Batman, Joker and DEATH OF THE FAMILY Finale!

Batman #16 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #16 courtesy DC Comics

  Batman fans are recovering from the shocking events of this week’s Batman #16. What Bruce discovered inside Arkham Asylum was the Joker at his most horrific and demented. (A literal Dance of Death!)

  Next month’s Batman #17 is the final chapter of Death of the Family and we learn the Joker’s full plan and how it will affect the Batman family. Writer Scott Snyder is talking about what to expect in the grand finale:

  “Well, I can tell you there are definitely some insane moments in the conclusion and some crazy things happen so, I’ve always been braced for it as something that isn’t designed to just shock for the sake of shocking, but is the culmination of the story in a way that feels organic and surprising,” Snyder tells The Huffington Post. “I can’t remember who it was, but I had a teacher that gave me a writing quote when I was a student that said ‘Every ending should be both inevitable and totally surprising,’ and I completely believe that. Hopefully this is an ending that feels organic to the story we’ve been telling, and when you get there you’ll say ‘I can’t believe this just happened,’ and at the same time, you’ll feel that it’s a cumulative, horrible thing out of everything that’s been going on.”

Batman #17 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #17 courtesy DC Comics

  Snyder and Greg Capullo have transformed the Clown Prince of Crime into a something even more horrific. This story could take Bruce back to his origin when it was just Batman – no Robins, no Batgirl, no one else. In a twisted way is the Joker making Bruce a “better” Batman?

  “Joker is coming at Batman from a place of very personal terror for me. And a place of personal guilt, and also a place of great personal anxiety,” Snyder told PopMatters. “So I think he is coming after Bruce in a way that is getting at a very, very personal story for Bruce. Because as much as Bruce loves the Family, you could make the accusation that in some ways he wishes he could stop worrying about them. Does that me he wishes they didn’t exist? Of course not. Does that mean he doesn’t love them? No, of course not. But that’s the way the Joker interprets it. The Joker says, ‘You’ve become slow and weak, and you’ve become nothing of the Batman I used to know. So deep down I know you’re unhappy. And I’ve heard you think this almost (not in a supernatural way, but just in a kind of figurative way),’ So he says, ‘Let me grant you your wish, because I’m here to serve you. And we’ll have so much fun afterwards.’”

Batman #17 hits February 13th.

Thanks to The Source.

Comic Book Picks for January 16, 2013

Batman #16 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #16 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #16 Bruce is about to confront the Joker in this critical Death of the Family chapter. The Joker’s plan is finally revealed inside Arkham Asylum. Is Batman ready the showdown? Are you ready to see what the Joker has waiting inside?

New Avengers #2 Marvel’s biggest brains gather to plan for the death of the Earth and everything? Black Panther assembles Namor, Reed Richards, Iron Man, Black Bolt and Doctor Strange but have the new Illuminati already given up?

Saga #9 The sci-fi space opera switches focus from the bounty hunter whose been track the star-crossed lovers of the series. The Will make have his own romantic hands full with an alien temptress.

Savage Wolverine #1 Logan. Shanna the She-Devil. The Savage Land. Frank Cho. That should be a ’nuff said but in just in case: Dinosaurs. SHIELD. Shanna by Cho!

X-Factor #250 Lords of Hell battle to control Earth. Will the heroes of X-Factor Investigations sacrifice themselves to stop the Hell On Earth war?

By Editor

Batgirl and Joker’s Wedding?

Batgirl #16 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #16 courtesy DC Comics

You’re invited to an unholy union! Barbara Gordon’s wedding to the Joker in this week’s Batgirl #16. The Death of the Family storyline hits Batman #16 and Batman and Robin #16 this week too.

The Gordon family is on hand to watch the nightmare nuptials. As you can see in this Comics Newsarama preview the Joker has plenty of “best men” to back up the ceremony. Can Barbara save her family and escape the Joker’s bizarre plot? Gail Simone has been building towards this moment since the new series started.

Batgirl #16 courtesy DC Comics
Batgirl #16 courtesy DC Comics

Will Barbara get revenge against the villain who crippled her and can she survive the enemy in her own family?

By Editor

Batman vs Joker’s Army

Detective Comics #16 courtesy DC Comics
Detective Comics #16 courtesy DC Comics

In The Dark Knight Trilogy Ra’s Al Ghul told Bruce Wayne to become a symbol to fight injustice. In this week’s Detective Comics #16 the Joker has become an inspirational symbol to Gotham City’s unhinged and mentally unstable. The Joker never appear in this excellent issue (or does he?) but his sinister influence chokes this issue like Joker gas creeping into you.

In this Death of the Family tie-in Batman fights to stop bands of Joker fans and wannabes. John Layman and Jason Fabok craft a chilling tale of madness and manipulation among ordinary people pushed over the edge and ruthless new criminals seizing their claims in Gotham City. Layman shows us the ramifications of the Joker’s comeback.

Batman races across Gotham trying to stop the violence and track down the mysterious League of Smiles. The real madman behind the outbreak may not be the Joker but a new holy terror. Another new villain is taking advantage of the Joker’s rampage. While Oswald Cobblepot has been recruited by the Joker the Emperor Penguin makes his move on the crime lords of Gotham City. The back story showing the new villain’s rise to power is chilling and fun.

John Layman, Jason Fabok and Andy Clarke deliver a fun read that ties loosely into Death of the Family while setting the stage for new enemies and showdowns in Gotham City’s Underworld.

