Geek Guide to SIFF

SIFF   You may scratch your heads with a film based on a Shakespeare being recommended by comic book geeks for geeks but this is Shakespeare by JOSS WHEDON!

The director/writer of Marvel’s The Avengers decided to shoot a film of Much Ado About Nothing in his backyard and invite a few actors you have may heard of like Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker, Alexis Denisof and Clark Gregg!

Yes, the stars of beloved shows and films like Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and The Avengers star in the Opening Night of the Seattle International Film Festival! Whedon, Denisof, Gregg, Acker and more stars from the film are coming to the Emerald City to appear at the Opening Night Gala on May 16th.

Here are some other geek-friendly Continue reading Geek Guide to SIFF

Astonishing X-Men’s Explosive Issue

Astonishing X-Men #53 courtesy Marvel

  Wolverine goes boom. The new villain proves she’s one stone cold —–. Beast references Frank Herbert’s Dune. I love you Marjorie Liu!

  Mystery woman Susan Hatchi forced Karma to attack her own teammates and Northstar’s partner Kyle and blew up Wolverine. Controlling someone who controls minds is a pretty impressive feat then Susan made Logan explode from the inside out. Now Hatchi is just showing off!

 In this week’s Astonishing X-Men #53 the honeymoon is over as this X-team tries to find Hatchi and Karma and uncover a deadly new tech that inspires Hank’s Dune reference.

  Liu does the unexpected when the X-Men confront Hatchi at a corporate presentation. Hatchi admits her guilt, gloats and teases the X-Men over what she did to them. Hatchi belittles them and basically calls them guineau pigs. Hatchi reveals she’s much more than just a ruthless businesswoman. I’m curious to see how Liu will tie Hatchi’s actions and revelation to a huge moment in mutant history. 

  Northstar and Kyle’s wedding was not just a one issue stunt. Liu takes us into the newlyweds’ bedroom. Liu continues to give us a unique perspective on what it would really be like to be a superhero’s spouse. This isn’t the only couple Liu has masterfully written. The hilarious flirtation between Warbird and Iceman continues in this chapter. Beast and Cecilia Reyes have a scientific John Steed and Emma Peel tension. In the lab or in the field Hank and Cecilia share an easy rapport, clever banter and mutual dedication to medical science.

  The search for Karma moves to a Russian complex where we see just how cruel and massive Hatchi’s experiments are evolving. Liu and Mike Perkins take a dark turn from Northstar’s wedding day and make this mutant soap opera great fun with realistic touches. I hope this creative team and title continue in the Marvel NOW.

Just remember X-Men:

“Fear is the mind-killer. You must not fear.”  The Bene Gesserit Litany in Dune.

  By Editor

Inside “Icons of Science Fiction” at EMP Museum

Enterprise command chair used on Star Trek, 1966-1969 Photo: Erik Skaar

  As I descended down into a new exhibition underneath Seattle’s EMP Museum I was giddy with geek anticipation. Icons of Science Fiction features some of the most inspiring artifacts of the sci-fi genre. I felt like Neo. I was a “Chosen One” receiving a sneak peek and chance to meld with the mind who created this new exhibition.

  You pass the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. I had to find the glass bearing the photo and name of Ray Bradbury to pay homage. Then prepare to be transported. The curator has designed an entry way that reminds you of an iconic experience in a sci-fi adventure. If you’re a Star Wars fans it would be going to light speed…if the hyper-drive is fixed! If you’re a Star Trek fan you’re going to warp. For the 2001: A Space Odyssey fans it’s going on a trip into void with Dave!

Icons of Science Fiction at EMP Museum, photo by

  Fans can marvel at artifacts that have never been shown publicly like Lt. Uhura’s uniform from Star Trek, Yoda’s walking cane from Star Wars, the Kryptonian spaceship from Superman starring Christopher Reeve. You can even see the Captain’s chair James T. Kirk sat in while commanding the Enterprise!

  What If? This eternal question drives the exploration of ideas behind the genre’s greatest creations. Curator Brooks Peck explains why he built the exhibition based on questions as opposed to by chronological order or sub categories.

