TOP COMICS For July 16, 2014

Harbinger #25 courtesy Valiant
Harbinger #25 courtesy Valiant

Harbinger #25 A hero falls. A villain finally goes to far? After the death of a renegade this is Toyo Harada’s last stand. What will he unleash on the world? Can what’s left of Valiant’s teen superteam stop him? An all-star team on a major anniversary issue that launches the book in new directions.


Original Sin #6 The prime suspect in the murder of The Watcher is revealed? Did one of Marvel’s greatest heroes kill the ancient alien to cover up a lifetime of secret crimes or is it part of a bigger endgame? Jason Aaron’s cosmic murder mystery keeps delivering the shocks and awes. Continue reading TOP COMICS For July 16, 2014


Uncanny X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel

The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier will be revealed this week in Uncanny X-Men #23 by Brian Michael Bendis.


It’s part the Original Sin event. The Watcher’s murder exposed long hidden secrets rocking every corner and team of the Marvel Universe.


What did the man with world’s most powerful mutant mind leave behind?


After the Professor’s murder at the hands of a Phoenix-possessed Cyclops in Avengers vs. X-Men, Xavier’s former students were more divided than ever. Will the Professor’s Last Will and Testament unite further divide the X-Men? Continue reading BRIAN BENDIS On PROFESSOR X’S LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT


Uncanny X-Men #22 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #22 courtesy Marvel

Uncanny X-Men #22 is packed with big moments as Brian Michael Bendis brings the X-Men vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. war to a head.


Beast and Cyclops learn the mastermind behind the Sentinels of S.H.I.E.L.D. attacking mutants. Magneto returns to the school with news about the fate of a lost X-Man and one of Mystique’s most twisted schemes.


It’s an extremely satisfying conclusion to many plot threads since the birth of Cyclops’s revolution team before what might be the biggest X-Men stories of the year: The Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier. Continue reading UNCANNY X-MEN PROFESSOR X’s LAST WILL Preview

Top Comics For June 4, 2014

Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel

Amazing X-Men #8 Colossus returns! Alpha Flight guest stars! A whole bunch of man-eating monsters! Chris Yost and Craig Kyle (New X-Men, X-Force) are the new creative team as World War Wendigo begins! Logan goes North, monster outbreak explodes in Canada.


Batman Eternal #9 The Dark Knight is Gotham’s Most Wanted as a gang war rocks the city with Jim Gordon in prison. Why does Batman head for Hong Kong for an unholy alliance to save Gotham? Continue reading Top Comics For June 4, 2014

X-MEN APOCALYPSE Behind the Teaser

Uncanny X-Men #377 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #377 courtesy Marvel

X-Men: Days of Future Past opened to rave reviews and generated astonishing box-office results.


After uniting the cast of the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class in a time travel epic that introduced Sentinels – what will they do next?


Go for what some consider the biggest X-villain (after the Master of Magnetism) and introduce the first mutant.


Director Bryan Singer already revealed the next film is X-Men: Apocalypse so the post-credits sequence shouldn’t be a surprise but just to be safe here’s a…


SPOILER WARNING! Continue reading X-MEN APOCALYPSE Behind the Teaser


Uncanny X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #23 courtesy Marvel

Professor Charles Xavier’s Last Will and Testament is discovered by Cyclops in Uncanny X-Men #23 by Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo.


What is Xavier’s legacy, what secrets will be revealed and how will it impact the students he left behind?


This is how the Children of the Atom tie into the publisher’s big event: Original Sin, in which buried secrets are coming to light.


“Timing is everything when it comes to the X-Men. Continue reading PROFESSOR X’s ORIGINAL SIN Revealed in X-MEN

Top 10 Comics for May 7, 2014

Alex + Ada #6 courtesy Image Comics
Alex + Ada #6 courtesy Image Comics

Alex + Ada #6 Alex altered Ada’s programming and now she sees the world very different. What will it mean for the android and the man who discovered his humanity and feeling for a an artificial woman. Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn’s haunting sci-fi romance takes a twist.


Amazing Spider-Man #1.1 Learning To Crawl From seeing revenge to accepting responsibility –  is how Peter Parker became Spider-Man. This is the missing chapter from Spidey’s early career from Dan Slott and Ramon Perez. Continue reading Top 10 Comics for May 7, 2014