2013 Comics to Watch Videoblog!

Zanadu Comics Seattle First Round Table Group 1/11/12
Zanadu Comics Seattle First Round Table Group 1/11/12

    My Seattle hood comic book shop invited me to share my most anticipated comic books for 2013! Here are the new books, events and trends to look out for this year! Here is a special Zanadu Comics Videoblog:

Thanks to Perry, Howard, Casey, Morgan and Erin for a great experience every book comic Wednesday and for inviting me to share my geeky knowledge and excitement. Visit ZanaduComics.com for Casey and Morgan’s weekly picks!

By Editor

The Brubaker WINTER SOLDIER Finale

Winter Soldier #14 courtesy Marvel
Winter Soldier #14 courtesy Marvel

Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff are the hottest couple of the Marvel Universe. Evil operatives, brain washing and cold war comebacks have ripped Bucky and Black Widow apart. All the men in Natasha’s life (Wolverine, Nick Fury, Daredevil)  have guest starred in this action packed epic but it all comes down to Bucky.

In this week’s Winter Soldier #15 what will Bucky sacrifice to save the woman he loves? It’s the grand finale of the Black Widow Hunt and the final Marvel comic from Ed Brubaker – for now.

(Brubaker’s creator owned Image book Fatale is a must!)

Brubaker’s final Captain America issue was last fall but this week’s Winter Soldier is the end of a an era. The return and redemption of Bucky Barnes will stand the test of time – and is the inspiration for the next Captain America sequel. Brubaker made Marvel’s dark underworld of gritty espionage a perfect setting where Steve Rogers, Bucky, Natasha and Nick Fury could rise to newfound glory.

Thanks to Ed Brubaker for an amazing run. Long live Bucky!

By Editor

The Last Brubaker Captain America


Captain America #19 courtesy Marvel

The End of an Era phrase doesn’t even begin to describe this week’s Captain America #19.  Artist Steve Epting returns to the title for Ed Brubaker’s grand finale issue. This is definitely the end of a major creative era for Steve Rogers. I starting buying and loving Cap again because of Brubaker.

It was an era of dark espionage and redeemed heroes that redefined Steve and his supporting cast. Steve Rogers became an agent of SHIELD, discovered Bucky was alive and serving as a brainwashed assassin for the Russians and fought with his oldest friends over the Superhero Registration Act in Civil War. I loved the rise, fall and comeback of Steve Rogers during this run but what I loved most was the surprising return and redemption of Bucky Barnes.

Brubaker even killed Cap and replaced him with Bucky – and the series got even better.

Brubaker’s epic run ends with a heartfelt issue that reflects back on all the great moments that defined Steve Rogers. Steve Epting helped define this era of Rogers and Barnes in the dark spy game underworld. It’s fitting to have Epting return for this flashback filled issue.

Ed Brubaker’s Captain America will be remembered as a perfect connection between creator and character in comic history. Thanks for eight glorious years and for making me love Cap again.

By Editor


New Writer for Winter Soldier

Winter Soldier #15 courtesy Marvel

  My favorite new book of 2012 will get a new writer in 2013. At the AvX panel at Fan Expo Canada Marvel announced that Jason Latour will take over Winter Soldier.

  Ed Brubaker brought Bucky Barnes back as the brainwashed assassin and set him on a path of redemption during his acclaimed Captain America run that continued with the Winter Soldier series.

 Comic Book Resources talked with the writer turned artist (his creator owned title Loose Ends and Untold Tales of the Punisher MAX) about taking over.

  “I was surprised to get the chance, simply because I didn’t think this character would ever be in play. Brubaker’s work on this character has been great. He’s really built such a strong and compelling foundation– that when the possibility was introduced my mind went off like a nuclear test site.

  As for how it came about — I’d drawn a few stories for my editor, Lauren Sankovitch, in the past and I’d made it clear I was interested in writing for hire, too. Fortunately she seemed to like my creator-owned work and when the time came to cast the book she asked me if I would be interested.”

  Brubaker has several issues left. Latour takes over with January’s issue #15 with Bucky in a dark place.

“A darkness has washed over The Dude — Like I said, it’s the pain that sticks. He’s done some awful things — things that he’d like to believe were independent of his control.  But when Cap fixed his mind with the Cosmic Cube, it’s telling that he used the phrase “Remember who you are.” That didn’t just return him to “Gee wilikers, Cap, I sure like pinball” Bucky — it kept intact a lot of memories he’d rather have seen erased.

Recently his past has come home to roost — and each time he found himself asking what his role in creating the situation was. It’s made him feel very powerless. People he loves keep getting thrown into harm’s way, and he’s trying to look in the mirror and see how much of it is his old habits. Who he works for is just where he starts.”

Latour says he’ll create a new villain.

“Two people who were once caught in the Winter Soldier’s swath. Our big antagonist is a new take on Bucky’s rogues’ gallery in the sense that she’s the first indirect casualty of his actions. She’s got plans much larger than revenge, but their personal connection is going to make things very complicated for Bucky.”

