courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. more than delivered on the promise of killing off a major character as a second lead died as Season Three/Fallen Agent arc came to an action and emotion packed close.

Daisy saw a vision of a team member dying (via contact with a now dead Inhuman) and the fight to stop Hive going into outer space.

The prophecy was fulfilled in the two-part finale Absolution/Ascension.

How will the losses affect the surviving Team Coulson members and what could it mean for the next season? Continue reading AGENTS OF SHIELD FALLEN AGENT Finale Burning Questions

AGENTS OF SHIELD Villain Turned Hero

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

The final episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Three is almost here.

The big question is who is the Fallen Agent? Which member of the team will die as seen in Daisy’s vision?

A character did die in the penultimate episode this week. This was also the first episode immediately following the events of Captain America: Civil War.

Before we get to this week’s twist-filled chapter here’s a SPOILER ALERT! Continue reading AGENTS OF SHIELD Villain Turned Hero