James Robinson on the Fall of the FANTASTIC FOUR

Fantastic Four art by Leonard Kirk courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four art by Leonard Kirk courtesy Marvel

Writer James Robinson and artist Leonard Kirk are the new creative team on Marvel’s First Family. An all-new Fantastic Four #1 arrives in February, 2014. The acclaimed writer tells Marvel.com he’s orchestrating the Fall of the Fantastic Four:


“I think it was Grant Morrison that said a gentleman writer comes on a book, duly messes everything up for the characters, but then puts it back together again at the end the way he left it. So absolutely I intend to put the team through hell Continue reading James Robinson on the Fall of the FANTASTIC FOUR

FANTASTIC FOUR Rebirth and Death?

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

Writer James Robinson and artist Leonard Kirk are the new dynamic duo on the Fantastic Four. Marvel’s First Family relaunch with a brand new number one issue in February 2014.


Will the family stay together?


In this ominous teaser from Marvel…


“So what happens when the Fantastic Four go their separate ways?” Continue reading FANTASTIC FOUR Rebirth and Death?

FANTASTIC FOUR Reboot Date Change

Fantastic Four #16 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #16 courtesy Marvel

2015 is the year of superhero showdowns at the box-office. Marvel’s First Family is joining the busy summer already packed with Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man and the Man of Steel sequel with Batman from Warner Brothers.


Fox is moving the Fantastic Four reboot to June 19, 2015 according to Deadline and The Secret Service based on Mark Millar’s comic book will hit March 6th, the original date for the FF film. Continue reading FANTASTIC FOUR Reboot Date Change

James Robinson and Leonard Kirk on New FANTASTIC FOUR

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

A new beginning for Marvel’s First Family. After a year+ in space searching for a cure to a condition that could kill them, Reed, Sue, Johnny, Ben and kids are heading back to Manhattan.


Marvel revealed James Robinson and Leonard Kirk will be the new creative team on a new Fantastic Four #1 as part of the All-New Marvel Now on USA Today.


“What I hope to do is tie in their past without making it too referential and (touch on) how the past can affect the future,” Robinson told USA Today. “While I’m not reinventing the book, I’m certainly adding a side to it we maybe haven’t seen for a while.” Continue reading James Robinson and Leonard Kirk on New FANTASTIC FOUR

Marvel Resurrection Teaser

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel


Brian Wood.

Kris Anka.


The Marvel one word teaser machine cranked up again with this ominous one word in fiery colors signaling something new in the All-New Marvel Now coming in February 2014.


Most of the teasers have turned out to be brand new series or reboots of series. One notable exception Timebubble meaning a new Captain America arc by the same writer. Continue reading Marvel Resurrection Teaser


Fantastic Four #16 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #16 courtesy Marvel

More information about Fantastic Four #16 and FF #16 – the final issues of the series and the final issues of Editor Tom Brevoort’s incredible run with Marvel’s First Family.


Marvel made the Fantastic finale announcement and revealed the covers in a tribute to Brevoort at the Cup O’ Joe Panel at New York Comic Con. The January finales will be the end of Brevoort’s 14o+ issues as editor.


In the just released Marvel January previews we now more of the story in the final issues:

Continue reading FANTASTIC FOUR Finale Update


Fantastic Four #16 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #16 courtesy Marvel

Fantastic Four #16 and FF #16 are the final issues of the series and the final issues of Editor Tom Brevoort’s milestone run with Marvel’s First Family.


Marvel made the announcement and revealed the covers in a tribute to Brevoort at the Cup O’ Joe Panel at New York Comic Con. The January finales will be the end of Brevoort’s 14o+ issues as editor. Continue reading FANTASTIC FOUR and FF Ending