New Comic Book Picks for October 11, 2017

Falcon flies again and the children of Wolverine united in week two of Marvel Legacy. A Wildstorm favorite goes solo. It’s all in this week’s new comic book picks.

Gotham City Garage courtesy DC Comics

GOTHAM CITY GARAGE #1 In a twisted version of Gotham City young hero Kara Gordon leads the revolt against Governor Lex Luthor. Jackson Lanzin and Collin Kelly launch this new book inspired by the DC Collectibles line. Continue reading New Comic Book Picks for October 11, 2017


All-New, All-Different Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel via Twitter
All-New, All-Different Avengers #4 courtesy Marvel via Twitter

An All-New, All-Different romance between two of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!

Captain America and Thor share a kiss?

Don’t expect Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth locking lips.

This super display of affection is between the Sam Wilson and Jane Foster.

In comics the man formerly known as Falcon is the new Captain America and Dr. Foster is the new Thor.

Marvel Editor Ben Morse shared this cover via Twitter for the All-New, All-Different Avengers #4 coming in January 2016 with the declaration “Earth’s Mightiest Kiss” with the two heroes embracing in flight. Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA And THOR KISS


All-New Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

As we celebrate Black History Month we’re inspired to salute African-American superheroes and update fans on their status in their comic book universes.

With Anthony Mackie’s breakout performance as Falcon in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Chadwick Boseman (42) cast as Black Panther and the return of Milestone Media with new and returning heroes – a lot has happened in a year.

Fictional superheroes are not as critical as real civil rights leaders, scientists, boundary breaking athletes and artists but it’s important to celebrate diversity in comic books. Most of these black characters were created by white males but we hope by recognizing these characters it might inspire new writers, artists and editors of all backgrounds to push for new voices and greater diversity in making comics and inside comics. Continue reading CELEBRATING BLACK COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS

Rebirth of a Hero In CAPTAIN AMERICA #25

Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel

World War II hero Captain America is a part of Marvel history and comics history is made this week when a new hero takes over the role and wields the shield.


As you can see from this Marvel preview of Captain America #25, the Avengers are gathering for this powerful moment.


The Super Soldier Serum was drained from of Steve Rogers body. Cap’s super strength may be gone but he’s far from a broken but he is a frail elderly man in his 90’s. Continue reading Rebirth of a Hero In CAPTAIN AMERICA #25


Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel

Marvel shared a preview of Captain America #25. with a look inside the pivotal issue and some incredible variant covers.


The story Rick Remender started back in #1 with Dimension Z leads to the birth of the All-New Captain America.


Steve Rogers watches as Arnim Zola and Red Skull invade New York with an army of mutates. The Super Soldier Serum was drained out of Rogers but he still has his allies. Ian, Sharon Carter, Jet Black and Falcon make a stand against the invasion of Cap’s two greatest enemies. Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA #25 Preview


courtesy Marvel Studios
courtesy Marvel Studios

Bring Captain America: The Winter Soldier home.

Chris Evans returned as Captain America teaming up with Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and new ally Sam Wilson aka The Falcon (Anthony Mackie) as they battled The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) and a conspiracy within S.H.I.E.L.D. that took down Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson.)

The game-changing movie shook up the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe with a huge impact on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Continue reading Bring CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER Home