Avengers vs. X-Men Round 3 Wrap


Avengers vs X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel.com

Steve Rogers is ruled by his sense of responsibility. Scott Summers is ruled by passion for his cause. Logan is driven by both. The lone wolf mutant is on his own again and maybe the only hero willing to do the unheroic acts to save the world.

 Avengers vs. X-Men #3 is packed with plots within plots. We learn the aftermath of a supernatural showdown I really hope we see in AvX Vs or another tie-in book. I’m not giving this away because you can see it on the cover and you should have seen it coming – but there’s a brutal battle of wills, claws, and a shield between Cap and Wolverine.

  Round 3 supports my devotion to the mutants. I still suspect Cyclops’ actions aren’t entirely his own (the Void is still locked in his brain) but I want him to win maybe because he’s leading a hopeless cause against overwhelming odds. Cap is fighting for the Earth. Cyclops is fighting for a future. Like Scott, I have to believe that there’s a reason the Phoenix keeps coming back to the mutants.

Avengers vs X-Men “Let’s Talk Mutant to Mutant”

I’me enjoying Avengers vs X-Men but I think I’m liking the tie-in issues even more.



Spoiler Ahead


If you have NOT Avengers vs X-Men #3 then you may NOT want to keep reading.




Here it comes…


Wolverine and the X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  In Wolverine and the X-Men #10 Cyclops arrives at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning after escaping near capture by the Avengers on Utopia. Scott “just wants to talk.” Cyclops makes a plea for Logan to join him against the Avengers but was that really his endgame?

  Jason Aaron weaves several compelling stories about identity in this issue. Cyclops asking Logan to decide if he’s really an X-Man, Warren’s belief that he’s really an Angel or something else, and Genesis coping with who he hopes to be versus what we fear he could become…Apocalypse.

 From issue #1 this book has been a pure joy to read because of the great mix of action and humor. Aaron and Chris Bachalo pack plenty of action but this an issue that delves into the hearts and minds of these characters.

  The action will definitely kick in next issue as Gladiator is headed to Earth to get his son out of Logan’s school and off the planet before the Phoenix arrives. And the Emperor has ordered his Shiar Death Commandos to eradicate Hope and anyone standing in their way.

By Editor


AvX: A Geek Divided

  I am a geek divided and torn. When it comes to AvX– there’s no doubt, I want the X-Men to win. They were my first comic book. They are the characters I can identify with the most. I love Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Luke Cage and more Avengers but I’ll always love mutants more.

 I’ve been declaring “Cyke is Right” and now I realize how close that is the “Magneto Was Right” t-shirt worn by Quentin Quire and other radical young mutants.

  Cyclops has been the leader the mutants needed. Even Professor X and Magneto have bowed to him. With AvX even Erik is questioning Scott. I think in her heart Emma Frost may be too.

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 interior preview art courtesy Marvel, a Comics Newsarama exclusive

  I just saw a preview of AvX #2 Marvel provided Comics Newsarama. The way this is written, the way the other characters react to Scott – it just made me think even more about a theory of mine – Cyclops is under the influence. He still has a remnant of the Void locked in his head. Scott is a great leader and strategist but is his zealot like attitude against the Avengers due to that sliver of evil that existed in the Robert Reynolds/The Sentry?

  Maybe the Phoenix can burn the Void out of him? I hope the X-Men win but I believe Cyclops will pay a terrible price for victory.

The Next Great X-Villain Is Here

Uncanny X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  Kieron Gillen is firing on all wicked cylinders with Uncanny X-Men #10. AvX is taking over for a while but I can’t wait to see what happens next with the devious plot threads he launched with this issue.

  Unit is an alien computer-like creation that’s cold and clinical. He’s a chilling hybrid of C3PO and Hannibal Lecter – that’s Gillen’s description and it’s spot on! I say he could be the X-Men’s Ultron. 

  Unit stages a prison break unleashing alien criminal across Earth and uniting the X-Men and Avengers one last time before AvX. But Unit’s real objective is the mutant messiah.

  Scott’s Extinction team of most powerful mutants is skillfully taken apart with cold precision by Unit. The monster’s endgame is an audience with Hope with the promise (or is it a lure) of learning about the Phoenix.

