Batman After Robin?

Batman Incoporated #8 courtesy DC Comics
Batman Incoporated #8 courtesy DC Comics

Spoiler Alert!


If you do not want to know about the huge plot twist of Batman Incorporated #8 then do not keep reading!






Here it comes:


Joker raised a big question in the horrific Death of the Family storyline. It’s a debate that divides Batman fans. DC Comics and Grant Morrison have answered the question for us…for now.

Is Batman better as a loner?

Are Bruce’s friends and allies just complications that keep him from staying on mission?

Damian Wayne dies this week. The second Robin to die. Damian may be resurrected – after all he’s the grandchild of Ra’s Al Ghul.

Will DC replace Bruce Wayne’s son with a new Robin? Who could possibly take over the role of the Boy Wonder?

1. Stephanie Brown? The Pre-New 52 heroine known as The Spoiler Continue reading Batman After Robin?


Batman Incoporated #8 courtesy DC Comics
Batman Incorporated #8 courtesy DC Comics



If you don’t want to know the events coming in Batman Incorporated #8 you may NOT want to read this post!


Here it comes:



How does this week’s shocker in Batman Incorporated #8 affect the Batman family of books?

Peter Tomasi talked exclusively with Comic Book Resources about the future of Batman and Robin: and his reaction upon learning Grant Morrison’s plan for Continue reading BATMAN AND ROBIN Book’s Future?

DC Confirms Shocker in Batman Incorporated

Batman Incoporated #8 courtesy DC Comics
Batman Incorporated #8 courtesy DC Comics

Batman fans knew Grant Morrison was building towards something huge as he prepared to leave the Batman family. Rumors and speculation have been running wild. This week’s Batman Incorporated #8 includes a shocker that will haunt Bruce Wayne.

The New York Post broke the story.

Now DC Comics has confirmed the death of…





If you do NOT want to know the story details of this week’s Batman Incorporated #8 then stop reading.








Continue reading DC Confirms Shocker in Batman Incorporated

BATMAN and Dead Robin? Updated!

Batman Incorporated #1 by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics
Batman Incorporated #1 by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

Batman fans are buzzing over the potential death of a major character in the Batman family. In this previous post I speculated that Damian could be marked for (editorial) death after a sneak peek at DC’s May solicitations!

It doesn’t look good for the latest Boy Wonder after what is supposedly the cover to Batman Incorporated #8 revealed via Twitter but who knows?

I’m choosing not to reveal the images but if you are clamoring for it I’d like to recommend this Comic Book Resources link if you want to see it. That issue hits comic book shops March 26th.

In the balancing act of blogger and hard core comic book fan I want to share news and teasers while not blatantly giving away stories.

I still want to be surprised when I read comic books! I avoided the internet on Wednesday until I could read Batman #17 and Uncanny X-Men #1. I chose not to reveal the major spoilers in Amazing Spider-Man #700.

In the Batman family characters are always a target for death and resurrection (just ask Jason Todd!) so fans, writers, blogs will always be speculating on how a story will end.

Speculation is fun, spoilers are not!

So here’s my updated post on what could be a new Death in the Family:

The last chapter of this week’s Death of the Family revealed the Joker’s final shocker! While Batman Inc is not directly tied to Death of the Family could the death we’ve been expecting be due to Bruce and Talia’s blood feud and not the Joker’s maniacal manipulations?

Here’s what we know Continue reading BATMAN and Dead Robin? Updated!