By Editor


Thanks to Comic Book Resources.

Avengers Vs. X-Men Panel at Emerald City Comicon

Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, C.B. Cebulski at Emerald City Comicon, ComicsBlend.com

  The most anticipated panel for me at Emerald City Comicon was Marvel AvX featuring Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction, two of the writers on the epic series, and C.B. Cebulski were in Seattle’s big event just days before #1 launched.

Here are highlights:

  Will Hulk and the Juggernaut fight? (I’m assuming the fan meant Colossus)

“Yes in issue #5,” responded Fraction.

 Brubaker said that issues one through five, which he called “AvX‘s’ first act,” would normally be considered an entire event by most readers, and the remaining issues would be two years’ worth of stories for most publishers. Fraction added that issue five is so big, it feels like an ending, but it’s not — “There’s seven more issues after that.”

Avengers Vs X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  Fraction followed up, “In issue #6, (Jonathan)Hickman has written Colossus as you’ve never seen him before.” (This will affect Peter and Kitty – see this previous post.)

  The next fan asked Fraction if he had been planting seeds for AvX as far back as his Uncanny X-Men run, as there appears to be a connection between the them. Fraction said the connection was intentional. During an editorial retreat many years ago, when they talked about Second Coming, those attending decided it was a good idea for characters with Phoenix fragments to lose them in that time. He noted that when he was writing his earliest Uncanny stories where he has the Phoenix come to Emma and say, “Get ready,” he knew it would make him look like a “genius” in a few years.

“Who came up with Hope?” Brubaker said he believes it was Joe [Quesada], but no one on the dais could say for certain. They explained that the way ideas are batted around at editorial retreats, everything feels shared. Brubaker did say he distinctly remembered Joe talking about a scene that was to take place at the end of Second Coming where Emma was going to be holding the baby and realize it was Jean, but they didn’t end up using that or going in that direction. Fraction said that Axel [Alonso] was a big proponent of that idea. Brubaker mentioned how he recalled the inception of AvX taking place five to six years ago with Jeph [Loeb] and Axel pushing for the idea.

Will the Young Avengers appear?

“The Young Avengers are there, but not necessarily as the ‘Young Avengers,'”

“Young Avengers fans will be happy in the coming months,” Cebulski added. (Insert my personal joy here!)

Professor X appears in AvX #6.

Characters will switch loyalties.

AvX Launch parties are tomorrow night!

Emerald City Comicon: This Geek’s Odyssey Day One


The Lines Room outside the massive line room at ECCC - ComicsBlend.com

  Emerald City Comicon is here! Stars, swag and geek dreams come true all on display for eager fans. The Washington State Convention Center became geek ground zero. At we waited for the 2pm opening the Skybridge was stuffed with fans then there were seven lines of eager geeks packed in a giant panel room with another huge line out beyond the entry way.


Matt Fraction at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

Today’s agenda was autographs! Matt Fraction was my first – he recognized me from the previous two years – sigh! I had him sign Fear Itself #1 Casanova: Avarita #1 and #2, The Mighty Thor #1 and The Defenders #1. Matt draws clever word balloons on the covers too for that unique touch. Matt’s wife is Kelly Sue DeConnick. I was thrilled to talk about her upcoming new book starring Ms. Marvel now as the new Captain Marvel (she gave out some cool Captain Marvel promo buttons!) and scoop on her next Castle graphic novel.

Ed Brubaker at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  Seattle’s very own Ed Brubaker always has a huge line of fans and the celebrity status is well deserved. While he autographed Captain America #1, The Winter Soldier #1 and Fatale #1 we discussed the sell-out success of Fatale, his creator owned horror mystery and Bucky Barnes back as the Winter Soldier.


Gail Simone at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  Gail Simone is a fan favorite for her Birds of Prey, Secret Six and Wonder Woman runs and for being a trailblazing female writer. I had Simone autograph her recent Batgirl #1, and Wonder Woman #600. I also had her sign my copy of The Power Within, an anti-gay bullying comic published by Seattle’s own Northwest Press. She was a contributor. Simone and her outstanding career is celebrated in a Saturday panel.

With Gail Simone at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  Rick Remender had a breakout year in 2011. I had Remender sign several of his Uncanny X-Force issues and his first Secret Avengers issue. Remender talks about his Fear Agent series and popular take on Marvel’s undercover teams in a Saturday spotlight panel.


Monsters & Dames Charity Book courtesy Emerald City Comicon

Adi Granov is a conceptual designer on the Iron Man and upcoming Avengers films. He created the cover for this year’s Monsters and Dames charity book. I had Granov sign several X-Men cover issues and scored his illustration book packed with covers and concept sketches! Art lovers buy this limited edition book and then hunt for the artists at the con who contributed.

