Cyclops Secret Weapon for AVX?

The Sentry #5 courtesy

  This is the final year of Brian Michael Bendis on The Avengers, which includes the upcoming Avengers Versus X-Men fight fueled by the return of the Phoenix Force.

  The Sentry/The Void could be a key factor in all three of these Marvel events.

Warning: There are potential spoilers of previous Marvel events you may not have read.

  Robert Reynolds is one of Marvel’s most powerful and tragic characters. Bendis made the The Sentry (Robert Reynolds) and his evil alter ego The Void a central character of his Avengers run until Bob was struck down by Thor in the finale of Siege. At Bob’s memorial service his computer companion CLOC said he was preparing for The Sentry’s eventual return. A section of The Void was held in Emma Frost’s mind until Cyclops locked it away in a sealed part of his mind.

New Avengers #8 courtesy

  Will Bendis bring The Sentry back as part of his final Avengers arc? Can Cyclops use The Void (should he even tap into that evil force?) against the Avengers in AVX? Is The Sentry/The Void possibly the only power that could counter the Phoenix Force? What if the entity bonded with a resurrected Robert Reynolds?

  You can read more about The Sentry and The Void at his bio.

Uncanny X-Men: Suddenly Psylocke

Uncanny X-Men #5 courtesy

  The fallout from The Dark Angel Saga is bleeding into the main X-Men titles. This week’s Uncanny X-Men #5 and last week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #5 take the aftermath of Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force epic to create new characters and threats for Logan and Scott’s teams.

 Psylocke is becoming the female version of Wolverine. Scott and Betsy have a clever exchange that plays on the fact that suddenly Psylocke is in every X-book and a crucial part of every key storyline now. 

Someone on the Extinction Team knows about Logan and Betsy’s dark secret from Uncanny X-Force and that could lead to some intense future plot threads for Cyke’s team – if they survive their trip to Tabula Rasa.



Uncanny X-Men Writer: Sinister, Cyclops and AvX

Uncanny X-Men #5 cover courtesy

  Kieron Gillen has resurrected old villains on the new Uncanny X-Men title featuring Cyclops and his Utopia based Extinction Team.

  In a new interview by Comic Book Resources featuring fan questions – the British writer tackled classic villains and upcoming events.

  Why did Gillen kick off the relaunched title with Mister Sinister?

   “I wanted a classic heavyweight X-Men villain and Sinister was simply the only one with the appropriate level of gravitas who wasn’t already elsewhere in play. Magneto is with the team. Apocalypse is busy over in “X-Force.” Sabretooth was already involved in plans you’ll be aware of now (and would be annihilated in a millisecond if he went up against the Extinction team, to be honest). Who else but Sinister? No one, that’s who. So I tried to work how I could do something that was entirely new yet true to what I sawa as the core of the character (mutants as research material, Victoriana, scheming and manipulating, upgrading of self, sinister-ness), and ended up with Sinister is a System — Sinister is a species and someone whose idea of an escape route is to blow off his own head.”

  On Cyclops becoming the Magneto of the 21st century?

“I think his current position is that he’s willing to pretend to be more like Magneto to get what he wants — which is no one to fight and kill each other. It’s a specific tactic for a specific situation for a specific timeframe. From Cyclops’ position, it’s a case of keeping mutants alive until Hope does whatever Messiah-y things she’s born to do — if embracing the fact they are feared is a short-term compromise he thinks is the best solution. Cyclops is synthesizing various philosophies. There may be more Magneto in there than previous, but it’s not the dominant strand by any means.”

  This is an excellent question: Would Cyclops recruit Daken to replace Wolverine?

 “It’s certainly something that could happen — but I don’t think Scott would trust Daken. He’s got a lot of reformed villains on his team, but he’s more convinced by their reasons for being there than the ever-sociopathically manipulative Daken.”

Uncanny X-Men preview art courtesy

   Gillen says Storm and Namor will play big roles in the Avengers Versus X-Men tie-in issues and Magic “comes under hard focus in my AvX issues.”

  For the entire interview click here.

 Uncanny X-Men #5 is out today featuring a new threat to the mutants: Tabula Rasa.

Wolverine the AVX Peacemaker?

New Avengers #24 courtesy

  Wolverine – the peacemaker? Marvel reveals a gripping image of the X-Man/Avenger caught in the middle of his leaders. Logan is seen reaching out as Cyclops and Captain America fight on the cover of New Avengers #24 a tie-in to the Avengers Versus X-Men Event debuting April.

The official press release:

“This April, as the flames of war are stoked by the impending arrival of the Phoenix Force, the New Avengers have received the call to arms by Captain America to go to war against the X-Men. Except where does the loyalty of Wolverine lie? Find out in New Avengers #24 from the blockbuster creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato!”

On the cover of Avengers Versus X-Men #1 Wolverine is shown fighting with the Avengers.