  Watch for two big confrontations for Cyclops in this event filled issue. Due to Scott’s actions Steve Rogers sees a different side of the mutant – planting the seeds for how each leader may strategize against each other in AvX. Abigail Brand of S.W.O.R.D. and Cyke have a testy moment where they share dark secrets and the beginning of  darker covenant.

  Oh and I if you love Emma Frost and Colossus – there are some surprises for them in this issue too that will reverberate into future stories.

And I freakin’ love Adam Kubert’s cover – it’s a perfect representation for what Gillen does to the team and this book.

By Editor

AvX This Geek’s Theories

Avengers Vs. X-Men #5 courtesy Marvel

 These ideas have been running in my head and really come to the forefront after reading AvX #1 so I want to share them. These are not facts just my thoughts about the future of this series and the Marvel universe.

– The Phoenix Force created the mutant gene in humanity. They’re not Children of the Atom after all.

– Cyclops has been under the influence of The Void.

– The Sentry/Void will return to challenge the Phoenix Force.

– Professor X will take back leadership of mutantkind.

– Namor’s allegiance to the X-Men will be severed in AvX.

– Emma Frost knows in her heart Cyclops is wrong and believes Hope is a threat but she will not betray him. I think Emma will pay a terrible price as a result of AvX.

– Hope is not Jean Grey reincarnated. I think Hope may be connected to Madelyn Pryor somehow and this ties into Matt Fraction’s Sisterhood story during his Uncanny run. Which means Sinister is involved.

– Hope and the Five Lights are manifestations come to life like when Scarlet Witch created her sons.

– Jean Grey will not return in physical form but she will appear to Emma Frost from the White Hot Room.

 By Editor

Prepping Cyclops for AvX


Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  Cyclops believes the return of the Phoenix could save his race. He is defying Captain America and triggered war. AvX will see the mutant leader tested like never before. I wanted to share more of Kieron Gillen’s new Marvel.com interview. Gillen’s response to Jim Beard’s question about who benefits and grows from AvX was revealing.

  “I’ve said before, I’ve been building towards AvX. It’s meaningful for all my key cast. The big people to watch? Scott, Namor, Hope, Emma, Piotr, Illyana and Danger. My other three—Storm, Magneto and Psylocke—have important roles too, but perhaps not on the same level of redefining them. They’re actually more the people who are a half-step back from the chaos, and as such are about giving perspective on everything.

“Benefit” is an interesting word, though. I’m not sure it’s the word I’d use. It’s going to be very hard on all of them.”

 Gillen’s role as the main writer for Scott for past year prepping him for AvX:

  “The key arc for cementing Cyclops as a man who would go to war with the Avengers was the Fear Itself arc, just prior to the relaunch. There he works side with side with the humans of San Francisco, only to discover that they were considering—if all went wrong—to deal with the threat to them both and sell out the mutants, sinking Utopia.

  Cyclops goes and saves the day anyway, only to return to actually openly threaten the mayor with murder if she ever thinks of it ever again. It’s a “Just because we save you, don’t go thinking you get to sacrifice us”.

  It’s a hardened line—willing to be an implicit threat while still acting in an entirely morally upright fashion—which is where we find Scott. He’s pretty much said this Extinction Squad is a nuclear weapon which he’ll fire if someone crosses them. AvX is, in a real way, them calling his bluff.”

 For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

 This Geek’s Opinion: Cyclops has been the leader the mutants need in a desperate time. Scott will pay a heavy price in AvX but he’s right and I’ll back Cyclops every time.

Uncanny X-Men Writer on AvX and Vs.

  War comes to Utopia. Scott’s Extinction team faces the Avengers for custody of Hope as the Phoenix Force speeds towards Earth. How will Uncanny X-Men writer Kieron Gillen weave his title into the Avengers Vs. X-Men epic. I wanted to share part of a new interview from Marvel.com.

