AMAZING X-MEN Search for Nightcrawler

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

What’s one more X-Men book on your list…especially if it means the return of the beloved Fuzzy Elf?


In the final pages of Battle of the Atom – the mutants one of their dearly departed members may be alive and not so well. Logan assembles an elite team to search for the man many call the heart and soul of the X-Men.


Amazing X-Men by Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness will star Wolverine, Northstar, Iceman, Storm, Beast and wait for it…Firestar? Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN Search for Nightcrawler

NOVA Blasts Off


Nova #1 courtesy Marvel

Marvel will launch a new NOVA into the Marvel Now with a superstar team but it will a brand new kid under the helmet. At New York Comic Con the publisher revealed Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuiness will helm a brand new Nova series. Sam Alexander is the new Human Rocket. Fans will now see the beginnings of the kid who debuted in Avengers vs. X-Men.

Nova #1 courtesy Marvel

“We’ll be seeing the origin of Nova and how he is learning what it’s like to be a super hero,” Loeb shares. “He’s first got to learn about the responsibility of being hero. The responsibility that comes with the helmet.”

Nova #1 courtesy Marvel

Nova is one of Marvel’s space-faring heroes but this series will be down to Earth for now.

  “We want to see Nova in an environment that we can relate to—our own planet—but there’s something cosmic about being out there,” the writer explains. “It’ll be where the adventure takes him.”

Nova #1 courtesy Marvel

New to Nova? Richard Ryder became a member of the Nova Corps – an intergalactic police force that originated on the planet Xandar. No word on what will happen to Richard Ryder, the Dick Clark of Marvel. Ryder was created in 1966 but remained a teenager for several decades including his stint in the New Warriors in 1990’s. Ryder is trapped in an alternate universe.

Nova is a concept like The Defenders. Every few years Marvel tries to revive it. I don’t get it but Marvel is doubling down on its cosmic characters. With a Guardians of the Galaxy movie in development and a new series by Brian Michael Bendis – hopes are high for this new version of Nova who may join the Guardians on the big screen.

By Editor

Cable’s First Shot in AVX

Avengers: X-Sanction #1 alternate cover preview courtesy

  Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness bring Cable back with full impact in Avengers: X-Sanction #1. This time Nathan is not a father figure, freedom fighter or platoon leader. Cable is an effecient super soldier on a focused mission.    

  Nathan and Steve Rogers are two determined soldiers with brilliant tactical minds. The fight is big and physical but you get a sense of the strategy behind every move.

  I think you can get a sense of the battle strategies Captain America and Cyclops will execute in Avengers Versus X-Men. Cap may even learn something from Cable that could give him an advantage to beat Cyke – knowing when to make sacrifices.

  We learn how Cable survived “death” in Second Coming, see a blast from Nathan’s past who sets him on his new mission and learn why he must destroy the Avengers in 24 hours.

  The script is tight. The art is big, brash and bursting off the pages. The issue is one big giant teaser for the upcoming AVX but this first shot in the war in a fun yarn on its own.