The Defenders Final Issue Preview

Defenders by Matt Fraction cover courtesy

  The current run of the The Defenders will come to an end with issue 12. Matt Fraction united Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, Red She-Hulk, Silver Surfer and Namor on missions against supernatural threats. Fraction is leaving to write the Fantastic Four and FF in the Marvel Now.

Fraction tells that Betty Ross was the character that surprised him the most and “fell in love with writing her immediately”

“The whole experience was so unlike any other I’ve had at Marvel, and I got to work with so many amazing artists; the whole thing was a joy. Bittersweet at best, as they say.

And yeah; we were only just getting started. I didn’t touch on a tenth of what I had planned for that book, for the places it would go, for the characters we were going to meet. Oh well. Next time, next time,” he adds.

The Defenders #12 courtesy Marvel

For more preview art of the final issue here’s the link. The Defenders #12 arrives in November. Never fear! Given this team’s history expect to non-team to reteam again – I just hope it’s as much fun as this run has been!

The Defenders #12 courtesy Marvel

By Editor


Namor After AvX

Avengers vs X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel

Arrogance Rex! Namor the Sub-Mariner is one of my favorite Marvel characters. He can come across as an arrogant, belligerent, vain snob. I love this guy.

Namor is a man of two worlds but uncomfortable in both. A ruler faced with an impossible duty. A romantic always falling for the wrong woman – especially brainy blondes belonging to another man.

Having Namor join the X-Men was genius. Marvel’s First Mutant allied his defeated Atlantean forces with Cyclops and the mutants of Utopia. Namor and Emma’s passionate past was an attraction they kept in check until the Phoenix Force threw gasoline and lit the match. I think Emma used her wiles the keep Namor in check but the Phoenix Force fed off their buried passion.

The Phoenix possessed Namor went too far. After coveting Emma Frost for years Namor defied Cyclops and tried to seduce her. Namor invaded and devistated Wakanda in an effort to wipe out the Avengers.

Namor is appearing in The Defenders which is coming to an end. He’s likely out of both X-Men and Avengers. So is Namor a fish out of water in the Marvel Now? Or could this be a bold new chapter for Marvel’s first mutant?

Namor will be isolated and hated by some. It’s time to have the Sub-Mariner play the villain again. I think Ben Grimm would say he was never that heroic!

Uncanny X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

In the past Namor has allied with Doctor Doom, attacked New York City and been an enemy of the Fantastic Four. I consider Namor be in the same league with old school Magneto. Namor was fighting to save his people and his kingdom no matter what it took.  There’s an old theory about his boiling Atlantean/human blood driving him mad and into his extreme measures.

It’s safe to say Black Panther will not be forgiving Namor for the destruction of his homeland, Namor’s alliance with the X-Men has been shattered and even old friend Steve Rogers may not let Namor off for his crimes.


Namor: The First Mutant #1 courtesy Marvel

Where does that leave this classic character in the Marvel NOW?

A villain?

A rogue antihero in a new solo series – think Punisher but with winged feet?

Part of a movement born in the aftermath of AvX? Scott and Emma’s relationship is probably over so could the former White Queen finally give in to Namor and form the Avenging X-Men?

A love interest for She-Hulk in FF?

Because of his actions in AvX and his history Namor is an iconic character could lead to a flood of story potential in the Marvel Now.

Imperius Rex!

By Editor


The End of The Defenders

Defenders by Matt Fraction cover courtesy

  Matt Fraction is taking on the Fantastic Four and FF this November as part of the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Fraction revealed to USA Today that he will leave The Defenders and that series will come to an end with issue 12 in November.

  Fraction took the Defenders concept into a strange and fun new direction with Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Red She-Hulk, Silver Surfer and Namor as his team. I hope Fraction will get the chance to write Dr. Strange again – he has one of the most unusual and realistic takes on the Master of the Mystic Arts.

 I recently wrote In Defense of the Defenders part 3 – Case Closed. I had no idea how soon it really would be closing time but this franchise seems to roar back to life every few years. Maybe next time we’ll see a reunion of Valkyrie and Hellcat in a new Defenders book!

By Editor

In Defense of the The Defenders 3 – Case Closed

Defenders #1 courtesy

  Not that long ago…on a post not so far away I explored why Marvel’s non-team was getting another shot at a series…this time with the Uncanny X-Men dream team of Matt Fraction and Terry Dodson.

  The Defenders by Matt Fraction Trade Paperback is out this week collecting the first six issues of the series.  

  In the aftermath of Fear Itself  this odd mix of heroes is recruited to stop a monster’s rampage. I won’t spoil the hero that summons Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Iron Fist, Namor and Red She-Hulk into this latest incarnation of Marvel’s non-team.  