  “The Marvel events are enormous landmarks in the topography of the Marvel Universe. With my Uncanny X-Men run, I’ve been building towards [Avengers Vs. X-Men] for as long as I’ve been doing the book. I’ve been making a situation where a confrontation between Avengers and X-men isn’t just logic, it’s kinda necessary. So, when I’m taking part of the event, this is basically lighting all the fuses to the fireworks I’ve been laying down, and sitting back and hoping everyone goes “cool!” at the explosions in the sky.”

AvX Vs. #2 courtesy Marvel

  Fights in AvX will spill into a second “all fights” book: AvX:VS. Gillen tells why and how we will chronicle Spider-Man vs. Colossus in AvX:Vs #2.

“The twist is really the opposite of that. There’s not an enormous amount of personal history between the pair. The history is between Spider-Man and Juggernaut, whose powers Colossus has borrowed. So the story’s emotional aspects are really about playing with that resonance. And “playing” is probably the word. I do a Colossus/Red Hulk brawl in Uncanny X-Men #11, which is dark, serious, character-motivated stuff. The VS [book is], as the preview art perhaps [tells], all about the spectacle of super beings going for each other.

  Why did I pick it? Well, editor Nick Lowe called me up and asked if I’d be interested in writing it. And because I never wrote Spider-Man, I figured it could be fun to do. And it was. I immediately descended to walking around the house, improvising really bad Parker-esque wise-cracks.

AvX Vs #2 preview courtesy Marvel.com

  During the Uncanny X-Men tie-in to Fear Itself Colossus became the Juggernaut and this will play into the showdown with Spidey.

“Peter actually talks about this mid-fight, in terms of the traditional axis. It’s a “What happens is I tire myself out punching you eight million of times, you get angry trying to hit me eight million times and never connecting and then I drop you into a concrete vat” situation. That’s how Juggernaut fights go. The difference is Piotr. He’s not exactly a superbrain, but he’s a damn sight smarter than Cain Marko. That nudges a traditional Spider-Man advantage away.”

Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  How will AvX affect his Uncanny title and change the status quo of Utopia:

“Basically, Uncanny focuses in hard on the mutant-centric Utopia-focused side. While the core book will be about both Avengers and X-Men, mine is primarily interested in what this means to mutantkind, both now, and looking towards whatever comes next. The Avengers are antagonists in my book. I’m interested in them as enemies. I shamelessly don’t give them a fair shake. I get inside my characters’ heads. I write some secret history. I look at how the events of AvX shake up the already volatile internal politics of the Extinction Team.

  I mean, you want some examples? For the former, you ever wondered why Namor’s on the mutants’ side? I do that in issue #11. For the middle aspect, the mystery of the Lights has been a bubbling plot for the mutants’ corner of the universe. I deal with it in #13. And for the latter…well, for that you’ll have to wait. Thinking about it, there is an exception to the “X-Men over Avengers” focus I mentioned above. That’s issue #12, where I go to Tabula Rasa. It’s ended up as something tonally separate to the vast majority of my X-Men run. Its primary focus is on Namor and The Thing, and it’s something of a diversion from my relatively serious approach. I mean, it’s still high stakes, but I think people will laugh a lot. It’s a return to the scene of Namor/Tapeworm Queen intimacy, after all.

Oh, I also throw some villains into the mix. Sinister returns in an enormous way. And, from his perspective, AvX is basically called “Mister Sinister presents…Avengers Vs. X-Men.” In fact, from Sinister’s perspective, it’s “Mister Sinister presents…the whole Marvel Universe, ever.” He’s nothing if not an egotist, as issue #14 will make clear.

And there’s more there too. I don’t want to say anything, but I manage to throw another curve ball into the whole mess with my last issue before AvX. It’s sneaksie, to say the least.”

 For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

 AvX Vs #2 will be Gillen’s first time working with Invincible Iron Man artist Salvador Larroca. 


AvX Eyes On Captain America & Cyclops

courtesy Marvel

  A driven Captain America. A battered but defiant Cyclops. The latest AVX teaser image by John Romita Jr on Marvel focuses on the two generals in the war of superhero teams.

 Cap will lead Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in an invasion of Utopia to seize Hope when he gives the order, “Take the beach.”

 Two great leaders, master strategists, both devoted to their causes will clash. The big question is just how much will one leader sacrifice to win the war?