Ant-Man courtesy Marvel
Ant-Man courtesy Marvel

Size Matters.

There’s a growth spurt of size changing heroes in comic book inspired mediums.

Getting small is big time in Marvel movies and DC inspired television.


Paul Rudd is playing Scott Lang in Marvel’s Ant-Man in 2015. The master thief is recruited by Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) to protect his invention – Pym particles allowing a human to shrink to insect size and a helmet that lets him communicate with insects.

It’s not official but it’s a good bet Continue reading SHRINKING SUPERHEROES


Ant-Man courtesy Marvel
Ant-Man courtesy Marvel

Big news for fans of Marvel’s smallest hero and the next icon to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Marvel revealed Evangeline Lilly(Lost, The Hobbit) is playing Hope Pym, the daughter of original Ant-Man Hank Pym (Michael Douglas.)


Corey Stoll (The Strain, House of Cards) is playing Darren Cross aka Yellowjacket, the villain of the movie. Continue reading ANT-MAN Villain Is YELLOWJACKET