Justice League #1 DC Comics, Art by Jim Lee
Justice League #1 DC Comics, Art by Jim Lee

  Will the upcoming Justice League movie go old school with a classic storyline as source material? Latino Review reports that Will Beall’s script is inspired by a 3-part Justice League of America story by Gerry Conway and George Perez in which heroes of Earth unite to stop Darkseid from having our world destroyed and replaced by Darkseid’s homeworld, Apokolips.

The story was published in Justice League of America #183-#185 in 1980. The storyline featured a JLA roster including Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Green Lantern and Firestorm, Justice Society members like Doctor Fate and Power Girl. If producers introduce Darkseid – does this mean the on-screen introductions of other Jack Kirby Fourth World heroes like Mister Miracle and Big Barda?

No director has been named yet. The film is scheduled for 2015.

By Editor

Justice League Movie Villain Rumor


Justice League #6 courtesy DC Comics

Who else could it be!

There’s a big rumor about the villain that will unite DC’s biggest heroes in a Justice League movie. According to Latino Review Warner Brothers will have Darkseid as the villain for the big screen battle.

Darkseid is a God-like being from a dark dimension, rules planet Apokalips and armies of evil warriors (Parademons, Female Furies, Kalibak, Desaad.)

Darkseid was the first villain to The New 52 Justice League fought and his invasion was the key that united the heroes.

Thanks to Spinoff Online. This is just a rumor.

My Op/Ed:


Maxwell Lord in The Omac Project courtesy DC Comics

I still think the smarter, cooler direction is to have a Superman/Batman team-up against Lex Luthor and Ra’s Al Ghul as the super villains try to tap into The Source of extradimensional power. Diana (not Wonder Woman yet) is a warrior woman trying to warn the outside world of the invading force (Darkseid) that is a legend among the Amazons. Bruce, Clark, and Diana fail. Lex and Ra’s unleash Darkseid.

The Superman/Batman team-up movie leads into the Justice League’s big showdown against Darkseid and his invading forces.

I’m also a big fan of Maxwell Lord from The Omac Project but I guess if you’re competing with a Titan (Thanos in The Avengers sequel) you have to go big with your biggest villains – you don’t get bigger than Darkseid!

By Editor

Justice League Vs Darkseid


Justice League #6 variant cover courtesy DC Comics

 DC’s greatest heroes united only to be blasted by Darkseid!  Can the team regroup to stop the ultimate villain? Geoff Johns and Jim Lee’s Justice League #6 arrives this week.

  USA Today has an exclusive preview images of the climatic battle and interviews wth the creators.

“You really see Batman’s superpower is elevating the others around him,” said Johns. “Other than being a great tactician and a great fighter, he does know how to motivate people in the right way and crack into them like a safe.”

 “Every character steps up and does something important in taking down Darkseid and saving the day. That’s the trick to any team book facing one ultimate bad guy is how do you get every character doing something meaningful, and the story delivers on that,” adds Lee.

  This issue has a backup story setting the stage for the next arc in issue 7 and brings the Justice League 5 years forward into present day DC Comics New 52 continuity. Thanks to The Source.

  Johns and Lee have succeeded beautifully at creating a new origin for these iconic characters. It’s been a thrill ride with action, humor and drama. I have to agree with Johns that Batman has this power to inspire. Bruce Wayne and Hal Jordan’s interaction has been a favorite part of this arc. I can’t wait for the big throwdown this week!


Justice League Bows Before Darkseid!

Justice League #6 courtesy DC Comics

  Justice League #6 is the final chapter of Geoff Johns and Jim Lee’s first arc. We’ve seen DC’s greatest heroes unite to fight the ultimate evil, Darkseid. Jim Lee talked with The Source about his inspiration for the cover.

“I wanted to create a cover which resonated with what I consider to be the most classic Darkseid story – namely the Great Darkness Saga – so that entailed the Justice League bowing down naturally to the power of Darkseid,” said Lee. “Except of course Batman who, despite not having powers, fights with all his strength in defiance.”

  Geek’s Opinion: I love the positioning of Batman. I can almost hear him saying ‘I will not yield!”

 Justice League #6 is out next week.

Darkseid Blasts the Justice League


Justice League 5 courtesy DC Comics

Justice League #5 demonstrated the power of great scripting and art.

  Geoff Johns unites all the heroes who will become the Justice League just in time for Darkseid to blow them apart. Jim Lee draws two attacks by Darkseid that make you feel the heroes pain. You know a bad guy is bad ass when nothing needs to be said.

Johns gives Batman, Green Lantern and Flash the spotlight in this issue. Barry’s uses his speed for more than just outrunning the enemy. A brash Hal Jordan gets brutally humbled then checked by Bruce Wayne. Batman motivates Green Lantern to mobilize while he goes to hell…almost literally.

You don’t want to miss DC’s ultimate evil makes his New 52 debut.

Justice League Versus Darkseid! It’s on!



Let us take a moment to witness the majestic awesomeness of Jim Lee….

from Justice League #5 courtesy DC Comics

Justice League #5 arrives in stores tomorrow with DC’s icons versus Darkseid.

from Justice League #5 courtesy DC Comics

For more of this sneak peeks visit Comics Newsarama.

Top 5 Picks December 21, 2011

X-Men Legacy #260 cover courtesy Marvel Comics

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Birds of Prey #4 courtesy DC Comics

Birds of Prey #4 Batgirl joins DC’s female crime fighting force. Three bombs in the brains of three passengers on three trains. The Birds of Prey only know two names of the living bombs. How will they prevent the disaster. DC promises this issue will rewrite the rules for the team.