By Editor

Batman & Penguin Team Up?

Detective Comics #16 courtesy DC Comics
Detective Comics #16 courtesy DC Comics

  Death of the Family hits this week’s Detective Comics #16. While the Joker continues his campaign of terror against the Dark Knight and his allies, Batman joins forces with Penguin? Does Bruce know the Joker has already “recruited” Oswald in his plot against Batman? You know this deal is going to come back to haunt Bruce!

  Writer John Layman is remaking Gotham City’s underworld. In this week’s issue we’ll see the fallout from the new mastermind usurping the Penguin’s throne and how it will affect Batman’s deal with the Penguin and the crime lords of Gotham City.

By Editor

Joker Strikes Teen Titans

Teen Titans #15 courtesy DC Comics

The Joker’s reign of terror hits this week’s Teen Titans #15. The Clown Prince of Crime claims to know the real identities of Batman and his allies. The Joker declares he must kill Bruce’s friends and allies to make him a better  Batman. The men formerly known as “Robin” team up to take down the psycho.

The Red Hood (Jason Todd) of the Outlaws and Red Robin (Tim Drake) of the Titans join forces against the Joker in Teen Titans #15 by Scott Lobdell (writer of Red Hood and The Outlaws too) and Brett Booth. Batgirl will guest star and Batman artist Greg Capullo created this creepy image. This is not the final cover.


The Joker in Teen Titans #15 courtesy DC Comics
The Joker in Teen Titans #15 courtesy DC Comics

This week’s Death of the Family tie-in chapter picks after after Red Hood and the Outlaws #15. The Teen Titans rush to save a kidnapped Tim Drake. Jason Todd (aka Red Hood) may have a surprise for the Clown Prince of Crime.

“I think that the readers are going to be as surprised as the Joker is, to discover that his usual bag of psychological tricks that in the past that he has played on Jason no longer work they way he wants them to,” writer Scott Lobdell told MTV Geek.

“The Jason that the Joker faces off against here isn’t the same angry young man who was lashing out over issues related to Bruce and Joker. And part of that is because he’s actually developed these strong relationships with the two outlaws who have been close friends and confidants since they’ve started hanging out together. Unfortunately what that means is that the Joker has to dig even deeper into his bag of psychological tricks — and what he comes up with will shake Jason to his core!”

Could this mean the Death of the Outlaws?

By Editor

DC Comics Most Anticipated 2013

Superman by Jim Lee courtesy DC Comics

My Most Anticipated DC Comics of 2013:

Death of the Family Conclusion! Who will live? Who will die? Will the Joker succeed at his plan to sever Batman from his friends and allies? Gotham City and the Batman family may look and feel frighteningly different after February! I have this feeling that Batman or one of his allies will be pushed too far by the Joker’s games and kill.

Trinity War Superman and Wonder Woman are the new power couple of DC Comics. Only Batman knows about their secret romance…that we know of! How will DC’s biggest three icons factor in the 2013 event. How will the Steve Trevor-led Justice League of America play into the conflict?

 Multiversity Grant Morrison teams up with an all-star art team to bring back the Multiverse in a new 8-part maxi-series set in 6 different universes. Prepare to have your mind blown and senses shattered!

Batman Incorporated #12 Morrison is leaving monthly superhero books for now. I can only imagine how Morrison and Chris Burnham will chronicle the final battle in the war between the forces of Batman Inc and Leviathan! How will Morrison execute the final showdown of Bruce Wayne versus Talia Al Ghul? Could the Batman Inc and Death of the Family finales mean the end of Damian?

Superman To celebrate the Man of Steel film and 75th Anniversary DC recruited two of their biggest creative guns for a brand new series. Scott Snyder (Batman) and Jim Lee (Justice League) will create a new series for DC’s biggest icon. Snyder redefinied Batman and Gotham City with a brand new enemy (Court of Owls) and the comeback of a classic rogue (Joker.) How will Snyder take the Man of Steel of new heights?

 By Editor

Comic Book Picks for 12/19/12

All-New X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #4 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #4 This is the confrontation we’ve been waiting for since Brian Michael Bendis revealed he was bringing the original X-Men from the past into the Marvel Now! The original Scott, Jean, Bobby, Warren and Hank confront Cyclops, Emma, Magneto and Magik! Will it be Cyclops vs. Cyclops?

Red Hood and the Outlaws #15 Jason Todd may have more reason to hate the Joker than any of his victims. In this Death of the Family tie-in Red Hood and Red Robin team up to take on the Joker! Could this teaming turn into a clash between the Teen Titans and the Outlaws?

Saga #8 Alana is a former warrior turned new mom. She and her husband have dodge alien monsters, armies and assassins. Will she survive meeting her in-laws/

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimiliation2 #8 The final chapter in the epic crossover starring to huge science fiction franchises! The Time Lord and Enterprise crew launch an assault behind enemy lines to stop the threat of the Cyberborgs!

Uncanny X-Force #35 Rick Remender’s final issue! The last chapter of The Final Execution! Wolverine’s covert team (Psylocke, Deadpool, Archangel, Fantomex) has been to hell (The Age of Apocalypse, Otherworld) and back with a bloody, brutal connection to the child who could become Apocalypse. There’s been death, rebirth, betrayals and shocking developments no one could predict. How will Remender end his epic run? This may be the issue of the year!

By Editor