Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel’s newest odd couple come crashing into the Marvel Now and you don’t want to miss this joyride. Valkyrie is noble warrior woman. Misty Knight is badass bionic private eye/martial arts master. Val is from Asgard. Misty is from New York. They are going to be so good together!

The hunt for Asgardian artifacts and an army of undead Vikings bring the two unlikely partners together in Fearless Defenders #1. Cullen Bunn’s new series has the ingredients of a buddy cop/Tomb Raider/Lord of the Rings mashup.

I’ve loved Valkyrie since her days in The Defenders and Misty since she stole the show in Power Man & Iron Fist. The two are an unlikely but Continue reading FEARLESS DEFENDERS #1 Review

Black History Month Favorite Comic Heroes

As we celebrate Black History Month in North America and the United Kingdom I was inspired to think about my favorite African-American superheroes. While these fictional characters are not as important as civil rights leaders, boundary breaking athletes and artists or scientists who made a powerful contributions to our world I think seeing diversity in comic books makes an impact…on everyone.

Before I reveal my top 10 I want to say this was tough and I know some of you have your favorites like Steel aka John Henry Irons, Batwing, Shadowhawk, Spawn, Photon, Static and not to mention non-superhero characters like Michonne and Tyreese of The Walking Dead, but these are the ten characters (+ one because I just couldn’t leave her off!) that I’ve loved and stayed with me.

11  Vixen  Mari Jiwe McCabe grew up in remote village in the fictional African country of Zambesi. Mari’s family were holders of a mystical totem but he uncle killed her parents and stolen the totem. Mari moved to America, became an international supermodel, built a fortune and traveled to her homeland to take back her family’s totem and became known as Vixen. With the totem Mari can mimic the abilities of any animal on Earth. Mari a member of the Justice League. In the DC Comics New 52 relaunch Vixen was injured but recently seen as one of the possible new recruits Cyborg will call on to join the new Justice League.

Vixen: Return of the Lion #3 courtesy DC Comics
Vixen: Return of the Lion #3 courtesy DC Comics

10  Spider-Man Miles Morales became a media sensation when Marvel revealed the new Ultimate Spider-Man was of African-American and Latino descent. Like Peter Parker, Miles is a science nerd bitten by a radioactive spider but his powers are slightly different. Miles recently met the Peter Parker of “our” Marvel Universe in the crossover smash, Spider-Men.

Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel
Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel

9.  Patriot  Elijah Bradley is the grandson of Isiah Bradley, the first Captain America. (Isiah was among the black men who served as test subjects before the Super Soldier Serum was given to Steve Rogers. This story was told in the series Truth: Red, White & Black.) Eli became a founding member of the Young Avengers. These teen heroes wanted to fight crime and carry on the legacy of the Avengers who had disbanded at the time. I don’t want to give away the secet of Eli’s powers (told in the Young Avengers series) but his is a great story of young man trying to do right and honor his past. Eli is a great leader and strategist in the tradition of Captain America. A brand new Young Avengers series just relaunched but Eli is not on the team. I’m hoping Patriot will soon be appearing in the Marvel Now, maybe even joining the main Avengers?

Young Avengers Presents: Patriot #1 courtesy Marvel
Young Avengers Presents: Patriot #1 courtesy Marvel

8.  Falcon  Sam Wilson was the first mainsteam African-American superhero and the first Continue reading Black History Month Favorite Comic Heroes


Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel

This week Marvel unleashes a new force of female fury in Fearless Defenders starring Valkyrie and Misty Knight. More of Marvel’s finest women (including Dani Moonstar of New Mutants) will join the team as the book progresses. Writer Cullen Bunn, Editor Ellie Pyle and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort talked about the new team on Marvel.com.

“The team will come together slowly over time, but Valkyrie and Misty Knight are in the forefront. They are the co-leads. If ever there an odd couple, I can’t imagine more of one than Brunhilde and Misty. They’re fun to write individually, but they’re so much fun to write when they’re interacting with one another. They immediately set this team apart from any other super hero group out there.


Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel

“We’re introducing a new villain right off the bat from the first issue. She’s seen an opportunity because there are no shield maidens in operation right now. There’s a void. This woman starts working some very bad mojo that puts Valkyrie on the defensive immediately; it’s her fault. We’ll meet the Doom Maidens who are exceptionally bad news,” said Bunn.

“This is not a traditional team. They don’t have a headquarters. There’s a whole slew of characters who will pass in and out of the book. Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar are there for the long haul. It’s different from the average Marvel group book” explained Brevoort.

Valkyrie and Misty will be joined by a new warrior designed by Phil Jimenez.


Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics
Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics

“The character on the cover to issue #3 is a new member of the group, Hippolyta, somebody we’re bringing back from the dead but with a new approach. We’re playing with what was there before and are introducing her in a different way.”

“She will be going by the hero name Warrior Woman–whether she wants to or not,” added Ellie Pyle.

Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics
Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics

Valkyrie was the lead of Fear Itself: The Fearless. Bunn co-wrote Val’s epic quest that took her on a world tour of the Marvel Universe and interacting with heroes, villains and demons of all genres. This new book will same the same versatility and variety.

Continue reading Warrior Women of FEARLESS DEFENDERS

Comic Book Picks for February 6, 2013

All-New X-Men #7 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #7 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #7 Mystique smells fresh meat! The sinister shapeshifter targets the young mutants from the past! First target: Cyclops! What’s her endgame?

Fearless Defenders #1 Valkyrie and Misty Knight? Two unlikely heroes in a brand new series by Cullen Bunn. The Asgardian warrior woman and the bad ass private detective team up against a new threat to Marvel Now!

Green Arrow #17 Oliver Queen loses everything and becomes the target of the assassin  Komodo! New creative team Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino take over send Ollie to the Seattle streets after learning a shocking secret about his father.

Star Trek #17 How did Doctor Leonard McCoy Continue reading Comic Book Picks for February 6, 2013


Fearless Defenders #1 courtesy Marvel

Never fear! The Fearless Defenders are here to kick ass in the Marvel Now! Valkyrie and Misty Knight star in this follow-up to Fear Itself: The Fearless.

I have been sharing my hope that Valkyrie of The Fearless and The Defenders would live on in the Marvel Now. Now I guess we’ll see if these are two great concepts that taste great together?

Cullen Bunn (Venom, Wolverine, Deadpool Killustrated) writes the new series with Will Sliney on art. Bunn scripted the excellent Fear Itself: The Fearless 12-part series that I may have posted over and over that I LOVE. I think Misty Knight kicks ass but I absolutely love Valkyrie so you can imagine my excitement!

Continue reading FEARLESS DEFENDERS Women Take Over!



Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics
Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics

  Valkyrie and Misty Knight will lead a brand new Fearless Defenders. The new Marvel Now book by Cullen Bunn and Will Sliney will feature an all-female team. Earlier this week Bunn confirmed Dani Moonstar and a new character named Hippolyta will join the team.

  As you may have read before on here I’m a huge fan of Valkyrie’s old teammate from the 1970’s Defenders and I have wanted Marvel to raise Hellcat! This week on Twitter @Marvel and @cullenbunn asked fans who we hope Valkyrie recruits? Yours truly, ComicsBlendWill of course responded Hellcat! Bunn’s response: “You won’t have long to wait.”

Patsy Walker: Hellcat #5 courtesy Marvel
Patsy Walker: Hellcat #5 courtesy Marvel

  Funny how a tweet can make a grown man cry!

   Stay tuned for Patsy Walker to stalk again as the sexy Hellcat and brace yourself for the might of Valkyrie and Misty Knight in Fearless Defenders next month!

  By Editor

Raise Hellcat Marvel!

Patsy Walker: Hellcat #5 courtesy Marvel
Patsy Walker: Hellcat #5 courtesy Marvel

It’s time for Hellcat to prowl again!

Valkyrie has been back in action in Fear Itself and Secret Avengers.  In 2013 Val will co-star in Fearless Defenders. The other former Defenders Patsy used to run with have a place in the Marvel Now. I’m longing for the return of their sexy former teammate, Hellcat.

Patsy Walker was a child actress/model and star of a comic book within a comic book. She dreamed of being a real superhero. A chance meeting with Beast led to her becoming a costumed hero. Patsy joined the Avengers, the Defenders, went to Hell and married a devilish husband, Son of Satan. Even no good Damien got some panel time in New Avengers. Kathryn Immonen wrote a Hellcat limited series starring Patsy as the Initiative agent assigned to Alaska. Patsy was last seen as part of the limited series Marvel Divas.

I always loved her adventures with Valkyrie. The sexy cat and steely warrior woman were a great female duo during their Defenders run and I’m hoping Hellcat gets to use one of her nine lives in a new series or make an appearance in Cullen Bunn’s Fearless Defenders series.

How about recruiting Gail Simone to reboot Patsy in new solo book?

Marvel, Let’s Raise Some Hellcat in 2013!

Check out her Marvel.com bio for more on the history of Patsy Walker.

By Editor


Fearless Defenders #2 courtesy Marvel

What’s not to love?

You may have noticed my intense love on this blog for Valkyrie, The Fearless limited series, The Defenders and Dani Moonstar of New Mutants.

You get all that plus the magnificent Misty Knight in Fearless Defenders from Cullen Bunn and William Sliney. Marvel shared the cover to issue 2 with Comics Newsarama.

It’s official: Danielle Moonstar of New Mutants will join Val and Misty in the new series. I love this clever cover by Mark Brooks. I would love to have a Dani Moonstar action figure!

How would you feel about Val reuniting with Patsy Walker aka Hellcat?

By Editor