Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel
Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

Death of Wolverine is at the halfway point of the X-Man’s final adventure.


Marvel shared a look inside Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #1. The first issue in seven-issue limited series exploring the aftermath of the X-Man’s death. Writer Charles Soule and artist Oliver Nome kick off the series which will star X-23, Daken, Mystique, Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike. Continue reading Inside DEATH OF WOLVERINE: THE LOGAN LEGACY #1


Dark Wolverine #76 courtesy Marvel
Dark Wolverine #76 courtesy Marvel

Logan will be killed in Death of Wolverine by Charles Soule and Steve McNiven. Marvel says it’s serious about killing off the fan-favorite X-Man. The final journey began this week as Three Months To Die began in Wolverine #8 by Paul Cornell and Kris Anka.


While the story potential of a World Without Wolverine is incredible, this geek has a burning question: Could someone else become the next Wolverine?


In an earlier chapter I explored how Logan’s arch-enemy Sabretooth could assume the role. If Doc Ock could become a Superior Spider-Man, could one of Logan’s rivals become a Savage, Ruthless or Superior Wolverine?


What about Daken? Continue reading THE NEXT WOLVERINE Part II

Back From the Dead in UNCANNY AVENGERS

Uncanny Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel

Look who’s back from the dead!


As if Kang the Conqueror and the Apocalypse Twins aren’t terrifying enough, Rick Remender is going for the heart of evil in the latest chapter in his huge time twisting second Uncanny Avengers arc.


Meet the new Four Horsemen of Apocalypse:

The Sentry, Grim Reaper, Banshee and Daken, the son of Wolverine! Continue reading Back From the Dead in UNCANNY AVENGERS

Look Who’s Back From the Dead in Uncanny Avengers!

Uncanny Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #10 courtesy Marvel

Ragnarok Now just kicked off in Uncanny Avengers with a brutal battle between Thor and Apocalypse in the 11th century. Kang the Conqueror and the birth of Apocalypse Twins are huge part of the time twisting second arc.

Marvel’s July previews include this haunting image for Uncanny Avengers #10! Look who’s back from the dead and working for En Sabah Nur!

Meet the new Four Horsemen of Apocalypse: The Sentry, Grim Reaper, Banshee and is that Continue reading Look Who’s Back From the Dead in Uncanny Avengers!

Remender on Uncanny Avengers vs Uncanny X-Force

Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

Rick Remender launched Uncanny Avengers and said goodbye to Uncanny X-Force and Secret Avengers. Uncanny Avengers was the first book in the Marvel Now relaunch featuring a team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom. How will the events of his previous series affect those characters who are now part of the Uncanny Avengers?

“For my part, Uncanny Avengers is almost the inverse of Uncanny X-Force, but it’s a continuation in a lot of ways. You’ll be fine as a new reader to read Uncanny Avengers, because I’ll make sure and set everything up, but I’ll be frank — if you’ve read X-Force, Uncanny Avengers is going to be a much richer read for you, because when you see characters popping up from “The Dark Angel Saga” — while I’ll explain them to new readers — I can’t give the same level of depth and context as if you had read the book. One of those things is obviously dealing with Wolverine’s part in the “Dark Angel Saga,” and what happened with Warren and Evan, but also dealing with the ramifications emotionally of Wolverine’s state of mind after what happened with Daken. That’s not something I plan on leaving in the past. To me, that’s the new defining moment for what’s going to haunt Wolverine, and haunt his decisions. That’s definitely something that I’ll continue to be building on,” Remember told Comics Newsarama.

Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

Havok, Thor, Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Rogue will be joined by Sunfire, Wasp and Wonder Man in issue 5. The writer reveals why these old-school favorites made the cut.

  “I knew I wanted Sunfire. With Deadpool, I had the opportunity to write insanity on a team; and with Fantomex, I got to write that suave, sort of aloof, sarcastic dick. But with Sunfire I get to write an unmitigated, unapologetic, asshole. But a hero. A guy who’s going to put his life on the line — but a guy who’s been through hell. I really think Sunfire should have been one of the original cast members of X-Force, given all he’s been through. He’s been mind-twisted, he’s been a Horseman, he’s been a Marauder… he’s just been a mess. And it was all because he never joined the X-Men. He was always on the fringes. He was never a joiner. And he still wouldn’t be, but for the Avengers, there is a prestige to that, and that prestige to have a representative from Japan take a spot on this worldwide force for good. He’s a character who likes his honor, and his ego is definitely something that’s always in play.”

