Evil mutants. Hate-driven human enemies. Armies of Sentinels. Twisted siblings.

It ain’t easy being Professor Charles Xavier.

Astonishing X-Men #7 courtesy Marvel

The X-Men founder is enjoying a strange new life in the pages of ASTONISHING X-MEN. The rebirth made us think about the deaths, rebirths and strange life of Xavier. Continue reading DEATHS, REBIRTH OF PROFESSOR X


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Marvel will launch a brand new Weapon X #1 as part of X-Men ResurrXion in 2017. The Weapon X program and X-23 will be part of Wolverine’s next film Logan, also next year.

Wolverine, Sabretooth, Deadpool and X-23 are some of the most famous and infamous former products of the Weapon X program which turned mutants into living weapons.

Here are some other deadly graduates of the program you may not know about and who could be resurrected for the next chapter in the notorious saga of Weapon X: Continue reading WEAPON X RESURRXION Killer Class


Civil War II: X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel
Civil War II: X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

A missing X-Man returns in big way.

A Game of Thrones style confrontation between Storm and Medusa.

A war within a war escalates.

Alliances and friendships are shattering.

More clues about the fate of Cyclops before Death of X hits.

The march to Marvel’s Inhumans vs X-Men is rapidly speeding up as the X-teams are fighting with each other.

Cullen Bunn packs Civil War II: X-Men #3 full of intrigue and the welcome return of a mutant who has seen the near elimination of the race before.

The X-Man comeback in this chapter could turn the ride in this Civil War II skirmish and the upcoming war with the Inhumans. Continue reading X-MAN Returns For CIVIL WAR II


Uncanny X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

A double blast from the past in this week’s Uncanny X-Men #3 plus a big new revelation about an X-Man’s allegiance and the mystery villains in Cullen Bunn’s first arc.

Terrigen Mists are creeping across the planet making mutants sick, infertile and dead. Magneto recruited a ruthless squadron of mutants to investigate a corporation profiting from the crisis. The Dark Riders are back and killing mutant healers. Bunn revealed a new Hellfire Club is waiting in the wings but are they pulling the strings of two rogue X-Men?

The hunt for answers and to protect the healers leads to the return of two X-Men of the recent and distant past. We knew Fantomex was joining the cast of the series but not in the way you might have expected. Continue reading UNCANNY X-MEN COMEBACKS & MYSTERY MASTERS


Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine and the X-Men#1 arrives this week after the Graduation Day and final issue from writer Jason Aaron last week.


Writer Jason Latour and artist Mahmud Asrar are the new creative team as we picked up the story of the strange kids of the Jean Grey School.


The change in creative team and relaunch comes after a major change in Wolverine – he’s lost his healing factor and left the school he founded. Continue reading WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN #1 Preview

Inside X-FORCE #1

X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Force #1 hits comic book shops this week.


In the aftermath of the Cable and X-Force vs. Uncanny X-Force crossover Vendetta – this is the now the one and only X-Force book.


Writer Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy, Numbercruncher) and artist Rock He-Kim are the creative team chronicling the covert X-team’s adventures.


Rosters change but X-Force always is the pro-active, clandestine unit of the X-Men doing what X-Men can’t…sometimes taking out their enemies before they can attack mutants.


The new team will be Cable, Psylocke, Fantomex and the return of Continue reading Inside X-FORCE #1

WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN Grading the Teachers

Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

When a fan-favorite writer exits a popular book fans can get nervous. Jason Latour is taking over Wolverine and the X-Men from Jason Aaron who started the strange saga of Logan and the kids of the Jean Grey School.


The change comes after a major change in Wolverine – he’s lost his healing factor. Latour tells Comic Book Resources how Logan’s new status quo will impact the book:


“Up to now it’s all began and ended with Logan. It’s his strength this school is built on the back of. His reputation for being the unkillable badass has been their insurance policy. Continue reading WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN Grading the Teachers