Marvel NOW! What?


Marvel NOW! image by Joe Quesada courtesy Marvel

  Marvel NOW! shows the bold direction the publisher is taking post AvX. We know some creative teams and new titles but there are ton of questions still out there. Here are my top burning questions:

Emma Frost? The original Jean Grey is returning. Scott and Emma’s shaky relationship is getting rocked by the Phoenix Force possessing both of them. AvX 11 shows them attacking each other. I hope Emma survives to form her own Avenging X-Men.

Matt Fraction Here’s hoping his Defenders keeping going on their strange trip and I’d like see Fraction’s take on the Fantastic Four.

Jason Aaron and the kids? Wolverine and the X-Men is my favorite post Regenesis title. What will happen to Broo, Kid Gladiator, Kitty Pryde, Idie and all the kids and staff that call the Jean Grey School home? Jason Aaron even made me love Quentin Quire!

Kieron Gillen? His Thor run was brief. He managed to reinvigorate Mister Sinister and created what I think is the best new Marvel villain – UNIT. I’d love to see him take on the Avenging X-Men idea of mine or head back to Asgard.

Professor X? The leader recently united with Cyclops on Pax Utopia and questioned his Phoenix fueled agenda. All New X-Men by Bendis stars the original five X-Men transported to a future they don’t like. How will Professor X react to seeing his original students?

Brian Wood The X-Men “security team” led by Storm is perfection. It’s a cool hybrid of the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith era X-Men blended with Torchwood. Storm reigns under Wood and Lopez.

Winter Soldier? Ed Brubaker is leaving Marvel after an incredible run with Captain America and Bucky. I think Cap’s solo title will become more upbeat, larger than life adventures like Daredevil’s recent revival leaving Winter Soldier to continue his role as the spy on covert missions across the Marvel underground.

Young Avengers? I would love to see an ongoing by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung. The Children’s Crusade was epic, thrilling and moving but was is Heinberg’s final story starring the teens? Given the huge cast Jonathan Hickman is planning his new Avengers may some of the teens will graduate to the big league.

By Editor

“Chronicle” Test Footage


courtesy Fox

  3 friends given super powers by the same mysterious source. What makes one a become a hero. What makes one become a villain? In a year packed with iconic superheroes Chronicle was an original story of power and responsibility. Chronicle is out of dvd/blu ray today and MTV has exclusive test footage from director Josh Trank. This is what got the film made. The success of Chronicle is what got Trank working on a Fantastic Four reboot and linked to a Venom film.

  I loved this film. I live in Seattle and it really looks like this film is set in the Seattle area, it looks like a fight on the real Space Needle but it was all filmed in South Africa.  Here’s the Amazon link if you’re interested.

By Editor

“Chronicle” Director On Fantastic Four Reboot

Fantastic Four #236 Courtesy

  20th Century Fox is holding on to the Fantastic Four franchise and signed up Josh Trank to reboot Marvel’s First Family. Fox President Tom Rothman told Collider about the young director’s involvement with a new Fantastic Four

“Josh Thank who did Chronicle, I think this has been reported, is gonna come on and work on a take, or a vision, that he has for it, so we’re very excited about that.

 This Geek’s Opinion: I loved Chronicle. The story about three high school friends in Seattle who gain powers after exposure to an alien artifact was an exciting take on how a hero or a villain can develop. When I heard the Trank news I kept picturing the excellent Dane DeHaan as a young Puppetmaster. I know this may be sacrilege but how about a modern, edgier reboot of Marvel’s First Family without Doctor Doom? A new creator could tap into the Annihilius and Negative Zone or Red Ghost and his Super Apes. Doom could be like Blofeld in the Sean Connery 007 movies.

Black Panther Returns in Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four #606 courtesy

  I love the Black Panther! I want Idris Elba to play T’Challa on the big screen. The Panther’s solo series (actually he had taken over for Daredevil) is over but the African monarch will appear in the famous book in which he was born. Black Panther debuted in Fantastic Four #52. Since then T’Challa has been an Avenger, a member of the FF, become King of Wakanda, married Storm of the X-Men, lost his throne and now returns to Fantastic Four #606 on May 23rd.

Jonathan Hickman tells about the reunion.

“In the recent past the Panther’s lost his throne and the country has seemingly lost its priceless resource [of Vibranium],” notes writer Jonathan Hickman. “Which is one of the reasons Reed Richards thinks he’s there [in Wakanda].
“Reed and the rest of the FF will get the appropriate reception that a life-long friend, intellectual peer and habitual heroes would receive.”

Mike Choi – one of my favorite artists – provided this regal cover.

For the entire interview here’s the link.

By Editor

Black Panther Returns in Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four #606 courtesy

  The Black Panther’s solo title ended but the King of Wakanda returns to Africa in Fantastic Four #606 according to Marvel’s solicitations for May 2012.

  Jonathan Hickman sends the FF back to the African kingdom with the ominous questions: “What happens when the world completely runs out of vibranium?”

  The precious metal is what made Wakanda one of the most technologically advanced nations on the planet and a target for enemies out to exploit its natural resource.

Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive had T’Challa in New York City taking up the role of protector of Hell’s Kitchen for Daredevil.  

FF # 18 features the Future Foundation kids on their first field trip in Africa and we meet the science club of Wakanda.

I’m thrilled to see the Black Panther staying in the Marvel Universe and back in Wakanda. Now let’s get working on that script for the movie starring Idris Elba!

Fantastic Four Reboot

20th Century Fox is moving forward with a reboot of Marvel’s First Family. Variety reports that Josh Trank is the front runner to direct a next big screen appearance of The Fantastic Four.

Fox is reportedly waiting to see how Trank’s upcoming film Chronicle does at the box office before making an official offer. Michael Green of Green Lantern is penning the script. Chronicle follows the story of three high school friends who gain super powers.

  Dark Horizons makes a great point that Fox had success with the X-Men: First Class reboot so there’s an opportunity to start over with this franchise. Here’s the Chronicle trailer to give you an idea of what might be…

Happy Anniversary Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four #600

Congratulations to Marvel’s First Family! Fantastic Four #600 is released today. The 50th Anniversary of The World’s Greatest Comic Magazine. Thanks to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for giving us Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny. I guess we should thank them for Doctor Doom too. A great super team deserves a great villain.

Comics, cartoons or movies – the Fantastic Four have entertained us for decades. If you haven’t picked up an issue in a while, here’s an update on our heroes.





Johnny Storm apparently sacrificed himself to stop an invasion from the Negative Zone. Spider Man joined the team. Reed renamed the group the Future Foundation.

Spider Man is just the latest in the long line of guest members including Storm, Black Panther and She-Hulk. Reed, Sue, Ben, Johnny, their extended family and Johnny and Ben’s girlfriends have been through cosmic clashes and emotional dramas.

Fantastic Four #236 Courtesy

One of my all time favorite covers is Fantastic Four #236. This was the 20th Anniversary issue drawn by John Byrne. Not since the early days of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby has a creator captured the spirit of the Fantastic Four than John Byrne on his epic run.

Jonathan Hickman is now chronicling the FF with innovative concepts but always staying true to the core of what makes this book great. The Fantastic Four is always about big adventure and family.

Happy Anniversary!  Here’s to another 50 years (and maybe a new movie?)