courtesy Marvel, a first
courtesy Marvel, a first

Incredible. Indestructible. No more.

The All-New, All-Different Marvel Now will introduce a new Hulk and he’s totally awesome.

Marvel announced The Totally Awesome Hulk by Greg Pak and Frank Cho via This new Green Goliath is NOT Bruce Banner.

Pak is known by fans for his epic run on the Jade Giant including Planet Hulk, World World Hulk and introducing Skaar, Son of Hulk. The veteran writer is back and reveals how the team came up with with the latest adjective for the Marvel icon. Continue reading MARVEL’S TOTALLY AWESOME HULK


X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel shared a first look inside X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1. Past, present and future mutants will clash in this 50th Anniversary event by an all-star team.


Beast brought Professor Xavier’s original five students into the present in order to stop Scott’s mutant revolution. Now X-Men from the future arrive in the present on a mission to force the past X-Men to go back home.


If you read Age of Ultron, you know how twisting time has affected the Marvel Universe. What will the past and future X-Men do to the already damaged timeline? Continue reading X-MEN: BATTLE OF THE ATOM #1 Preview


xmen battle of the atom art adams  Marvel’s X-Men C2E2 panel was packed with news including details of the X-Men 50th Anniversary event!

  X-Men: Battle of the Atom will kick off in September with a special issue by Brian Michael Bendis and Frank Cho then run through the core titles (All-New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men and Brian Wood’s X-Men) then wrap in a final bookend by Jason Aaron and a “mystery artist.”

X-Men from the future including Kate Bishop, Deadpool, Lady Xorn, Ice Beast and more all designed by the legendary Arthur Adams arrive in the present. This Future Team’s mission is a direct response to the Beast bringing the original X-Men from the past in the present. These future X-Men will target the teens (now at the Jean Grey and Charles Xavier Schools) and the objective is to send them back by any means necessary.

“The story itself hinges on the All-New X-Men and whether or not they need to  be sent back to their home time,” X-Men Senior Editor Nick Lowe tells  “This causes the X-Men of the past, present and future to pick sides.”

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

“Jason Aaron came to us with this [idea],” said Brian Michael Bendis, “Jason pitched big and he scored. Jason came to everyone with the  bare essentials of this idea and everybody got really excited about it because  it was all the things we liked about the X-Men. It spoke to the legacy of the  entire franchise while at the same time focusing on the future.”

“This event really Continue reading X-MEN: BATTLE OF THE ATOM



Savage Wolverine #5 courtesy Marvel
Savage Wolverine #5 courtesy Marvel

Get ready for a savage rematch! Wolverine made his Marvel debut back in Incredible Hulk #181. The Green Goliath and feral mutant have crossed paths over the years.

Frank Cho unleashes the beasts in Savage Wolverine #5. So far Logan has been speared by Shanna the She-Devil in his Savage Land exploits but this May the Hulk smashes his way into the X-Man’s adventure.

“Frank’s art and storytelling set this fight apart more than anything else. This was one of the first sequences he wrote when we were first talking about the issue, so there are some specific moments he’s thought out that I think fans are going to love,” said editor Jeanine Schaefer on

“Honestly, working with Frank is such a blast. He has a total vision Continue reading HULK SMASH WOLVERINE!

Shanna “Matches Wolverine’s Savagery”

Savage Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel
Savage Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

In this week’s Savage Wolverine #1 the X-Men journeys to the Savage Land in a brand new series by writer/artist Frank Cho. The creator tells once he knew the setting he knew Shanna the She-Devil had to be in the book.

  “Once I decided on the Savage Land setting, everything clicked into place. I needed a female lead that can keep up with Wolverine and match his savagery. And Shanna fit that bill.

The writer/artist explains why Shanna is the perfect co-lead for this story.

  “It was easy. I made Shanna a complete badass just like Wolverine. I also “enhance” the character and have her “bond” to the Savage Land. I’m not going to give anything away but Shanna gets a complete and total upgrade in issue #4 by an unlikely Marvel character.”

  Savage Wolverine #1 is out this week. Logan takes the kids from The Jean Grey School on a field trip to the Savage Land in Wolverine and the X-Men #25. A new Wolverine series by Paul Cornell and Alan Davis hits later this year.

By Editor

Frank Cho Unleashes SAVAGE WOLVERINE

Savage Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Man. Avenger. Headmaster?

If you think Wolverine has been domesticated by his role as teacher at the Jean Grey School think again. Frank Cho will let Logan unleash his wild side in this week’s Savage Wolverine #1.

In the new Marvel Now series Logan teams up with Shanna the She-Devil for an adventure in The Savage Land. Cho told how he took over Wolverine’s solo title.

  “Axel Alonso called me up after AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #0 was launched, and asked me if I wanted to work on Wolverine, which is a no-brainer since Wolverine is one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe. I asked who the writer was, and Axel replied, “You are.” I was speechless. Axel reminded me that he originally hired me as a writer-artist and [was] very excited [for] what I would come with. So I told him I’ll get back to him in couple weeks and see if I had a “Wolverine story” in me, one that I would like to tell.

I pondered and went through my story files to see if any of my story ideas would fit the Wolverine character. I’m a chronic scribbler and I’ve been scribbling story ideas for years. At that point, I was talking with my X-Men editor, Nick Lowe, about writing and drawing an Emma Frost, Black Cat and Spider-Woman team-up story.

  So I came up with a cool Indiana Jones/Cthulhu type story that I’ve been toying around with, modified it and turned it into a Wolverine story. Axel loved the story and told me to start working.”

Cho says the story takes place in a forbidden area of the Savage Land. Wolverine and company will unleash an ancient God and Logan gets to cut loose

“Oh, it’s gets pretty bloody and savage—in a good way,” Cho teases.

Shanna the She-Devil #1 courtesy Marvel

You can look in a Frank Cho sketchbook or body of work and see his love of gorgeous jungle girls and monsters. Cho worked on a Shanna limited series before and says to expect the same tough She-Devil.

“I didn’t deviate too far from my original take of Shanna from nine years ago. Shanna is still abrasive, scrappy and confident. She knows how to take care of herself. Since Indiana Jones was my main inspiration for this story, I naturally envisioned Shanna as Marion Ravenwood to Wolverine’s Indiana Jones.”

Cho says no Ka-Zar in this series but expect lots of dinosaurs!

For more from Cho here’s the link.

Now about that Spider-Woman, Emma Frost, Black Cat team-up…Marvel, please make that happen!

By Editor