AVX Cyclops Hawkeye

AVX image courtesy

  Marvel triggered a fan frenzy this week with teaser images to promote Avengers Versus X-Men.

  This final image pits X-Men Extinction Team Leader Cyclops against Hawkeye, soon be leader of the Secret Avengers, by Esad Ribic.

  This is a matchup I’d really like to see because both men are hardened leaders who think strategically but I give the edge to Cyclops on this possible fight.

X-Men Versus Space Gods

Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy

  Humanity may encounter Space Gods on the big screen in Prometheus next year. Cyclops and his Extinction Team face Marvel’s Space Gods in Uncanny X-Men #3 out today.

Kieron Gillen and Carlos Pacheco’s first Regenesis arc reaches a cosmic climax when the Celestials arrive on Earth because of Mister Sinister’s manipulation of their cosmic brother.

The arc kicked off with Cyclops laying out his game plan to protect mutantkind with a show of force. You could say Scott was giving the Avengers a run for the money as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Mister Sinister returned with a plot similar to The Master’s in the The End of Time episode of Doctor Who. I wasn’t sure if I liked this latest incarnation of Sinister who seemed more like a hybrid of Loki and Liberace but I’m sold now.

I loved the dynamic of the Extinction team with tactical brilliance by Cyclops, clever chemistry between Emma Frost and Namor and an absolutely killer moment from Danger.

After taking on an army of Sinister clones – the X-Men stand ready to face the Celestials – with the world watching as Earth’s Mightiest Mutants show why there’s power in fear.

Wolverine may have an adamantium skeleton but Cyclops has nerves and b—- of steel!

Avengers Versus X-Men’s Big Moments

Avengers Versus X-Men courtesy

Axel Alonso is revealing more about Avengers Versus X-Men. In this week’s Axel-In-Charge column on Comic Book Resources this quote got my brain spinning when Marvel’s Editor in Chief was asked which team he wants to win:

“…even though there will be a winner in this story – AVX was never about who would win, but how they would win, why they would win and what they would win. It’s an epic story that will most fast: Each act takes places in two months and ends with a game-changing moment that will kick readers on their butts. And like our most successful events, there will be big moments, big revelations. In Civil War there was Spider-Man unmasking. This story’s got even bigger moments. It’ll be interesting to see how people respond.”

Opinion: I have this feeling an X-Woman is going to be sacrificed. I don’t even want to say who…but I think this series will be the breaking point for Cyclops.

For more of this week’s column here’s the Comic Book Resources link.

Which Side Will Beast Choose: Avengers Versus X-Men?


The evolving looks of Beast on Secret Avengers #13 courtesy

Oh My Stars and Garters!” which side will Beast take in Avengers Versus X-Men? Marvel’s hairy hero shares a history with both teams. Hank McCoy is a brilliant scientist but he often goes with his heart over his head when it comes to a fateful decision.

  Hank is one of Professor X’s original X-Men. After leaving Xavier’s Hank worked for the Brand Corporation where an experiment turned him into the blue hairy beast he is now. The Avengers recruited Hank where he made lifelong friendships with Captain America, Iron Man and other iconic Avengers. Hank always came to help the X-Men in their time of need like the Dark Phoenix Saga but always returned to the Avengers.

  Because of government intervention of the Avengers, Beast leaves, briefly joins the Defenders along with original X-Men Angel and Iceman. When Jean Grey is found alive, all 5 original X-Men reunite to form X-Factor for a long run of adventures.

Beast leaves Utopia from Uncanny X-Men courtesy

  All 5 rejoin the X-Men for many years. Beast used his brains and brawn to help protect the mutant race while facing several ethical dilemmas. Shortly after establishing Utopia, Hank became disillusioned with Cyclops leadership and vision for the X-Men.

  Captain America recruited Hank for the Secret Avengers but when Wolverine decides to split the X-Men, Hank answers his call for help. Hank rebuilds the old Westchester school now named after Jean Grey.

  Wolverine and Storm are members of both X-Men and Avengers. Beast is back with the Logan’s X-Men but could he go against Captain America and his old friends in the Avengers?

  As the Phoenix targets Earth looking for a host, I expect Hank push himself to find a scientific solution even if it means exploring unethical options. Hank has been tested so many times: trying to find a cure for the Legacy Virus knowing that a mutant would have to die in order to save millions or reaching out criminal geniuses like Doctor Doom and Mr. Sinister in order to save the mutant race from extinction after M-Day.

New X-Men #117 courtesy

  I think Beast will try to be the peacemaker. Hank is a natural bridge between the teams. A shocking decision related to the impending return of the Phoenix is what triggers the war. Cyclops is willing to make more drastic decisions and sacrifices than Captain America. Hank’s disillusionment with Scott has only grown so I would expect him to side with the Avengers. I expect Marvel’s most brilliant yet thoughtful scientist hero to be tested to his limit in AVX.