  “One of the things science fiction does is ask these crazy strange questions. Any science fiction story can be framed as a question. Star Trek is framed as what if we could explore space and the stars. What would happen? What stories would come out of that? Or Men In Black – what if aliens came to this planet? Or Terminator – what if robots took over the world? So the exhibition asks six of these big questions and presents lots of stories, films, tv shows, novels, comics that answers those in different ways. So if you’re not like a hard-core science fiction person…you see the questions and it gets your thinking. Questions like what if we could design our children? It gets you thinking about it and I hope makes it accessible to everybody – science fiction fans and non fans alike.

Neo's coat worn by Keanu Reeves from The Matrix Reloaded, 2003 Photo: Brady Harvey

 What If You Were the Chosen One? This section highlights the idea of the savior who inspires change. Paul Muad’Dib was the prophesied messiah of Frank Herbert’s Dune series. You can see the jacket worn by Neo (Keanu Reeves) of The Matrix. I was fascinated and little freaked to see the Anakin Skywalker lifecast from Star Wars: Return of The Jedi. It takes you back to that moment when Luke lifts the Vader mask so Anakin can look on his son with his own eyes. You can see a costume Starbuck (Katee Sackhoff) wore on a key Battlestar Galactica episode that reinforced her role as a messiah for the human race.

Krypton spaceship filming miniature used in Superman: The Movie, 1978 Photo: Erik Skaar

 What If I Had Superpowers?  This section features Alan Moore’s classic Watchmen, Christopher Reeve’s costume from Superman IV and the miniature starship from his first Superman film that carried the young alien from Krypton to Smallville.

Curator Brooks Peck with a weapon from "Men in Black" at Icons of Science Fiction at EMP Museum, photo by

  What If We Fought A War With Aliens? From Will Smith’s impossibly huge gun in Men in Black, to the warrior headgear from the original Stargate film to the saucer from Ed Wood’s Plan 9 From Outer Space – this section is filled with weapons and gear to make you feel “absolute bad asses” like the Colonial Marines in Aliens. In fact you can see the helmet worn by Michael Biehn in the James Cameron sequel!


T-800 skull used in Terminator 2: Judgement Day, 1991 Photo: Brady Harvey

  What If We Were Enslaved By Our Machines? Who can forget the Terminator skull once the Ar-NULD visage from burned off? A robot skull from T2: Judgement Day is part of this section. What might be THE artifact of the exhibition is the centerpiece of this section: a Dalek from Doctor Who.

  “I think the Dalek is fantastic because…it’s a Dalek, right? And since Doctor Who is created in England it’s rare that objects make it make it over to the United States for us to see much less something this big and heavy and crazy like a Dalek. This Dalek in particular is special because it’s an Imperial Dalek which were the first Daleks we actually saw on camera climbing stairs and levitating,” declares Peck.

Imperial Dalek from the Doctor Who episode "Remembrance of the Daleks" in 1998 Photo: Erik Skaar

  This rare artifact is from the Remembrance of the Daleks episode from 1988 and Peck adds they call it “the glam-rock Dalek.”

 What If We Could Design Our Own Children? The teddy bear from the Steven Spielberg directed AI, Commander Data’s uniform Star Trek: The Next Generation, the work of local author Octavia Butler highlight this section that asks a question that may be answered in a future that’s closer that we may think.

Icons of Science Fiction at EMP Museum, photo by

  EMP Museum always deliver more than just inspiring visuals. This exhibition makes you a Ridley Scott, George Lucas or Steven Spielberg! The Create Your Own Special Effects Shot puts your friend on a green screen while you choose the fantasy backdrop and which iconic characters you want to interact with on-screen. You can fly like a superhero in the sky or run from Imperial Stormtroopers on an alien moon.

  There is a space age looking control board that gives you an interactive exploration of sci-fi sources and influences on design and modern art. You can touch your way across the genres.

 Brooks Peck and his team have collected from across genres and scored some amazing artifacts. I was curious to know what was the hardest artifact in the exhibit to procure?

