spider-Woman team-up story.

  So I came up with a cool Indiana Jones/Cthulhu type story that I’ve been toying around with, modified it and turned it into a Wolverine story. Axel loved the story and told me to start working.”

 Cho says the story takes place in a forbidden area of the Savage Land. Wolverine and company will unleash an ancient God and Logan gets to cut loose

 “Oh, it’s gets pretty bloody and savage—in a good way,” Cho teases.

Shanna the She-Devil #1 courtesy Marvel

  You can look in a Frank Cho sketchbook or body of work and see his love of gorgeous jungle girls and monsters. Cho worked on a Shanna limited series before and says to expect the same tough She-Devil.

 “I didn’t deviate too far from my original take of Shanna from nine years ago. Shanna is still abrasive, scrappy and confident. She knows how to take care of herself. Since Indiana Jones was my main inspiration for this story, I naturally envisioned Shanna as Marion Ravenwood to Wolverine’s Indiana Jones.”

 Cho says no Ka-Zar in this series but expect lots of dinosaurs!

 For more from Cho here’s the link.

Now about that Spider-Woman, Emma Frost, Black Cat team-up…Marvel, please make that happen!


Frank Cho Goes SAVAGE for Marvel Now

courtesy Marvel

The rumors of a brand new Wolverine series by Frank Cho are sure to claw their way to the top of the buzz generated by this new Marvel Now teaser courtesy

The word SAVAGE is ripped through by 3 claws. It’s easy to assume Wolverine will star in the January debuting series but just for fun let’s play name that character who it could also be:

Tigra, Frank Cho draws gorgeous women and her tenure at Avengers Academy is over.

X-23, Logan’s daughter is graduating from Avengers Academy but will appear in Avengers Arena.

Sabretooth, Logan’s arch-enemy is back in multiple X-books.

Daken, turned up as leader of a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in Final Execution arc of Uncanny X-Force.

Shanna the She-Devil? Could Cho be taking on the warrior queen of The Savage Land? If you’ve seen the Frank Cho sketchbook you know he can really craft an amazing Shanna.

Hellcat. Ok it’s a longest of long shots but I love Patsy Walker.

Then again, who knew SURVIVE would be Avengers Arena or WANTED would be Cable and the X-Force. Marvel NOW has had some surprise reveals.

By Editor

AVX Hope Jets in Avengers Vs X-Men Zero

AvX #0 courtesy

  Hope Summers jets into action on in a first look at interior art from AvX #0 by Frank Cho. Brian Michael Bendis and Jason Aaron are writing the issue out March 28th.

  Jason Aaron talked about how the mutant messiah’s experiences have made her ready for her role in Avengers Vs. X-Men:

 “That’s a big question at the opening of the series. Is she prepared? Does she even really know what she’s getting herself into? She was raised by Cable in a time-traveling Lone Wolf and Cub style adventure. She’s been told all her life she’s destined to do something great. But when the Phoenix is involved, a force that can be used for good or that can destroy entire planets, people are always going to be a bit uneasy. In Hope’s mind, she’s ready for whatever’s coming—or at least that what she says. Regardless, her resolve and readiness will be severely tested, all throughout AvX.

A great question from Ben Morse: Does Hope believe she’s the mutant messiah?

  “I think at this point there’s no question she’s the mutant messiah. When Hope came back, new mutants came back with her. Just a few, but still, where once there were no new blips on Cerebro, now there are blips. I think people’s faith in her—especially that of Cyclops—has been resoundingly rewarded. But everything that came so far was just the warm-up. Her true destiny still awaits. As for Hope’s feelings, I think she’s still trying to figure out what her role is. She most definitely doesn’t want to just stand around and let herself be defined by other people. She’s going to get out there and figure things out for herself.

AvX #0 courtesy

How does AVX #0 set up Hope for the event:

 “I think it establishes her mind-set and relationship with Cyclops. Longtime X-Men fans will see Hope anxious to embrace the destiny that has for so long been teased for her, a destiny of which she seems to have a little bit better understanding. And for fans new to the X-Men who’ve never read a story with Hope in it, hopefully this issue will show them why they should care about her in the first place, why she’s an interesting character, and why she’s totally badass.

You can ready Jason Aaron’s entire interview and more preview art here.

AVX Zero Preview: Losing Hope?


AvX #0 courtesy Marvel on Comics Newsarama

  The mutant messiah and the fallen Avenger have crucial roles in upcoming Avengers Versus X-Men event. AVX #0 by Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron and Frank Cho will focus on Hope Summers and Scarlet Witch.

  Today Marvel gave Comics Newsarama a look at the first five lettered pages of AVX #0 and wow!

  Hope asks Cyclops about the Phoenix. A conversation between leader and messiah explodes on Utopia.

  The Phoenix Force is speeding to Earth to find a human host. Hope was born when all the severed parts of the entity regrouped in space. Maybe the entity is reuniting with the mutant is was born to bond with? Could the Scarlet Witch’s mutant power or dark magic have set all this in motion?

AVX #0 arrives in March.

For the entire album click here.

AVX Zero Art Preview: Scarlet Witch in Action


Avengers Versus X-Men preview art by Frank Cho courtesy

  The biggest superhero war in comic book history is declared this April. The Phoenix Force is racing to Earth in search of a human host. Will it be mutants Scarlet Witch or Hope Summers?

Avengers Versus X-Men #0 preview art by Frank Cho

  Marvel revealed preview art by Frank Cho from Avengers Versus X-Men #0 showing the Scarlet Witch in action against Modok in front of The White House.

 AVX #0 is written by Brian Michael Bendis and Jason Aaron and hits stores March 28th.

  Don’t forget to see how Magneto’s daughter makes her return – Avengers: The Children’s Crusade has two more issues as Wanda’s sons fight Doctor Doom to redeem the Scarlet Witch.

  For today’s official presser here’s the link.