Remender has confirmed that Kang and Apocalypse will be the villains of the second arc: Ragnarok Now.

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link. Thanks to the always insightful Albert Ching.

By Editor

Daken’s Final Showdown With Wolverine

Daken: Dark Wolverine #23 courtesy

  The final issue. The final stages of Daken’s terminal illness. The final confronation between Daken and Wolverine? Will Daken reconcile with his father of finally get revenge? Daken, Dark Wolverine #23 is the final issue of a fascinating character.

Daken: Dark Wolverine #9.1 courtesy

  Just a few years ago, Daken exploded out of Logan’s past, took over his father’s title, impersonated his father on the Dark Avengers then starred in his own series. What if Daken could be saved and mind wiped for a fresh start? Daken’s tragic birth and upbringing is what turned him into a bitter, relentless force obsessed with vengeance. I kinda hope he gets another chance.

This Week in X-Men



  Two arrogant young guns target Wolverine. Is Kitty Pryde’s mystery pregnancy under alien influence. Love and death. It’s a big week for X-fans with 6 new titles hitting comic book stores this week.

Wolverine and the X-Men #5

  Kitty Pryde pregnant. Billions of Brood show up and I don’t think it’s for a shower. Are these the old school nasty aliens or like new student Broo? Is Colossus the daddy?

X-Men #24

The fun-loving, fireworks generating mall rat is long gone and is the X-Men’s resident Goth girl. Jubilee is now an undead casualty of Marvel’s vampire wars. Raizo and the Forgiven show up to give the former X-girl a lesson in her vampire heritage.

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #2

Has Wolverine met his match? Omega level telepath Quentin Quire traps Logan and Armor inside Wolverine’s mind but the entire Jean Grey School may be the physical effects of Quire’s psi-game.

Daken: Dark Wolverine#21

  Another Arrogant young buck is taking a  shot at Wolverine this week! Logan’s son starts his final endgame as the series builds to the big finale. Will Daken live long enough to get his revenge?

Deadpool #50

 Simple and easy…DEAD1

New Mutants #37 courtesy

New Mutants #37

  This is one hell of a Valentine’s Day issue! Magma made a deal with the devil to save her friends now she must go on a date with Mephisto!


The End Begins for Wolverine’s Son

Daken: Dark Wolverine #20 courtesy

  Daken: Dark Wolverine #20 arrived today. This issue sets up Daken’s endgame leading up to the final issue. I’ve enjoyed Wolverine’s psychotic son’s mad path across the Marvel Universe. Daken took over his father’s title and even became “Wolverine” on Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers.

  I wanted to share part of Rob Williams interview with Comic Book Resources about his plans for Wolverine’s evil son and how his game plan changed upon learning Marvel was cancelling the series.

  “I’ll be completely honest. It’s disappointing. It’s ending before we would have liked it to end. The good thing is Marvel let me know the news in October. Also, they gave me plenty of time to prepare a final arc to tie this up. So it’s not being twisted in too brutal or uncomfortable of a way.”

Daken: Dark Wolverine #20 interior art courtesy

  “So we have these final four issues, which gives us a good bit of room to tell an emotional and organic story. It’s not what I would have done originally, but when you are cancelled it does give you the freedom to really tell the story you want to tell and not concern yourself with the reaction of anybody.”

  “This final arc certainly has a strong meta theme to it, which is the cancellation. I don’t want to give too much away, but that will have a physical implication to Daken. He’s got a finite amount of time left just like the book. It’s the same with me writing it. I had long term plans for this book. Then suddenly you have to bring those long terms plans to a head right now. So that’s exactly what Daken does. He’s got to get to the heart of things in a hurry because he only has a few issues left. That’s very cryptic isn’t it?”

  Daken: Dark Wolverine ends with issue #23. For more of Rob’s interview here’s the Comic Book Resources link. X-23 is ending too. But Logan’s cloned daughter joined Avengers Academy.