  The book has action, humor and strange twists. How does the idea of Dr. Strange hooking up, monsters and zero gravity kung-fu in the first chapter strike you? The misfits discover threats and mysteries on Wundagore Mountain and deep in the sea. Fraction has said the book is filled with characters he really wanted to write and you can feel the love for each of them. Dodson’s bold art captures the big screen fun, supernatural twists and enthusiasm Fraction pounds into the script.

Defenders by Matt Fraction cover courtesy

 With so many other Marvel teams why would you need the Defenders? Why would a concept that’s been tried so many times he another reboot. Check out Defenders By Matt Fraction and you’ll see why.  If only Fraction could find a way to bring Hellcat back on the team!

By Editor


Black Cat Strikes in Defenders

Defenders #7 courtesy

When I think of a perfect union of artist and character I think of Terry Dodson and Black Cat. The Spider-Man femme fatale claws her way into a different kind of book this week. Black Cat graces the cover of Defenders #7. Matt Fraction sends Doctor Strange and his team to Wakanda which means the Black Panther (the Fantastic Four are currently having an adventure there too.)

I love every female character Dodson draws (I have a framed poster of the X-women from Uncanny X-Men #500 autographed by Terry and Rachel Dodson) but there is something about his Black Cat. Terry and Rachel Dodson are killing with The Defenders. Fraction has been taking the non-team and readers through the Marvel Universe from Wundagore to Atlantis and now into Wakanda.

Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do #2 courtesy

The issue teases that Black Cat will get the offer of a lifetime. For a modern-day classic check out Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do limited series by Kevin Smith and the Dodsons.

Here’s hoping the Black Cat may steal Sony and director Marc Webb’s heart. I’d love to see Felicia Hardy appear in a Spider-Man movie in the future.

By Editor

Doctor Strange’s Scientific Advisor?

Doctor Strange: The Oath cover courtesy

  I hated math and science as a kid and a college student. Always said I’ll never use that for anything I want to pursue. If my teachers only knew the irony of this next story they’d be laughing and saying “we told you so.”

  Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist. The scientist is one of three that got to work on Marvel’s Thor. The experts worked with the film’s writer, director and producer as a scientific advisor. You need help if you’re going to have Frost Giants falling to their death on an ice world.

  io9 has the full interview and a scoop – Carroll says he’s working with Marvel on Doctor Strange! His job will be to set limits on the sorcerer Supreme’s powers. 

Defenders #1 courtesy


  You may have seen my post – a new photo of Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins made me think that he’d be perfect as the Master of the Mystic Arts.

  I hope they chose the Doctor’s new threads he’s wearing as leaders of the new Defenders.

  Thanks to Comic Book Resources Comic Reel for the story.

Defenders: Wannabes Gone Wild!

Defenders #63 courtesy

  An outrageous comic book story that was way before it’s time (and predicted the super hero reality show concept) is collected in a new trade out this week. Marvel presents Defenders: Tournament of Heroes #1.

  In my In Defense of the Defenders post I relived my memory of the crazy 1972  storyline Defender for a Day. Dollar Bill is producer who puts out an ad for new members to join the non-team with hilarious results.

  This collects Defenders #62-#65. I haven’t read this in a long time but the cover takes me way back when I thought if Captain Ultra has a shot on getting on a superteam maybe so could I?

Raising Hellcat!

It’s time for Hellcat to prowl again!

The Defenders are back in action and on front line of the Marvel Universe. A new series debuted this week by Matt Fraction and Terry Dodson. Doctor Strange recruited Red She Hulk, Namor, Iron Fist and Silver Surfer for this latest incarnation of the ‘non-team’ team to face the supernatural threats unleashed by the events of Fear Itself storyline.

Ed Brubaker brought ex-Defender Valkyrie back for his Secret Avengers run. The Norse warrior woman is now starring in The Fearless racing against Sin and her own teammates to recover the mystical hammers summoned to Earth by The Serpent during Fear Itself

  This Defenders comeback is making me long for the return of their sexy former teammate, Hellcat.

  Patsy Walker was a child actress/model and star of a comic book within a comic book. She dreamed of being a real superhero. A chance meeting with Beast led to her becoming a costumed hero. Patsy joined the Avengers, the Defenders, went to Hell and married a devilish husband, Son of Satan. Pasty was last seen as part of the limited series Marvel Divas.

  I always love her adventures with Valkyrie. The sexy cat and steely warrior woman were a great female duo during their Defenders run and I’m hoping Hellcat gets to use one of her nine lives in a new series or make an appearance in the new Defenders or The Fearless series. Now that the Defenders are back “in” it’s time to raise a little Hellcat!

  Check out her bio for more on the history of Patsy Walker.

By Editor