It’s like Christmas in May! Free Comic Book Day is the biggest holiday for comic book fans and a great time to for the curious to see what all the love is about. The first Saturday in May in Free Comic Book Day at participating comic book specialty shops across the country. You can stop by these shops and pick up free comic books! It’s the industry’s way of saying thank you to current fans, welcome new readers and the brick-and-mortar shops.

Yes, there’s a free comic book for you! Of course, there are superhero books but there’s a massive selection of books including science-fiction, popular video games and history. If you love superhero movies and shows, this is a great time to check out the books where they were born and discover new characters that you might be cheering for in the future. Books are event color-coded: Green for all ages, Blue for Teens and up, Red for 18 and up.

Before I get into some picks, let’s get into – so how do I score some of these free comics? What do I need to know?

Continue reading FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2022 Guide


Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel
Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel

I feel a little uneasy right now after having just read Thanos Rising #1. Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi actually made me feel sympathy and empathy for the most cold-blooded, ruthless killer in the Marvel Universe.

The Demi-God who worships Death comes to the planet of his birth and flashes back to his birth. Is a villain born evil, does he grew up that way or is manipulated into his deadly legacy?

As I read this first issue I was reminded of the boys in Stephen King’s Stand By Me, Norman Bates in Psycho and  Continue reading THANOS RISING Review