Fearless Defenders #4 courtesy Marvel
Fearless Defenders #4 courtesy Marvel

The Fearless Defenders enter the Age of Ultron this week but are they still heroes in this new time twisted reality? Acclaimed artist Phil Jimenez joins writer Cullen Bunn on Fearless Defenders #4.1. Jimenez designed Warrior Woman who joined the series at the end of issue two and will drawn the cover and interior art for this week’s tie-in issue.

At Fan Expo Vancouver I asked Jimenez his inspirations for the revamped Continue reading FEARLESS DEFENDERS Enter AGE OF ULTRON

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for May 8, 2013

Batman #20 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #20 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #20 One of the Dark Knight’s strangest foes strikes and inspires a team-up fans have been waiting for since Scott Snyder took over! How will this issue tie in to the Year Zero?

Fearless Defenders #4 Valkyrie gets a new look! The mystery villain unleashes the Doom Maidens! Did Dani Moonstar survive her experiments? Action and humor with Marvel’s all-female adventure team that’s a mix of Lethal Weapon and Tomb Raider.

Harbinger #12 Showdown in the Harbinger Wars! Pete and the Renegades face to face with the escapees of Project Rising Spirit! Will they connect or clash?

Star Wars #5 Princess Leia’s undercover mission Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for May 8, 2013

X-Factor X-Pectations!

X-Factor #42 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #42 courtesy Marvel

Marvel has announced The End of X-Factor is coming. Acclaimed writer Peter David will wrap up his incredible run with the misfit mutant detectives and already has a Marvel project in the works but it’s still top secret.

What will happen to the beloved cast of X-Factor Investigations? Time will tell but here are my hopes and dreams for the team. Continue reading X-Factor X-Pectations!

Phil Jimenez Exclusive! Character Design at Fan Expo Vancouver

Phil Jimenez at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend
Phil Jimenez at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend

Acclaimed artist Phil Jimenez (Fairest, Wonder Woman, New X-Men) has transformed Warrior Woman! It’s the latest character redesign victory in a stellar comic book career.

Jimenez recently made his first trip to Vancouver, B.C. to appear at Fan Expo Vancouver. Along with sketching for fans and signing comic books Jimenez appeared on a Sketch Duel panel with Stephen Sadowski (JSA, Starman, Avengers) that was an insightful and hilarious highlight of the Expo.

Jimenez and Sadowski are known for their popular redesigns of characters so the first half of the sketch duel challenge was to give a B (or C or maybe D level depending on your opinion) character a new look while they shared insights on their design work and answered fan questions.

After a wave of suggestions from the audience (including Modok, Ma Hunkel, Booster Gold and Legion – that was mine) Jimenez decided on Dazzler and Sadowski took on Jack of Hearts!

As the sketching began Jimenez revealed how fashion design and trends have affected his work citing a Donna Troy look he said was inspired by Emma Peel (played by Diana Rigg) of The Avengers (as in the classic British series!) He went on to say how comics should be fantastical and his design influence was more haute couture than ready to wear.

Sadowski revealed his new takes on Atom Smasher and Hawkgirl on his JSA run as his favorite character redesigns. Busts and body images of female superheroes was a popular audience topic. Sadowski shared that he fought to give Kendra smaller breasts because he felt it would be more appropriate for her hawk-like appearance and the need to be more aerodynamic.

The first half hour ended with a Sadowski revealing a bolder, cleaner and more built version of Jack of Hearts while Jimenez went retro giving the Disco Dazzler big sunglasses and Farrah Fawcett inspired hair!

Dazzler by Phil Jimenez, photo by ComicsBlend
Dazzler by Phil Jimenez, photo by ComicsBlend

The second half hour was the most unique version of Pictionary you might ever experience. The audience submitted comic book characters, iconic weapons (like Thor’s hammer) or items of a costume (I chose Storm’s headpiece) on cards. Mystique and Wonder Woman cosplayers joined Team Jimenez while Beast and one of a trio (imagine an all male version of the X-Men’s Stepford Cuckoos) of Phoenixes played on Team Sadowski.

Jimenez vs. Sadowski sketch duel at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend
Jimenez vs. Sadowski sketch duel at Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend

Continue reading Phil Jimenez Exclusive! Character Design at Fan Expo Vancouver

Warrior Woman Joins Fearless Defenders

Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics
Fearless Defenders #3 courtesy Marvel Comics

Valkyrie is recruiting Earth’s finest females to become the new Shieldmaidens of Asgardia. Misty Knight and Valkyrie became a globe-trotting odd couple fighting Viking zombies in the premiere. Dani Moonstar and a sinister new enemy joined the action and Hela was raised in Fearless Defenders #2. The Death Goddess unleashed a reborn Warrior Woman in the final page!

Writer Cullen Bunn will keep building the roster as the rollercoaster ride continues.

“This is not a traditional team. They don’t have a headquarters. There’s a whole slew of characters who will pass in and out of the book. Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar are there for the long haul. It’s different from the average Marvel group book” explained Executive Editor Tom Brevoort.

Picking up from the last issue – a showdown with Hela in Asgardia Continue reading Warrior Woman Joins Fearless Defenders

Fearless Defenders #2 My View

Fearless Defenders #2 courtesy Marvel

The Fearless Defenders #2 keeps the thrills and humor up as Marvel’s newest odd couple journeys to Asgardia for some Hela-raising! In the premiere – private eye Misty Knight kicked mercenary ass after recovering some stolen artifacts. The bionic badass crossed paths with the Asgardian warrior woman just in time to fight off an army of Viking zombies. And Valkyrie kissed a girl and we liked it.

Cullen Bunn and Will Sliney throw New Mutant Dani Moonstar into the action in this week’s second issue. No powers. No problem. Dani shows why she’s still a formidable female and worthy of becoming a Shieldmaiden – if the new mystery villain Continue reading Fearless Defenders #2 My View

Dani Moonstar Joins Fearless Defenders

Fearless Defenders #2 courtesy Marvel

New Mutant Dani Moonstar joins Marvel’s new team book in Fearless Defenders #2 this week. Talk about action figures – check out Mark Brooks’s clever cover!

Dani was once a Valkyrie. I wanted to share part of writer Cullen Bunn’s recent interview teasing more female favorites joining the series:

“The basic idea of the book is that Valkyrie is choosing a new team of Valkyrior, and she’s been asked to choose all these women from the heroes of Midgard, instead of from Asgard. She has completely failed Continue reading Dani Moonstar Joins Fearless Defenders