Top Comic Book Picks for 9/12/12

Avenging Spider-Man #12 Spidey and Deadpool go back to high school? I’m sure there’s something much more sinister going on but the idea of Peter Parker and the Merc With a Mouth in detention is too good to pass up!

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 X-Men join the Avengers in a last stand against the cosmic might of the Phoenix Two. What happens when Cyclops and Emma Frost turn on each other? What is Professor X prepared to do to save humanity? Marvel is teasing a fatality – who will pay the ultimate price to defeat the Phoenix Force?

Batman #0 A look into the past. Bruce Wayne returns from his global quest ready to launch his war on crime. See how the gadgets, Batcave, costume and more were born.

Manhattan Projects #6 Some of the most famous scientific geniuses in history as you’ve never seen them before. Creating the atomic bomb was nothing compared to what this American think tank was really up to. You can catch up with the first 5 issues in a new collection. Now see the other side of this twisted alterate history and weird science. Go back into the Cold War days and inside the Russia’s scientific counterpart to the Manhattan Projects.

The Massive #4 How you continue to have the moral companss of a pacifist when the world has gone to hell? A crew of environmentalists sail the poison oceans in search of their friends and trying to survive modern day pirates. What happens when the Captain meets a ghost from his past when he was a corporate mercenary.

I could have written a top 15 this week there are so many good books out there! Here’s my previews of the Doctor Who Annual, more Batman Family Zero issue books and a legion of X-Men books!

By Editor

Deadpool Counts His Dollars on Avengers vs. X-Men Finale

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  The Merc with a Mouth is counting up his cash on a variant for Avengers vs. X-Men #12 by Carlo Barberi.

  Marvel revealed this new cover starring Deadpool with a ton of heavy hitting villains down for the count.

  Deadpool stars in a brand new series by Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn and Tony Moore in October.

By Editor

Deadpool Versus Dead Presidents


Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel

  Deadpool vs. Dead Presidents? Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan resurrect former Commanders in Chief for the Marvel Now! relaunch of the Merc with a Mouth! Marvel revealed some of Tony Moore’s inked pages from Deadpool #1.

Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel

  Seeing Wade Wilson versus a monster version of FDR is really weird. The comedian/writers and Tony Moore unleash their twisted history lesson this November with Deadpool #1. I wish I could take credit for this line but bravo to for “In Wade We Trust.”

By Editor

Deadpool Says “Call Me Maybe” To Uncanny Avengers

Uncanny Avengers #1 Deadpool variant cover courtesy Marvel

  Are you ready to party like it’s Marvel NOW?

  We’ve have met. And Wade is crazy. Deadpool says “Call Me Maybe” in this variant for Uncanny Avengers #1. It’s part of the incentive for retailers to host Marvel NOW! launch parties for the first book of the relaunch on October 10, 2012. Mark Brooks crafted this hilarious cover with Wade Wilson giving the reasons why he could be an Avenger. 

  Marvel gave stores the chance to be Stand With the X-Men or Stand With the Avengers on the night of the Avengers vs. X-Men #1 launch parties earlier this year.

 Along with the Deadpool variant participating retailers receive party kits with buttons, posters, flyers, and more.

 Thanks Comics Newsarama.

For here’s the link on the new Deadpool Marvel Now! team.

Uncanny Avengers is by Rick Remender and John Cassaday.

By Editor

Deadpool, Agent of SHIELD?

Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel

  Comedians/comic writers Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan (with Tony Moore on art) will send the Merc with a Mouth on an insane mission in a brand new Deadpool #1. The new Marvel NOW! creative team sends Wade Wilson against zombified dead Presidents as an agent of SHIELD. The writers tell IGN how they met and why Deadpool.

  “We met at a comic shop, actually. Around ten years ago now, around the back issue bin. Obviously we were both lifelong Marvel fans up to that point. Deadpool has always occupied that space of action and comedy that doesn’t exist elsewhere in comics. I think that’s why he resonated with us,” Duggan says.

 “Yeah, he was kind of the obvious choice for us. We both can be serious too, and we’ve talked about writing a more serious book down the line, but it felt like the way to get the foot in the door was to do the thing that we’re both good at. And Deadpool is really the only game in town where you can do both things that we enjoy doing – tell an action story but also have the main character be a smart-ass,” Posehn adds.

The duo says Rick Remender introduced them to Editor in Chief Axel Alonso leading to the Deadpool relaunch.

