Electro’s Origin Hinted In DAILY BUGLE Viral Site

Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man courtesy theamazingspiderman.com
Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man courtesy theamazingspiderman.com

Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man faces Electro in Amazing Spider-Man 2. Jamie Foxx plays Max Dillon who looks very different from his comic book counterpart. How does Dillon become Electro?


There are clues in this viral website The Daily Bugle, based on the newspaper Peter Parker works for in the comic book. From the story Oscorp is building a controversial Continue reading Electro’s Origin Hinted In DAILY BUGLE Viral Site

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Essential Villains


Andrew Garfield as The Amazing Spider-Man courtesy Columbia Pictures
Andrew Garfield as The Amazing Spider-Man courtesy Columbia Pictures

You could almost give Amazing Spider 2 a subtitle: the Many Foes of Spider-Man! The sequel includes Electro, Rhino, Norman and Harry Osborn. Super hero sequels have suffered from the inclusion of too many villains but writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci say all these foes are “essential” to the story:

“I think you have to go into it and say, ‘is this character essential to the story or are you just throwing him in for no reason whatsoever’,” Kurtzman tells MTV.

The sequel swings into cinemas in May, 2014.

By Editor




Amazing Spider-Man Sequel Talk

Andrew Garfield as The Amazing Spider-Man courtesy Columbia Pictures

Amazing Spider-Man is out on dvd/blu ray but fans are buzzing about the sequel! Director Marc Webb, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone will return.

The biggest casting rumor is that Jamie Foxx may play Electro according to Variety.     Electro’s real name is Max Dillon. The villain gains control of electricity after being struck by lightning.

Shailene Woodley is reportedly in talks to join the cast…as Mary Jane Watson?

I still think Dr. Michael Morbius (The Living Vampire) would make an excellent villain in the darker, edgier Spideyverse Webb has created but Morbius’s story may be too similar to Curt Connors/The Lizard.

What do you think of having Jamie Foxx as Electro?

By Editor