  “There was one on my wish list that I couldn’t secure so that would probably be the hardest. We have on display one of Darth Vader’s light sabres from Episodes Five and Six. We wanted to compliment that with an Anakin Skywalker light sabre from the prequel. They’re very rare to find out and about…but we found a collector in England who had one and we had a plan. One of our curators was going to England anyway and was going to bring it back. Turns out though it was a fighting sabre used to film a combat scenes so it had this long carbon fiber plate so we thought we’d just transport this little handle but actually it was this four-foot long thing that couldn’t come apart so we couldn’t bring it from England. So we wanted to show that. Maybe someday but not now.”

 “Maybe someday” is what we often think after seeing a sci-fi film or reading a novel. The search the search for what’s possible, what’s in our future drives science fiction and fantasy fans. Like machine gaining sentience or an alien life form this exhibition is designed to evolve and grow. I am thrilled to be here for the birth of Icons of Science Fiction. Geek Tested…and approved for all.

 Icons of Science Fiction opens June 9th. You can also still enjoy the Can’t Look Away: The Lure of Horror and Avatar: The Exhibition.

 By Editor

Stay tuned for more posts: What does a Sci Fi Museum curator think of Prometheus, Doctor Who and why did certain comic books make the cut while others didn’t?

Before Watchmen Announced – A Geek’s View

courtesy DC Comics

  Oh yes they are going there. To the excitment or hate of some fans – DC Comics is daring to go back into the world of Watchmen. Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons classic series changed the concept of comic book heroes. To some purists – this move is heresy – their version of doomsday. To an all-star lineup of writers and artists it’s the challenge of playing in a world that’s the holy grail of comics created by the legendary Moore and Gibbons.   

  As I digested the news I kept thinking of the Dune series. Frank Herbert’s original novels are revered as groundbreaking, influential classics of science fiction. Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson, using his late father’s notes, have created multiple new books set in the Dune universe. I love them all. The original novels have a deeper meaning and impact. I still enjoy all the new novels set before, during and after the original books. It’s like pieces of puzzle seeing how characters, worlds and themes are built.

Courtesy DC Comics

  I have to admire the creators of Before Watchmen. To attempt to get into the heads of Alan Moore’s creations is a huge challenge, professional risk, and irrestible opportunity. I really commend Brian Azzarello for daring to go into Rorschach’s mind!

FREE Comic Book Day Highlights


Star Wars Free Comic Book Day 2012 Cover courtesy Dark Horse Comics

Diamond Comics released the full list of titles for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY May 5, 2012. From super heroes to kid shows and EVERY genre in between, there’s something for every comic book fan. Not to diss any of the superhero books that I love but I wanted to highlight some other genres. These are great reasons to get your friends who are not usual readers into the shop next FCBD and support our shops and creators.

For the sci-fi fan: Dark Horse offers a Star Wars/Serenity flip book! Two tales in one featuring A Han Solo/Chewbacca adventure plus a Mal Reynolds tales for the Browncoats!

I freakin’ LOVE anything related to DUNE (yes, even all those endless prequel novels) and BOOM! Studios presents DUNE: ORIGINS.

Dune Origins Free Comic Book Day 2012 courtesy Boom! Studios

IDW brings the Transformers back to comic books after a petition from thousands of fans. This new issue picks up where the previous series left off.

For the kids: Yo Gabba Gabba from Oni Press, Peanuts from Boom!Studios 

DC Comics is offering a Justice League, Marvel is featuring the Avengers in their FCBD title. Dark Horse is offering a Buffy, the Vampire Slayer/The Guild flip book. The Smurfs, Tinkerbell, Donald Duck and even My Favorite Martian will appear in FREE titles next month for the eleventh year of FCBD.

Burt Ward, Boy Wonder courtesy BlueWater Productions

And something fun that brings up a childhood memory: Bluewater Productions presents Burt Ward: Boy Wonder, the further adventures of the actor who starred with Adam West on the old television series. When I was a kid dad took me to our local Chevy dealership to meet Robin (Burt Ward) and get his autograph and a young geek’s dream fulfilled!

  See you in the shops May 5, 2012.