All-New X-Men Reveals Emma Frost, Cyclops, Magneto, Magik!

All-New X-Men courtesy Marvel

  Marvel revealed a third variant by Stuart Immonen for the upcoming All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis. The third cover image revealed at Fan Expo Canada shows Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magneto, Magik and a young man in glasses (no idea here). 

  All-New X-Men will see the original five X-Men from the past suddenly in our present day. A second cover revealed Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, Beast, Iceman and a mystery woman Bendis say is not Rachel Summers.

All-New X-Men courtesy Marvel

  This new cover makes us assume Scott, Emma, Erik and Illyana will survive Avengers vs. X-Men and be part of the new Marvel NOW! X-Men relaunch. AvX#11 has teases a death: there can be only one. Scott and Emma are currently the only host of the Phoenix Force.

  I still hold on to my theory that if you have an Uncanny Avengers…there can be a team of Avenging X-Men. I hope this cover means Emma (good or evil) will live on in the Marvel Now!

 All-New X-Men debuts with 2 issues this November.

Thanks to Comics Newsarama for the images.

By Editor

Greg Capullo Promises Big Scares With Joker

Batman #13 teaser courtesy DC Comics

  The idea of the Joker drawn by Greg Capullo is frightening and exciting. Bruce Wayne’s arch foe returns in Batman #13 this October by the artist and writer Scott Snyder. Capullo teased the villain’s return at Fan Expo Canada comparing the classic rogue to a classic horror film.

“We’re going to scare and frighten the s**t out of you all,” said Capullo. “This is going to be Joker meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Joker had his face on ice, and he’s robbed and stolen the face back. I think it would be cool to have this stuff rotting away, so there’s flies buzzing around him. You guys think that’s cool? I hope all your pants will get tight, and your nipples will stiffen, and you’ll enjoy it.”

  Death of the Family will affect the Batman family of books. Here’s a link to covers of October’s books teasing the Joker’s plans.

 Thanks to MTV Geek.

By Editor

Spider-Man Vampire Morbius Gets His Own Series

Morbius courtesy Marvel

  One of Spider-Man’s most tragic and frightening foes will get his own series this January. Marvel announced a new Morbius series at Fan Expo Canada. Writer Joe Keatinge and artist Rich Elson are the creative team on the new ongoing starring The Living Vampire.

  “AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #699.1 (coming in December) is essentially MORBIUS #0,” asserts Keatinge. “If you’ve never read a Morbius comic book before, ASM #699.1 gets you up to date on absolutely everything there is to know about him. It takes him from where Dan Slott and company took him to and sets him on the course of everything Rich and I have in store.”

  “He’s not over the guilt, that’s for sure,” the writer says. “He’s a guy very much crippled by it. How he gets through that is a major thrust of our initial arc.

“Every goal [Morbius] has is ultimately focused on redemption and atonement. Curing himself is definitely part of that. We’re giving him an opportunity to do just that, but given his history you can bet it’s not going to go well.”

Amazing Spider-Man #689 courtesy Marvel

  Morbius and the Lizard were villains in Dan Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man arc this summer while Dr. Connors was stalking Spidey on the big screen. I think Morbius would be a perfectly creepy new villain for an Amazing Spider-Man sequel.

For more from writer and Rich Elson here’s the link.

By Editor

New Justice League of America Announced

Justice League of America #1 courtesy DC Comics

  DC Comics announced a brand new Justice League of America series by Geoff Johns (Justice League, Green Lantern) and David Finch (Batman: The Dark Knight) at Fan Expo Canada.

  Steve Trevor will recruit an eclectic team of heroes to fight the Secret Society of Super Villains. Th roster pulls from the New 52, JSA and a shocker. 

  Martian Manhunter, Catwoman, Hawkman, Green Arrow, Stargirl, Vibe, Katana and the new Green Lantern. (Baz will be the first Arab Lantern debuting in September’s Green Lantern #0)

  Geoff Johns tells MTV Geek why this new version of the team forms:

  “The idea of why the JLA forms, and what it is, and what it’s in reaction to… It kind of spins out of Justice League #12; what happens in that, and then subsequent issues, because JLA comes out next year some time. But the book itself is a group of heroes that aren’t necessarily coming together because they want to be together… They’ve been selected specifically. They all want, or need something that Steve Trevor, and the other person behind the scenes that’s in charge of this team can provide.

  The first arc is going to deal with something they learn is called The Secret Society of Super-Villains.”

  There are a lot of surprise choices in this roster – Vibe? The choice that will make me try this book is Catwoman. Why is Batman’s femme fatale on the team?

  “Catwoman is a very different perspective, and is brought in for a very different reason. She stays because they have something that she wants… And it’s not at all what you’d expect. It’s not a big diamond, it’s not a get out of jail free card, it’s something she’s been searching for that’s going to lead to a whole exploration of a side of Selina Kyle we haven’t yet seen.

  But she is going to have a lot of fun on the team, she is going to be the Veronica to Stargirl’s Betty, if you will, and she has a new dynamic because we haven’t really seen her interact much with all these characters. Some of them not at all, like Vibe, and Stargirl… There’s not a lot of interaction between her and Martian Manhunter, and I don’t think she’s ever interacted with Steve Trevor that I can remember. Catwoman has a very different reason for being on the team.”

  For more from Geoff Johns here’s the  MTV Geek link.

 Justice League of America arrives in 2013.

By Editor

Fan Expo Vancouver Day 2 Costume Parade

Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

Thanks again for all the amazing fans who showed off their geek love at Fan Expo Vancouver!

Who You Gonna Call? Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


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Deadpool cutting me off! Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by
 Thanks for the great costumes, poses and for checking out my site – hope you will follow ComicsBlend on Facebook.

Fan Expo Vancouver Day 1 Costume Parade

Vancouver celebrated their first major comicon! Fan Expo Vancouver wecomed thousands of comic book, anime, sci fi and videogame super fans! Here are some of the fun costumed fans I captured:

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Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by ComicsBlend.comFan Expo Vancouver, photo by


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