With "Batman" artist Greg Capullo at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  The biggest surprise was Greg Capullo. The man is built and looks tough. This guy should be in superhero movies. He’s been working for decades to become an overnight sensation. Capullo was known for his work on X-Force, Spawn and Angela and  now he’s winning raves for his Batman. Capullo even had sketches of Scarecrow with the ECCC logo to sign and give away to every fan who came to his table.


Chris Burnham, artist on Batman Inc at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  DC Comics was very giving all day with free issues, posters and more cool swag at their booth. I happen to walk by at the right time. Chris Burnham, the artist on the upcoming Batman Inc, was making fan dreams come true with free sketches of their favorite DC icons. I asked for Batgirl. He was great to ask “which one, which era?” Chris created a New 52 Barbara Gordon Batgirl head shot that I’m having framed!

  The big get for ECCC and for any lucky fan: Marc Silvestri. I had been following Marc’s work since his Uncanny X-Men (I got the famous Wolverine crucified on a X cross issue signed) and Wolverine runs in the late 80’s and 90’s. Silvestri became a founding member of Image Comics and head of Top Cow Productions where he created hits like Witchblade and The Darkness. I snapped up The Art of Marc Silvestri retrospective book collecting his years of work. I was just above the cutoff line so I made it into the last bunch of fans to get this awesome opportunity for his autographs and one on one moment with a legendary creator.


Inside the Hall waiting for the mighty Marc Silvestri at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  All that (plus seeing crazy costumed fans and meeting my friends in Garrison Titan – the Star Wars fans who raise money for charity) in just 6 hours. Saturday is a full day with more autograph seeking, photo taking, hunting for rare comics and enjoying wonderful geek moments.

  Watch for a new post with the gallery of costumed fans!

Emerald City Comicon Programming Revealed – Local Flavor

Emerald City Comicon Exclusive by Alex Ross courtesy Emerald City Comicon

  Emerald City Comicon revealed their stellar lineup of programming for this year’s big event including more than 120 panels! I seriously need to look into cloning.

Along with top comic book creators, sci-fi movie stars and iconic voice talents, there’s a big focus on local creators, history and trends. Here are some this year’s panel with a local focus:

Seattle Superstorm: A SyFy Channel World Premiere, Friday March 30th at 4pm. An unidentified object crashes into Puget Sound followed by unusual weather and quakes. Can a military mom and scientist dad save their family and stop the Seattle Superstorm from spreading and annihilating the planet. This disaster flick stars Esai Morales (Caprica, 24) and Ona Grauer (V, Stargate Universe)

The Power Within from Northwest Press, Art by Mark Brill

  The Bad and the Bold: (LGBT Characters) Friday, March 30th 4pm Seattle’s own Charles “Zen” Christensen of Northwest Press moderates this discussion of LGBT representation in comics. What’s a postive or negative portryal of LGBT characters?   

 Northwest Noir: Seattle’s Legacy of Counterculture Comix Friday, March 30th 6pm A look at the influence of Seattle cartoonists and inspired a new comix movement and creation of local publisher Fantagraphics books. How the grunge movement elevated alternative comix. Seattle and Portland were home to 6 alternative comix publishing houses by the start of this millenia.

We Are Legion: Meet the 501st Legion Meet the all-volunteer group of Star Wars fans who make appearances all over the world raising money for charity and giving other fans the photo op of a lifetime. Learn the Legion’s origin, its relationship with Lucasfilm and how you can join.

We’re Laughing WITH You: Geek Stand Up Comedy featuring some of the funniest comedians in the Northwest. Friday, March 30th 5:30pm

 Outdoor Trek (The Indoor Edition) Friday, March 30th 5pm Hello Earth Productions of Seattle presents “This Side of Paradise” an adaptation of an Original Star Trek series episode. Spock in love. The crew break into a rousing musical number! It’s Trek boldly performed like you’re never seen before!


The Winter Soldier Gets Cooler

The Winter Soldier #2 courtesy Marvel

  I love spies. I love gorillas. Ed Brubaker had me with a machine gun firing giant gorilla in the premiere issue. You can’t do that in a James Bond flick. The cool factor blasts even higher in The Winter Soldier #2.

  Can we just take a moment to wipe the drool away after gazing upon Lee Bermejo’s cover? Seeing this there’s no doubt the Winter Soldier and Black Widow are the sexiest, coolest characters in the Marvel universe.

  Brubaker takes us on a wild ride as Bucky and Natasha track down Russian sleeper agents, the mystery villains behind the conspiracy and oh yeah, someone had the cahones to attempt assassinate Doctor Doom. He was not amused.

  Butch Guice’s art is a perfect fit for Brubaker’s plot. You feel you’re in a the darkest underworld of the Marvel Universe.

  Another winner. A killer teaser image from the next chapter. This is building up to something huge – accept this mission!

Side note: A non comic book reading friend was browsing through this issue and was impressed. He’d seen Captain America: The First Avenger so when I told him who the Winter Soldier really is…a big smile crept on his face saying that will be awesome (referring to a possible sequel based on The Winter Soldier.) If that sounds like a hint…it is.