Justice League #3 from DC Comics. Cover by Jim Lee
Justice League #3 from DC Comics. Cover by Jim Lee

The casting of Gal Gabot as Wonder Woman in the upcoming Superman vs. Batman sequel to Man of Steel inspired an explosion from fans over the internet. The Israeli actress from the Fast and Furious franchise steps into the role of the most famous woman in comic books in her big screen debut.


Here’s what I’m hoping for from the film now starring DC Comics Big Three:


She’s Diana – like Man of Steel and Batman Begins I want to see Gabot as the Amazon Warrior who evolves into or is ready to become Wonder Woman by the end of  the movie (and spin off into her own film!) Maybe we don’t even see Diana in the iconic costume until the end? Continue reading WONDER WOMAN in SUPERMAN BATMAN Inspires Geek Dreams

Marvel Wants VIN DIESEL For….?

Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel
Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel

Vin Diesel is having a meeting with Marvel?

The star of The Fast and The Furious and Riddick franchises revealed on his Facebook page:


“Marvel has requested a meeting…no idea what for, hah you probably know better than me…”


Let the speculation begin!


Thanos! The big, bad, death worshiping Mad God of Titan was behind Loki and the Chitauri’s invasion of Earth in Marvel’s The Avengers. I picked Diesel as a great candidate to play Drax the Destroyer Continue reading Marvel Wants VIN DIESEL For….?