 Back to that crazy concept of Deadpool versus Undead Presidents…

 “It starts with a man who has decided that America has a lot of problems that can only be fixed by bringing back our former leaders, our great American Presidents. But that’s not how it works out. Once they’re back, they have a completely different idea of what they need to do and what the country needs. It’s a distasteful job having to send our presidents back, but Deadpool is up for the job and is suited for it. They’re not equal in terms of their planning, but in their own way they have returned corrupted. We think it’s going to be a very fun first story that leads to other funny stories,” Duggan tells

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New Deadpool Team?


 The tease machine serves up Chichimangas!? Brian Posehn. Gerry Duggan. Tony Moore. November 2012. New Deadpool team?

With Daniel Way leaving the Merc with a Mouth – two comedian/writers would be a clever transition team.

By Editor

Deadpool Video Game


screen shot of Deadpool game courtesy

 The merc with a mouth is exploding from Marvel Comics to his own video game. Deadpool of Uncanny X-Force and his own comic series announced his next big move on

  “Hey suits, listen up ‘cause I’ve got some pretty sweet news to break. I, DEADPOOL, today announced that I’ve…(ahem…we’ve)…yes, right…WE’VE decided to make a kick-butt, butt-kicking new video game based on the awesome-ing-ist super hero ever known to man (and woman, if you know what we’re sayin’) starring yours truly, ME, DEADPOOL. I know, I know…I pee’d myself a little with excitement just now too (you call that ‘a little?’).

 Some of you may know me as the Merc with a Mouth (or the mercenary for hire), what can I say? I have skills! (You know who else has skills?) High Moon Studios has skills, and I hired them to make my game, because they’re awesome, and so am I. But they’re not as awesome as I am, if that’s what you’ve heard. (Who’d you hear that from?) (Wait, listen…you smell something?)

  Anywho, where was I? Oh yeah, ME, and my game “Deadpool! With some cashola I ‘borrowed’ (ha!!! riiight…‘borrowed’) from Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (blah blah blah), and some of the big cheeses (mmmmm…cheeeeese) from Marvel Entertainment, my “Deadpool” game will feature all of my favorite things–katanas (check), big guns (and not just these amazing arm muscles) (check), crazy poop-your-pants action (check), hot chicks (check), maybe some of my X-Men friends (well, depending on what they’re wearing), burritos, bouncy houses and of course ME!!! (check) (check) And check!

  And now, a quote from me about my game:

  “I, Deadpool, ‘hired’ Peter Della Penna and his physically embarrassing team at High Moon Studios for two reasons: First, because of their close proximity to Mexico so I can get fresh, authentic chimichangas delivered daily,” said Deadpool, newly self-appointed Head of High Moon Studios, and Supreme Commander of PR, Marketing, Legal, and just about everything I want to be in charge of at Activision Publishing, Inc. “Second, if High Moon can make an amazing game about big transforming robots look cool, then they can surely make me look amazing in a third-person action video game, from all angles (seriously Peter…my bottom is my good side, so don’t screw this up).”

And now, a quote from that other guy at High Moon Studios:

  “We weren’t actually planning on making a Deadpool game,” said Peter Della Penna, formerly Head of High Moon Studios and now second in command.  “But,Deadpool came by the studio one day, said he was taking over, and that if I didn’t hire Marvel writer Daniel Way pronto and make the most amazing Deadpool video game, he’d break both of our arms and beat us to death with them. I have kids, so we’re making the game.”

 Speaking of ME, for your viewing pleasure (or other pleasure – hehe) check out this awesome teaser trailer and find out more information for my new “Deadpool” video game at this web thingy, and be sure to follow me on what’s-yer-face at and

Thank you Mr. Deadpool.

I’m a huge fan of Deadpool: The Circle Chase from 1997 way before Wade Wilson’s own series, guest appearances and his role in X-Men: Origins: Wolverine when Ryan Reynolds brought Wilson to life on the big screen.

By Editor

Fan Expo Vancouver Day 2 Costume Parade

Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by

Thanks again for all the amazing fans who showed off their geek love at Fan Expo Vancouver!

Who You Gonna Call? Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by



Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by


Deadpool cutting me off! Fan Expo Vancouver, photo by
 Thanks for the great costumes, poses and for checking out my site – hope you will follow ComicsBlend on Facebook.